# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (build_with_chromium) {
if (enable_java_templates) {
# Create or update the API versions cache if necessary by running a
# functionally empty lint task. This prevents racy creation of the
# cache while linting java targets in android_lint.
android_lint("prepare_android_lint_cache") {
create_cache = true
generate_build_config_srcjar("build_config_gen") {
use_final_fields = false
generate_build_config_srcjar("build_config_for_testing_gen") {
use_final_fields = false
testonly = true
write_native_libraries_java("native_libraries_gen") {
use_final_fields = false
java_library("build_java") {
supports_android = true
srcjar_deps = [
sources = [
jar_excluded_patterns = [ "*/build/BuildConfig.class" ]
# New version of NativeLibraries.java (with the actual correct values) will
# be created when creating an apk.
jar_excluded_patterns += [ "*/NativeLibraries.class" ]
proguard_configs = [ "chromium_annotations.flags" ]
# Not all //build embedders pull in junit_binary deps that live in //third_party.
if (build_with_chromium) {
android_assets("junit_test_assets") {
testonly = true
# We just need any file here, so use the test itself.
sources = [ "junit/src/org/chromium/build/AndroidAssetsTest.java" ]
android_resources("junit_test_resources") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "junit/res/values/strings.xml" ]
mergeable_android_manifests = [ "junit/AndroidManifest_mergetest.xml" ]
robolectric_binary("build_junit_tests") {
# Test has no JNI, so skip JNI Generator step.
resources_package = "org.chromium.build"
sources = [
deps = [
if (defined(sanitizer_arch)) {
action("generate_wrap_sh") {
script = "generate_wrap_sh.py"
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name/wrap.sh" ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# TODO(go/turn-down-test-results): Remove once we turn down
# test-results.appspot.com
python_library("test_result_presentations_py") {
pydeps_file = "pylib/results/presentation/test_results_presentation.pydeps"
data = [
python_library("devil_chromium_py") {
pydeps_file = "devil_chromium.pydeps"
data = [
# Read by gn_helpers.BuildWithChromium()
# Contains runtime deps for installing apks.
# E.g. from test_runner.py or from apk_operations.py.
group("apk_installer_data") {
# Other //build users let devil library fetch these from Google Storage.
if (build_with_chromium) {
if (is_component_build) {
data_deps = [
data = [ "//third_party/android_build_tools/bundletool/cipd/bundletool.jar" ]
python_library("apk_operations_py") {
pydeps_file = "apk_operations.pydeps"
deps = [ ":apk_installer_data" ]
group("test_runner_py") {
testonly = true
deps = [
python_library("test_runner_core_py") {
testonly = true
pydeps_file = "test_runner.pydeps"
data = [
data_deps = [ ":logdog_wrapper_py" ]
if (use_clang_coverage && checkout_clang_coverage_tools) {
# Test runner script may use `llvm-profdata` (if exists) to merge
# clang code coverage data after each instrumentation test to
# save space. The tool only exists when `checkout_clang_coverage_tools`
# gclient custom_var is true.
data += [ "${clang_base_path}/bin/llvm-profdata" ]
group("test_runner_device_support") {
testonly = true
# We hardcode using these tools from the public sdk in devil_chromium.json and
# in pylib's constants.
data = [
data_deps = [
# Other //build users let devil library fetch these from Google Storage.
if (build_with_chromium) {
if (!is_component_build) {
data_deps += [ "//tools/android/forwarder2" ]
data += [ "//tools/android/avd/proto/" ]
if (enable_chrome_android_internal) {
data += [ "//clank/tools/android/avd/proto/" ]
if (use_full_mte) {
data_deps += [ "//tools/android/mte:mte_device_setup" ]
# Proguard is needed only when using apks (rather than native executables).
if (enable_java_templates) {
data_deps += [ "//build/android/stacktrace:java_deobfuscate" ]
python_library("logdog_wrapper_py") {
pydeps_file = "test_wrapper/logdog_wrapper.pydeps"
python_library("resource_sizes_py") {
pydeps_file = "resource_sizes.pydeps"
data_deps = [
data = [
# Tools necessary for symbolizing tombstones or stack traces that are output to
# logcat.
# Hidden behind build_with_chromium because some third party repos that use
# //build don't pull in //third_party/android_platform.
# TODO(crbug.com/40145789): Move stack script into //build/third_party
# and enable unconditionally.
group("stack_tools") {
if (build_with_chromium) {
data = [
data_deps =
[ "//third_party/android_platform/development/scripts:stack_py" ]
# GN evaluates each .gn file once per toolchain, so restricting to default
# toolchain will ensure write_file() is called only once.
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain)
# NOTE: If other platforms would benefit from exporting variables, we should
# move this to a more top-level place.
# It is currently here (instead of //BUILD.gn) to ensure that the file is
# written even for non-chromium embedders of //build.
_build_vars_json = {
# Underscore prefix so that it appears at the top.
_HEADER = "Generated during 'gn gen' by //build/android/BUILD.gn."
forward_variables_from(android_build_vars_json, "*")
write_file(build_vars_file, _build_vars_json, "json")