// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/session_migration.h"
#import "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#import "base/containers/span.h"
#import "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#import "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#import "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#import "base/time/time.h"
#import "components/tab_groups/tab_group_id.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/fake_tab_restore_service.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/proto/storage.pb.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/session_constants.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/session_internal_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/session_tab_group.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/session_window_ios.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/sessions/model/tab_group_util.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/crw_navigation_item_storage.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/crw_session_storage.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/crw_session_user_data.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/proto/metadata.pb.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/proto/navigation.pb.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/proto/proto_util.h"
#import "ios/web/public/session/proto/storage.pb.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_id.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#import "testing/platform_test.h"
#import "url/gurl.h"
using SessionMigrationTest = PlatformTest;
using tab_groups::TabGroupId;
namespace {
// Information about a single tab.
struct TabInfo {
const int opener_index = -1;
const int opener_navigation_index = -1;
const bool create_web_session = true;
// Information about a tab group.
struct TabGroupInfo {
const int range_start = -1;
const int range_count = 0;
const std::u16string title = u"";
const tab_groups::TabGroupColorId color = tab_groups::TabGroupColorId::kGrey;
const bool collapsed_state = false;
const TabGroupId tab_group_id = TabGroupId::GenerateNew();
// Information about a session.
struct SessionInfo {
const int active_index = -1;
const int pinned_tab_count = 0;
const base::span<const TabInfo> tabs;
const base::span<const TabGroupInfo> tab_groups;
// Name of the sessions used by the tests (random string obtained by
// running `uuidgen` on the command-line, no meaning to it).
const char kSessionName1[] = "CB5AC1AF-8E93-407B-AE48-65ECE7C241C0";
const char kSessionName2[] = "B829AD40-FD11-4874-B5BF-B56C13DC2496";
// Name of the sub-directory of the off-the-record BrowserState data.
const base::FilePath::CharType kOTRDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("OTR");
// Constants used to populate navigation items.
const char kPageURL[] = "https://www.example.com";
const char kPageTitle[] = "Example Domain";
// Name of unrelated files.
const base::FilePath::CharType kUnrelatedFilename[] =
// Constants representing the default session used for tests.
constexpr TabInfo kTabs1[] = {
TabInfo{.create_web_session = false},
TabInfo{.opener_index = 2, .opener_navigation_index = 0},
TabInfo{.opener_index = 2, .opener_navigation_index = 0},
constexpr SessionInfo kSessionInfo1 = {
.active_index = 1,
.pinned_tab_count = 2,
.tabs = base::make_span(kTabs1),
constexpr TabInfo kTabs2[] = {
const TabGroupInfo kTabGroups1[] = {
.range_start = 0,
.range_count = 1,
.title = u"kTabGroup1",
.color = tab_groups::TabGroupColorId::kGrey,
constexpr SessionInfo kSessionInfo2 = {
.active_index = 0,
.pinned_tab_count = 0,
.tabs = base::make_span(kTabs2),
constexpr SessionInfo kSessionWithGroupsInfo = {
.active_index = 0,
.pinned_tab_count = 0,
.tabs = base::make_span(kTabs2),
.tab_groups = base::make_span(kTabGroups1),
// Returns the path to the directory containing the optimized session
// named `name` (located in `root` sub-directory).
base::FilePath GetOptimizedSessionDir(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name) {
return root.Append(kSessionRestorationDirname).AppendASCII(name);
// Returns the path to the directory containing the legacy session
// named `name` (located in `root` sub-directory).
base::FilePath GetLegacySessionDir(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name) {
return root.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname).AppendASCII(name);
// Returns the path to the file containing the web sessions for the
// tab with identifier `identifier` for a legacy session (relative
// to the web session directory `web_sessions`).
base::FilePath GetLegacyWebSessionsFile(const base::FilePath& web_sessions,
web::WebStateID identifier) {
return web_sessions.Append(
base::StringPrintf("%08u", identifier.identifier()));
// Returns the path to the directory containing the optimized storage
// for a tab named `identifier` for session `session_dir`.
base::FilePath GetOptimizedWebStateDir(const base::FilePath& session_dir,
web::WebStateID identifier) {
return session_dir.Append(
base::StringPrintf("%08x", identifier.identifier()));
// Converts an active index into a selected index.
NSUInteger SelectedIndexFromActiveIndex(int active_index) {
return active_index < 0 ? static_cast<NSUInteger>(NSNotFound)
: static_cast<NSUInteger>(active_index);
// Creates a CRWNavigationItemStorage.
