// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace bring_android_tabs {
// Name of tab count histogram; logged when the bring android tabs prompt
// appears.
extern const char kTabCountHistogramName[];
// Name of the action taken by the user after the Bring Android Tabs prompt is
// presented.
extern const char kPromptActionHistogramName[];
// Name of the action taken by the user in response to the Bring Android Tabs
// review tabs table.
extern const char kTabListActionHistogramName[];
// Name of deselected tab count histogram; logged the review Android tabs table
// is dismissed.
extern const char kDeselectedTabCountHistogramName[];
// Name of the prompt attempt status histogram; logged when the set of tabs is
// prompted for an Android switcher.
extern const char kPromptAttemptStatusHistogramName[];
// The result of prompting the set of tabs for a user. This is
// mapped to the IOSPromptTabsForAndroidSwitcherState enum in enums.xml for
// metrics. Starting M116, this would only be reported for Android switchers.
enum class PromptAttemptStatus {
// kSyncDisabled = 0, (no longer reported)
// kSegmentationIncomplete = 1, (no longer reported)
kPromptShownAndDismissed = 2,
kTabSyncDisabled = 3,
kNoActiveTabs = 4,
// kNotAndroidSwitcher = 5, (no longer reported)
kSuccess = 6,
kMaxValue = kSuccess,
// Interactions with the initial Bring Android Tabs prompt. This is mapped to
// the IOSBringAndroidTabsPromptActionType enum in enums.xml for metrics.
enum class PromptActionType {
kReviewTabs = 0,
kOpenTabs = 1,
kCancel = 2,
kSwipeToDismiss = 3,
kMaxValue = kSwipeToDismiss,
// Interactions with the Bring Android Tabs Tab List view. This is mapped to the
// IOSBringAndroidTabsTabsListActionType enum in enums.xml for metrics.
enum class TabsListActionType {
kCancel = 0,
kSwipeDown = 1,
kOpenTabs = 2,
kMaxValue = kOpenTabs,
} // namespace bring_android_tabs