// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
// Enum for the Download.IOSDownloadMimeType UMA histogram to report the
// MIME type of the download task.
// Note: This enum is used to back an UMA histogram, and should be treated as
// append-only.
// LINT.IfChange
enum class DownloadMimeTypeResult {
// MIME type other than those listed below.
Other = 0,
// application/vnd.apple.pkpass MIME type.
PkPass = 1,
// application/x-apple-aspen-config MIME type.
iOSMobileConfig = 2,
// application/zip MIME type.
ZipArchive = 3,
// application/x-msdownload MIME type (.exe file).
MicrosoftApplication = 4,
// application/vnd.android.package-archive MIME type (.apk file).
AndroidPackageArchive = 5,
// text/vcard MIME type.
VirtualContactFile = 6,
// text/calendar MIME type.
Calendar = 7,
// model/usd MIME type.
LegacyUniversalSceneDescription = 8,
// application/x-apple-diskimage MIME type.
AppleDiskImage = 9,
// application/vnd.apple.installer+xml MIME type.
AppleInstallerPackage = 10,
// application/x-7z-compressed MIME type.
SevenZipArchive = 11,
// application/x-rar-compressed MIME type.
RARArchive = 12,
// application/x-tar MIME type.
TarArchive = 13,
// application/x-shockwave-flash MIME type.
AdobeFlash = 14,
// application/vnd.amazon.ebook MIME type.
AmazonKindleBook = 15,
// application/octet-stream MIME type.
BinaryData = 16,
// application/x-bittorrent MIME type.
BitTorrent = 17,
// application/java-archive MIME type.
JavaArchive = 18,
// model/vnd.pixar.usd MIME type.
LegacyPixarUniversalSceneDescription = 19,
// model/vnd.usdz+zip MIME type.
UniversalSceneDescription = 20,
// text/vcard MIME type.
Vcard = 21,
AACAudio = 22,
AbiWordDocument = 23,
ArchiveDocument = 24,
AVIFImage = 25,
AVIVideo = 26,
GenericBitmap = 27,
MicrosoftBitmap = 28,
BZip2Archive = 29,
CDAudio = 30,
CShellScript = 31,
CascadingStyleSheet = 32,
CommaSeparatedValues = 33,
MicrosoftWord = 34,
MicrosoftWordXML = 35,
MSEmbeddedOpenTypefont = 36,
ElectronicPublication = 37,
GZipCompressedArchive = 38,
GraphicsInterchangeFormat = 39,
HyperTextMarkupLanguage = 40,
IconFormat = 41,
JPEGImage = 42,
JavaScript = 43,
JSONFormat = 44,
JSONLDFormat = 45,
MusicalInstrumentDigitalInterface = 46,
XMusicalInstrumentDigitalInterface = 47,
MP3Audio = 48,
MP4Video = 49,
MPEGVideo = 50,
OpenDocumentPresentationDocument = 51,
OpenDocumentSpreadsheetDocument = 52,
OpenDocumentTextDocument = 53,
OGGAudio = 54,
OGGVideo = 55,
OGG = 56,
OpusAudio = 57,
OpenTypeFont = 58,
PortableNetworkGraphic = 59,
AdobePortableDocumentFormat = 60,
HypertextPreprocessor = 61,
MicrosoftPowerPoint = 62,
MicrosoftPowerPointOpenXML = 63,
RARArchiveVND = 64,
RichTextFormat = 65,
BourneShellScript = 66,
ScalableVectorGraphic = 67,
TaggedImageFileFormat = 68,
MPEGTransportStream = 69,
TrueTypeFont = 70,
Text = 71,
MicrosoftVisio = 72,
WaveformAudioFormat = 73,
WEBMAudio = 74,
WEBMVideo = 75,
WEBPImage = 76,
WebOpenFont = 77,
WebOpenFont2 = 78,
XHTML = 79,
MicrosoftExcel = 80,
MicrosoftExcelOpenXML = 81,
XML = 82,
XUL = 83,
k3GPPVideo = 84,
k3GPPAudio = 85,
k3GPP2Video = 86,
k3GPP2Audio = 87,
kBundledPkPass = 88,
kMaxValue = kBundledPkPass,
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml)
// Returns DownloadMimeTypeResult for the given MIME type.
DownloadMimeTypeResult GetDownloadMimeTypeResultFromMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type);