CRWNavigationItemStorage* CreateNavigationItemStorage() {
CRWNavigationItemStorage* item = [[CRWNavigationItemStorage alloc] init];
item.title = base::UTF8ToUTF16(&kPageTitle[0]);
item.virtualURL = GURL(kPageURL);
return item;
// Creates a CRWSessionStorage following `tab_info` and `is_pinned`.
CRWSessionStorage* CreateSessionStorage(TabInfo tab_info, bool is_pinned) {
CRWSessionUserData* user_data = [[CRWSessionUserData alloc] init];
if (tab_info.opener_index != -1 && tab_info.opener_navigation_index != -1) {
[user_data setObject:@(tab_info.opener_index)
[user_data setObject:@(tab_info.opener_navigation_index)
if (is_pinned) {
[user_data setObject:@YES forKey:kLegacyWebStateListPinnedStateKey];
CRWSessionStorage* session = [[CRWSessionStorage alloc] init];
session.stableIdentifier = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString];
session.uniqueIdentifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique();
session.itemStorages = @[ CreateNavigationItemStorage() ];
session.creationTime = base::Time::Now();
session.lastActiveTime = base::Time::Now();
session.userData = user_data;
return session;
// Creates a legacy session named `name` following `session_info` and
// writes it to the expected location relative to `root`. It returns
// whether the creation was a success.
bool GenerateLegacySession(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name,
SessionInfo session_info) {
const base::FilePath web_sessions = root.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Create all the tabs for the session. Note that the WebStateList metadata
// is stored with the tab in the legacy format.
NSMutableArray<CRWSessionStorage*>* sessions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tabs.size(); ++index) {
// Create a fake tab with a single navigation item.
const bool is_pinned =
static_cast<int>(index) < session_info.pinned_tab_count;
CRWSessionStorage* session =
CreateSessionStorage(session_info.tabs[index], is_pinned);
// Create fake web session data for the tab. As the file contains
// opaque data from WebKit, the migration code does not care about
// the format.
if (session_info.tabs[index].create_web_session) {
const base::FilePath filename =
GetLegacyWebSessionsFile(web_sessions, session.uniqueIdentifier);
NSData* data = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"data %zu", index]
if (!ios::sessions::WriteFile(filename, data)) {
return false;
[sessions addObject:session];
// Create tab groups for the session.
NSMutableArray<SessionTabGroup*>* groups = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tab_groups.size(); ++index) {
const TabGroupInfo group_info = session_info.tab_groups[index];
SessionTabGroup* session_tab_group = [[SessionTabGroup alloc]
[groups addObject:session_tab_group];
const NSUInteger selected_index =
SessionWindowIOS* session =
[[SessionWindowIOS alloc] initWithSessions:sessions
// Write the session file.
const base::FilePath filename =
GetLegacySessionDir(root, name).Append(kLegacySessionFilename);
return ios::sessions::WriteSessionWindow(filename, session);
// Creates a legacy session named `name` following `session_info` with
// invalid "unique identifiers" and writes it to the expected location
// relative to `root`. It returns whether the creation was a success.
bool GenerateLegacySessionInvalidUniqueIdentifiers(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name,
SessionInfo session_info) {
const base::FilePath web_sessions = root.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Create all the tabs for the session. Note that the WebStateList metadata
// is stored with the tab in the legacy format.
NSMutableArray<CRWSessionStorage*>* sessions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tabs.size(); ++index) {
// Create a fake tab with a single navigation item.
const bool is_pinned =
static_cast<int>(index) < session_info.pinned_tab_count;
CRWSessionStorage* session =
CreateSessionStorage(session_info.tabs[index], is_pinned);
// Create fake web session data for the tab. As the file contains
// opaque data from WebKit, the migration code does not care about
// the format.
if (session_info.tabs[index].create_web_session) {
const base::FilePath filename =
GetLegacyWebSessionsFile(web_sessions, session.uniqueIdentifier);
NSData* data = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"data %zu", index]
if (!ios::sessions::WriteFile(filename, data)) {
return false;
} else {
session.uniqueIdentifier = web::WebStateID(); // Clear unique identifier!
[sessions addObject:session];
const NSUInteger selected_index =
SessionWindowIOS* session =
[[SessionWindowIOS alloc] initWithSessions:sessions
// Write the session file.
const base::FilePath filename =
GetLegacySessionDir(root, name).Append(kLegacySessionFilename);
return ios::sessions::WriteSessionWindow(filename, session);
// Creates a WebStateMetadataStorage.
web::proto::WebStateMetadataStorage CreateWebStateMetadataStorage() {
web::proto::WebStateMetadataStorage storage;
return storage;
// Creates a WebStateStorage.
web::proto::WebStateStorage CreateWebStateStorage() {
web::proto::NavigationItemStorage item_storage;
web::proto::WebStateStorage storage;
*storage.mutable_navigation()->add_items() = item_storage;
return storage;
// Creates an optimized session named `name` following `session_info` and
// writes it to the expected location relative to `root`. It returns
// whether the creation was a success.
bool GenerateOptimizedSession(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name,
SessionInfo session_info) {
const base::FilePath session_dir = GetOptimizedSessionDir(root, name);
ios::proto::WebStateListStorage storage;
// Create all the tabs for the session. Note that the WebStateList metadata
// is stored with the tab in the legacy format.
