
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef BASE_VALUES_H_
#define BASE_VALUES_H_

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/checked_iterators.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing_forward.h"
#include "base/value_iterators.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"

namespace base {

// The `Value` class is a variant type can hold one of the following types:
// - null
// - bool
// - int
// - double
// - string (internally UTF8-encoded)
// - binary data (i.e. a blob)
// - dictionary of string keys to `Value`s
// - list of `Value`s
// With the exception of binary blobs, `Value` is intended to be the C++ version
// of data types that can be represented in JSON.
// Warning: blob support may be removed in the future.
// ## Usage
// Do not use `Value` if a more specific type would be more appropriate.  For
// example, a function that only accepts dictionary values should have a
// `base::Value::Dict` parameter, not a `base::Value` parameter.
// Construction:
// `Value` is directly constructible from `bool`, `int`, `double`, binary blobs
// (`std::vector<uint8_t>`), `std::string_view`, `std::u16string_view`,
// `Value::Dict`, and `Value::List`.
// Copying:
// `Value` does not support C++ copy semantics to make it harder to accidentally
// copy large values. Instead, use `Clone()` to manually create a deep copy.
// Reading:
// `GetBool()`, GetInt()`, et cetera `CHECK()` that the `Value` has the correct
// subtype before returning the contained value. `bool`, `int`, `double` are
// returned by value. Binary blobs, `std::string`, `Value::Dict`, `Value::List`
// are returned by reference.
// `GetIfBool()`, `GetIfInt()`, et cetera return `std::nullopt`/`nullptr` if
// the `Value` does not have the correct subtype; otherwise, returns the value
// wrapped in an `std::optional` (for `bool`, `int`, `double`) or by pointer
// (for binary blobs, `std::string`, `Value::Dict`, `Value::List`).
// Note: both `GetDouble()` and `GetIfDouble()` still return a non-null result
// when the subtype is `Value::Type::INT`. In that case, the stored value is
// coerced to a double before being returned.
// Assignment:
// It is not possible to directly assign `bool`, `int`, et cetera to a `Value`.
// Instead, wrap the underlying type in `Value` before assigning.
// ## Dictionaries and Lists
// `Value` provides the `Value::Dict` and `Value::List` container types for
// working with dictionaries and lists of values respectively, rather than
// exposing the underlying container types directly. This allows the types to
// provide convenient helpers for dictionaries and lists, as well as giving
// greater flexibility for changing implementation details in the future.
// Both container types support enough STL-isms to be usable in range-based for
// loops and generic operations such as those from <algorithm>.
// Dictionaries support:
// - `empty()`, `size()`, `begin()`, `end()`, `cbegin()`, `cend()`,
//       `contains()`, `clear()`, `erase()`: Identical to the STL container
//       equivalents, with additional safety checks, e.g. iterators will
//       `CHECK()` if `end()` is dereferenced.
// - `Clone()`: Create a deep copy.
// - `Merge()`: Merge another dictionary into this dictionary.
// - `Find()`: Find a value by `std::string_view` key, returning nullptr if the
//       key is not present.
// - `FindBool()`, `FindInt()`, ...: Similar to `Find()`, but ensures that the
//       `Value` also has the correct subtype. Same return semantics as
//       `GetIfBool()`, `GetIfInt()`, et cetera, returning `std::nullopt` or
//       `nullptr` if the key is not present or the value has the wrong subtype.
// - `Set()`: Associate a value with a `std::string_view` key. Accepts `Value`
//       or any of the subtypes that `Value` can hold.
// - `Remove()`: Remove the key from this dictionary, if present.
// - `Extract()`: If the key is present in the dictionary, removes the key from
//       the dictionary and transfers ownership of `Value` to the caller.
//       Otherwise, returns `std::nullopt`.
// Dictionaries also support an additional set of helper methods that operate on
// "paths": `FindByDottedPath()`, `SetByDottedPath()`, `RemoveByDottedPath()`,
// and `ExtractByDottedPath()`. Dotted paths are a convenience method of naming
// intermediate nested dictionaries, separating the components of the path using
// '.' characters. For example, finding a string path on a `Value::Dict` using
// the dotted path:
//   "aaa.bbb.ccc"
// Will first look for a `Value::Type::DICT` associated with the key "aaa", then
// another `Value::Type::DICT` under the "aaa" dict associated with the
// key "bbb", and then a `Value::Type::STRING` under the "bbb" dict associated
// with the key "ccc".
// If a path only has one component (i.e. has no dots), please use the regular,
// non-path APIs.
// Lists support:
// - `empty()`, `size()`, `begin()`, `end()`, `cbegin()`, `cend()`,
//       `rbegin()`, `rend()`, `front()`, `back()`, `reserve()`, `operator[]`,
//       `clear()`, `erase()`: Identical to the STL container equivalents, with
//       additional safety checks, e.g. `operator[]` will `CHECK()` if the index
//       is out of range.
// - `Clone()`: Create a deep copy.
// - `Append()`: Append a value to the end of the list. Accepts `Value` or any
//       of the subtypes that `Value` can hold.
// - `Insert()`: Insert a `Value` at a specified point in the list.
// - `EraseValue()`: Erases all matching `Value`s from the list.
// - `EraseIf()`: Erase all `Value`s matching an arbitrary predicate from the
//       list.

// Adapter so `Value::Dict` or `Value::List` can be directly passed to JSON
// serialization methods without having to clone the contents and transfer
// ownership of the clone to a `Value` wrapper object.
// Like `std::string_view` and `span<T>`, this adapter does NOT retain
// ownership. Any underlying object that is passed by reference (i.e.
// `std::string`, `Value::BlobStorage`, `Value::Dict`, `Value::List`, or
// `Value`) MUST remain live as long as there is a `ValueView` referencing it.
// While it might be nice to just use the `absl::variant` type directly, the
// need to use `std::reference_wrapper` makes it clunky. `absl::variant` and
// `std::reference_wrapper` both support implicit construction, but C++ only
// allows at most one user-defined conversion in an implicit conversion
// sequence. If this adapter and its implicit constructors did not exist,
// callers would need to use `std::ref` or `std::cref` to pass `Value::Dict` or
// `Value::List` to a function with a `ValueView` parameter.

// This interface is implemented by classes that know how to serialize
// Value objects.
class BASE_EXPORT ValueSerializer {};

// This interface is implemented by classes that know how to deserialize Value
// objects.
class BASE_EXPORT ValueDeserializer {};

// Stream operator so Values can be pretty printed by gtest.
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Value& value);
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                     const Value::Dict& dict);
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                     const Value::List& list);

// Stream operator so that enum class Types can be used in log statements.
BASE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                     const Value::Type& type);

}  // namespace base

#endif  // BASE_VALUES_H_