
 *  Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

// This implementation is borrowed from Chromium.


#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/system/no_unique_address.h"

namespace webrtc {
// Tag type that allows skipping the sort_and_unique step when constructing a
// flat_tree in case the underlying container is already sorted and has no
// duplicate elements.
struct sorted_unique_t {};
extern sorted_unique_t sorted_unique;

namespace flat_containers_internal {

// Helper functions used in RTC_DCHECKs below to make sure that inputs tagged
// with sorted_unique are indeed sorted and unique.
template <typename Range, typename Comp>
constexpr bool is_sorted_and_unique(const Range& range, Comp comp) {}

// This is a convenience trait inheriting from std::true_type if Iterator is at
// least a ForwardIterator and thus supports multiple passes over a range.

// Uses SFINAE to detect whether type has is_transparent member.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct IsTransparentCompare : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct IsTransparentCompare<T, std::void_t<typename T::is_transparent>>
    : std::true_type {};

// Helper inspired by C++20's std::to_array to convert a C-style array to a
// std::array. As opposed to the C++20 version this implementation does not
// provide an overload for rvalues and does not strip cv qualifers from the
// returned std::array::value_type. The returned value_type needs to be
// specified explicitly, allowing the construction of std::arrays with const
// elements.
// Reference:
template <typename U, typename T, size_t N, size_t... I>
constexpr std::array<U, N> ToArrayImpl(const T (&data)[N],
                                       std::index_sequence<I...>) {}

template <typename U, typename T, size_t N>
constexpr std::array<U, N> ToArray(const T (&data)[N]) {}

// std::pair's operator= is not constexpr prior to C++20. Thus we need this
// small helper to invoke operator= on the .first and .second member explicitly.
template <typename T>
constexpr void Assign(T& lhs, T&& rhs) {}

template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr void Assign(std::pair<T, U>& lhs, std::pair<T, U>&& rhs) {}

// constexpr swap implementation. std::swap is not constexpr prior to C++20.
template <typename T>
constexpr void Swap(T& lhs, T& rhs) {}

// constexpr prev implementation. std::prev is not constexpr prior to C++17.
template <typename BidirIt>
constexpr BidirIt Prev(BidirIt it) {}

// constexpr next implementation. std::next is not constexpr prior to C++17.
template <typename InputIt>
constexpr InputIt Next(InputIt it) {}

// constexpr sort implementation. std::sort is not constexpr prior to C++20.
// While insertion sort has a quadratic worst case complexity, it was chosen
// because it has linear complexity for nearly sorted data, is stable, and
// simple to implement.
template <typename BidirIt, typename Compare>
constexpr void InsertionSort(BidirIt first, BidirIt last, const Compare& comp) {}

// Implementation -------------------------------------------------------------

// Implementation for the sorted associative flat_set and flat_map using a
// sorted vector as the backing store. Do not use directly.
// The use of "value" in this is like std::map uses, meaning it's the thing
// contained (in the case of map it's a <Kay, Mapped> pair). The Key is how
// things are looked up. In the case of a set, Key == Value. In the case of
// a map, the Key is a component of a Value.
// The helper class GetKeyFromValue provides the means to extract a key from a
// value for comparison purposes. It should implement:
//   const Key& operator()(const Value&).
template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
class flat_tree {};

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifetime.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class InputIterator>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    InputIterator first,
    InputIterator last,
    const KeyCompare& comp)
    : comp_(comp), body_(first, last) {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    const container_type& items,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    container_type&& items,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class InputIterator>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    InputIterator first,
    InputIterator last,
    const KeyCompare& comp)
    : comp_(comp), body_(first, last) {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    const container_type& items,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    container_type&& items,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::flat_tree(
    std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
    const KeyCompare& comp)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assignments.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::operator=(
    std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist) -> flat_tree& {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Memory management.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::reserve(
    size_type new_capacity) {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::capacity() const
    -> size_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::shrink_to_fit() {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Size management.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::clear() {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::size()
    const -> size_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::max_size() const
    -> size_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr bool flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::empty()
    const {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterators.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::begin()
    -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::begin()
    const -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::cbegin() const
    -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::end() -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::end()
    const -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::cend() const
    -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::rbegin()
    -> reverse_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::rbegin() const
    -> const_reverse_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::crbegin() const
    -> const_reverse_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::rend()
    -> reverse_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::rend() const
    -> const_reverse_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::crend() const
    -> const_reverse_iterator {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert operations.
// Currently we use position_hint the same way as eastl or boost:

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::insert(
    const value_type& val) -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::insert(
    value_type&& val) -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::insert(
    const_iterator position_hint,
    const value_type& val) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::insert(
    const_iterator position_hint,
    value_type&& val) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class InputIterator>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::insert(
    InputIterator first,
    InputIterator last) {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class... Args>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::emplace(
    Args&&... args) -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class... Args>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::emplace_hint(
    const_iterator position_hint,
    Args&&... args) -> iterator {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Underlying type operations.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::
    extract() && -> container_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::replace(
    container_type&& body) {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Erase operations.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::erase(
    iterator position) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename DummyT>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::erase(
    const_iterator position) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::erase(const K& val)
    -> size_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::erase(
    const_iterator first,
    const_iterator last) -> iterator {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparators.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::key_comp() const
    -> key_compare {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
constexpr auto
flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::value_comp() const
    -> value_compare {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search operations.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::count(
    const K& key) const -> size_type {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::find(const K& key)
    -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::find(
    const K& key) const -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
bool flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::contains(
    const K& key) const {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::equal_range(
    const K& key) -> std::pair<iterator, iterator> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::equal_range(
    const K& key) const -> std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::lower_bound(
    const K& key) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::lower_bound(
    const K& key) const -> const_iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::upper_bound(
    const K& key) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <typename K>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::upper_bound(
    const K& key) const -> const_iterator {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General operations.

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
void flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::swap(
    flat_tree& other) noexcept {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class... Args>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::unsafe_emplace(
    const_iterator position,
    Args&&... args) -> iterator {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class K, class... Args>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::emplace_key_args(
    const K& key,
    Args&&... args) -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {}

template <class Key, class GetKeyFromValue, class KeyCompare, class Container>
template <class K, class... Args>
auto flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>::
    emplace_hint_key_args(const_iterator hint, const K& key, Args&&... args)
        -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Free functions.

// Erases all elements that match predicate. It has O(size) complexity.
template <class Key,
          class GetKeyFromValue,
          class KeyCompare,
          class Container,
          typename Predicate>
size_t EraseIf(
        flat_tree<Key, GetKeyFromValue, KeyCompare, Container>& container,
    Predicate pred) {}

}  // namespace flat_containers_internal
}  // namespace webrtc