// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <vector>
#import "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#import "base/no_destructor.h"
#import "components/saved_tab_groups/saved_tab_group.h"
#import "components/saved_tab_groups/tab_group_sync_delegate.h"
#import "components/saved_tab_groups/types.h"
class Browser;
class BrowserList;
class TabGroup;
class TabInsertionBrowserAgent;
namespace tab_groups {
class TabGroupLocalUpdateObserver;
class TabGroupSyncService;
namespace utils {
struct LocalTabGroupInfo;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace tab_groups
namespace web {
class WebState;
} // namespace web
namespace tab_groups {
// IOS Subclass of the TabGroupSyncDelegate.
class IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate : public TabGroupSyncDelegate {
BrowserList* browser_list,
TabGroupSyncService* sync_service,
std::unique_ptr<TabGroupLocalUpdateObserver> local_update_observer);
IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate(const IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate&) = delete;
IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate& operator=(const IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate&) = delete;
~IOSTabGroupSyncDelegate() override;
// TabGroupSyncDelegate.
void HandleOpenTabGroupRequest(
const base::Uuid& sync_tab_group_id,
std::unique_ptr<TabGroupActionContext> context) override;
CreateScopedLocalObserverPauser() override;
void CreateLocalTabGroup(const SavedTabGroup& saved_tab_group) override;
void CloseLocalTabGroup(const LocalTabGroupID& local_tab_group_id) override;
void UpdateLocalTabGroup(const SavedTabGroup& saved_tab_group) override;
std::vector<LocalTabGroupID> GetLocalTabGroupIds() override;
std::vector<LocalTabID> GetLocalTabIdsForTabGroup(
const LocalTabGroupID& local_tab_group_id) override;
void CreateRemoteTabGroup(const LocalTabGroupID& local_tab_group_id) override;
// Retrieves the browser associated with the scene with the highest level of
// activation.
Browser* GetMostActiveSceneBrowser();
// Inserts the `distant_tab` using `tab_insertion_browser_agent` at
// `web_state_index`.
web::WebState* InsertDistantTab(
const SavedTabGroupTab& tab,
TabInsertionBrowserAgent* tab_insertion_browser_agent,
int web_state_index,
const TabGroup* tab_group);
// Updates the given `web_state` to match the distant `synced_tab`.
void UpdateLocalWebState(int web_state_index,
web::WebState* web_state,
tab_groups::utils::LocalTabGroupInfo tab_group_info,
const SavedTabGroupTab& synced_tab);
// Updates the association of the local tab id on the server.
void UpdateLocalTabId(web::WebState* web_state,
const TabGroup* tab_group,
const SavedTabGroupTab& saved_tab);
// Updates the visual data of the local tab group to match the
// `SavedTabGroup`.
void UpdateLocalGroupVisualData(utils::LocalTabGroupInfo tab_group_info,
const SavedTabGroup& saved_tab_group);
// Creates a local tab group based on `saved_tab_group` and `browser`. Pass
// nullptr for the browser to create the group on the most active window.
// Returns the ID used to create the new group.
std::optional<LocalTabGroupID> CreateLocalTabGroupImpl(
const SavedTabGroup& saved_tab_group,
Browser* browser);
raw_ptr<BrowserList> browser_list_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<TabGroupSyncService> sync_service_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<TabGroupLocalUpdateObserver> local_update_observer_;
} // namespace tab_groups