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tabs.size(); ++index) {
const web::WebStateID identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique();
const base::FilePath item_dir =
GetOptimizedWebStateDir(session_dir, identifier);
const TabInfo& tab_info = session_info.tabs[index];
ios::proto::WebStateListItemStorage& item_storage = *storage.add_items();
if (tab_info.opener_index != -1 && tab_info.opener_navigation_index != -1) {
// Set the metadata into the WebStateListItemStorage.
*item_storage.mutable_metadata() = CreateWebStateMetadataStorage();
// Write the tab data file.
if (!ios::sessions::WriteProto(item_dir.Append(kWebStateStorageFilename),
CreateWebStateStorage())) {
return false;
// Create fake web session data for the tab. As the file contains
// opaque data from WebKit, the migration code does not care about
// the format.
if (tab_info.create_web_session) {
const base::FilePath filename = item_dir.Append(kWebStateSessionFilename);
NSData* data = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"data %zu", index]
if (!ios::sessions::WriteFile(filename, data)) {
return false;
// Create tab groups for the session.
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tab_groups.size(); ++index) {
const TabGroupInfo group_info = session_info.tab_groups[index];
ios::proto::TabGroupStorage& group_storage = *storage.add_groups();
ios::proto::RangeIndex& range = *group_storage.mutable_range();
// Write the session metadata file.
const base::FilePath filename = session_dir.Append(kSessionMetadataFilename);
return ios::sessions::WriteProto(filename, storage);
// Checks whether the optimized session in `root` named `name` corresponds
// to the session described by `session_info`.
void CheckOptimizedSession(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name,
SessionInfo session_info) {
const base::FilePath session_dir = GetOptimizedSessionDir(root, name);
// Load the optimized session from disk.
ios::proto::WebStateListStorage storage;
session_dir.Append(kSessionMetadataFilename), storage));
// Check that the session metadata are correct.
EXPECT_EQ(storage.active_index(), session_info.active_index);
EXPECT_EQ(storage.pinned_item_count(), session_info.pinned_tab_count);
// Check that each tab metadata and data are correct.
ASSERT_EQ(storage.items_size(), static_cast<int>(session_info.tabs.size()));
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tabs.size(); ++index) {
const ios::proto::WebStateListItemStorage& item_info = storage.items(index);
const TabInfo& tab_info = session_info.tabs[index];
// Check the opener-opener relationship for correctness.
if (tab_info.opener_index != -1 && tab_info.opener_navigation_index != -1) {
const ios::proto::OpenerStorage& opener = item_info.opener();
EXPECT_EQ(opener.index(), tab_info.opener_index);
EXPECT_EQ(opener.navigation_index(), tab_info.opener_navigation_index);
} else {
// Check the tab metadata for correctness.
const web::proto::WebStateMetadataStorage& metadata = item_info.metadata();
EXPECT_EQ(metadata.navigation_item_count(), 1);
EXPECT_NE(web::TimeFromProto(metadata.creation_time()), base::Time());
EXPECT_NE(web::TimeFromProto(metadata.last_active_time()), base::Time());
EXPECT_EQ(metadata.active_page().page_title(), kPageTitle);
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(metadata.active_page().page_url()), GURL(kPageURL));
const base::FilePath item_dir = GetOptimizedWebStateDir(
// Check the tab data for correctness.
web::proto::WebStateStorage item_storage;
item_dir.Append(kWebStateStorageFilename), item_storage));
EXPECT_EQ(item_storage.navigation().last_committed_item_index(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(item_storage.navigation().items_size(), 1);
const web::proto::NavigationItemStorage& navigation_item =
EXPECT_EQ(navigation_item.title(), kPageTitle);
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(navigation_item.virtual_url()), GURL(kPageURL));
// Check that the native session file exists if created.
