// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
enum class FeedRefreshTrigger;
@class NSDate;
// An interface to refresh the Discover Feed.
class DiscoverFeedRefresher {
// Refreshes the Discover Feed. `trigger` describes the context of the
// refresh.
virtual void RefreshFeed(FeedRefreshTrigger trigger) = 0;
// Performs a background refresh for the feed. `completion` is called
// after success, failure, or timeout. The BOOL argument indicates whether the
// refresh was successful or a failure.
virtual void PerformBackgroundRefreshes(void (^completion)(BOOL)) = 0;
// Stops the background refresh task and cleans up any temporary objects. This
// is called by the OS when the task is taking too long.
virtual void HandleBackgroundRefreshTaskExpiration() = 0;
// The earliest datetime at which the next background refresh should be
// scheduled.
virtual NSDate* GetEarliestBackgroundRefreshBeginDate() = 0;