
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


class GURL;
class TemplateURLService;

namespace web {
class WebState;

// Returns whether the `url` is currently a NewTabPage url.
bool IsURLNewTabPage(const GURL& url);

// Returns whether the `web_state` visible URL is currently a NewTabPage url.
bool IsVisibleURLNewTabPage(web::WebState* web_state);

// Returns whether the `web_state` visible URL is currently a NewTabPage url,
// and has no navigation history.
bool IsNTPWithoutHistory(web::WebState* web_state);

// Whether the feed should be hidden because of the DSE choice.
bool ShouldHideFeedWithSearchChoice(TemplateURLService* template_url_service);