// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_context.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_driver.h"
#include "ios/web/public/web_state_observer.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_user_data.h"
namespace history {
class HistoryService;
} // namespace history
namespace web {
class NavigationItem;
class NavigationContext;
} // namespace web
// HistoryTabHelper updates the history database based on navigation events from
// its parent WebState.
class HistoryTabHelper
: public history::Context,
public web::WebStateObserver,
public translate::TranslateDriver::LanguageDetectionObserver,
public web::WebStateUserData<HistoryTabHelper> {
HistoryTabHelper(const HistoryTabHelper&) = delete;
HistoryTabHelper& operator=(const HistoryTabHelper&) = delete;
~HistoryTabHelper() override;
// Updates history with the specified navigation. This is called by
// DidFinishNavigation to update history state.
void UpdateHistoryForNavigation(
const history::HistoryAddPageArgs& add_page_args);
// Sends the page title to the history service. Public for testing.
void UpdateHistoryPageTitle(const web::NavigationItem& item);
// Returns the history::HistoryAddPageArgs to use for adding a page to
// history. Public for testing.
history::HistoryAddPageArgs CreateHistoryAddPageArgs(
web::NavigationItem* last_committed_item,
web::NavigationContext* navigation_context);
// Sets whether the navigation should be send to the HistoryService or saved
// for later (this will generally be set to true while the WebState is used
// for pre-rendering).
void SetDelayHistoryServiceNotification(bool delay_notification);
// TranslateDriver::LanguageDetectionObserver implementation.
void OnLanguageDetermined(
const translate::LanguageDetectionDetails& details) override;
friend class web::WebStateUserData<HistoryTabHelper>;
// Constructs a new HistoryTabHelper.
explicit HistoryTabHelper(web::WebState* web_state);
// web::WebStateObserver implementation.
void DidFinishNavigation(web::WebState* web_state,
web::NavigationContext* navigation_context) override;
void PageLoaded(
web::WebState* web_state,
web::PageLoadCompletionStatus load_completion_status) override;
void TitleWasSet(web::WebState* web_state) override;
void WebStateDestroyed(web::WebState* web_state) override;
// Helper function to return the history service. May return null.
history::HistoryService* GetHistoryService();
// The WebState this instance is observing. Will be null after
// WebStateDestroyed has been called.
raw_ptr<web::WebState> web_state_ = nullptr;
// Observes LanguageDetectionObserver, which notifies us when the language of
// the contents of the current page has been determined.
// Hold navigation entries that need to be added to the history database.
// Pre-rendered WebStates do not write navigation data to the history DB
// immediately, instead they are cached in this vector and added when it
// is converted to a non-pre-rendered state.
std::vector<history::HistoryAddPageArgs> recorded_navigations_;
// Controls whether the navigation will be sent to the HistoryService when
// they happen or delayed. If delayed, then they will be sent when the flag
// is set to false.
bool delay_notification_ = false;
// Number of title changes since the loading of the navigation started.
int num_title_changes_;
// The time that the current page finished loading. Only title changes within
// a certain time period after the page load is complete will be saved to the
// history system. Only applies to the main frame of the page.
base::TimeTicks last_load_completion_;
// Some cached state about the current navigation, used to identify it again
// once a new navigation has happened.
struct NavigationState {
int nav_entry_id;
GURL url;
std::optional<NavigationState> cached_navigation_state_;