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tab_groups.size(); ++index) {
const ios::proto::TabGroupStorage& group_storage = storage.groups(index);
const TabGroupInfo& group_info = session_info.tab_groups[index];
EXPECT_EQ(group_storage.range().start(), group_info.range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(group_storage.range().count(), group_info.range_count);
EXPECT_EQ(group_storage.title(), base::UTF16ToUTF8(group_info.title));
EXPECT_EQ(group_storage.collapsed(), group_info.collapsed_state);
// Checks whether the legacy session in `root` named `name` corresponds
// to the session described by `session_info`.
void CheckLegacySession(const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& name,
SessionInfo session_info) {
const base::FilePath session_dir = GetLegacySessionDir(root, name);
const base::FilePath web_sessions = root.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Load the legacy session from disk.
SessionWindowIOS* session_window = ios::sessions::ReadSessionWindow(
// Check that the information for each tab is correct.
ASSERT_EQ(session_window.sessions.count, session_info.tabs.size());
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tabs.size(); ++index) {
CRWSessionStorage* session = session_window.sessions[index];
const TabInfo& tab_info = session_info.tabs[index];
// Check the opener-opener relationship for correctness.
CRWSessionUserData* user_data = session.userData;
if (tab_info.opener_index != -1 && tab_info.opener_navigation_index != -1) {
// Check the pinned status for correctness.
if (static_cast<int>(index) < session_info.pinned_tab_count) {
} else {
// Check that a stable identifier was generated (randomized).
EXPECT_NE(session.uniqueIdentifier, web::WebStateID());
// Check the tab data for correctness.
EXPECT_EQ(session.lastCommittedItemIndex, 0);
EXPECT_NE(session.creationTime, base::Time());
EXPECT_NE(session.lastActiveTime, base::Time());
ASSERT_EQ(session.itemStorages.count, 1u);
CRWNavigationItemStorage* navigation_item = session.itemStorages[0];
EXPECT_EQ(base::UTF16ToUTF8(navigation_item.title), kPageTitle);
EXPECT_EQ(navigation_item.virtualURL, GURL(kPageURL));
// Check that the native session file exists if created.
web_sessions, session.uniqueIdentifier)),
for (size_t index = 0; index < session_info.tab_groups.size(); ++index) {
SessionTabGroup* group_session = session_window.tabGroups[index];
const TabGroupInfo& group_info = session_info.tab_groups[index];
EXPECT_EQ(group_session.rangeStart, group_info.range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(group_session.rangeCount, group_info.range_count);
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(group_session.title), group_info.title);
EXPECT_EQ(group_session.colorId, static_cast<int>(group_info.color));
EXPECT_EQ(group_session.collapsedState, group_info.collapsed_state);
EXPECT_EQ(group_session.tabGroupId, group_info.tab_group_id);
} // namespace
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing legacy sessions and WKWebView
// native session data have been deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly
// when there are no sessions.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_NoSession) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the optimized session directories have not been created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly
// when there are no sessions but empty directory laying around.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_NoSessionEmptyDirs) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Create empty directories.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
using ios::sessions::CreateDirectory;
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateDirectory(GetLegacySessionDir(path, kSessionName1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateDirectory(GetLegacySessionDir(path, kSessionName2)));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing legacy sessions and WKWebView
// native session data have been deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the optimized session directories have not been created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly
// and does nothing if the sessions are already in the optimized format.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_SessionAreOptimized) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the sessions have been left untouched.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly
// and leave unrelated files in the legacy session directories untouched.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_UnrelatedFilesUnaffected) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Create a few unrelated files in the legacy session directories (they
// corresponds to files saved by //components/sessions).
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath filename = legacy_dir.Append(kUnrelatedFilename);
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(filename, data));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing legacy sessions and WKWebView
// native session data have been deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath filename = legacy_dir.Append(kUnrelatedFilename);
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(filename), data);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized works correctly
// when unique identifiers are invalid and assign new unique identifier.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_InvalidUniqueIdentifiers) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySessionInvalidUniqueIdentifiers(root, kSessionName1,
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success and that the tabs from both
// sessions without identifiers have been assigned new identifiers.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
const int32_t expected_idenfifier =
identifier +
kSessionInfo1.tabs.begin(), kSessionInfo1.tabs.end(),
[](const TabInfo& tab) { return !tab.create_web_session; }));
ASSERT_NE(identifier, expected_idenfifier);
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing legacy sessions and WKWebView
// native session data have been deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized when one session
// is invalid and cannot be loaded.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_FailureInvalidSessions) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Write invalid data in one sessions.
const base::FilePath session_path =
GetLegacySessionDir(root, kSessionName2).Append(kLegacySessionFilename);
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(session_path, data));
// Check that the migration is a failure.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the legacy sessions have been left untouched, including the
// invalid session.
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(session_path), data);
// Check that the optimized session directory was not created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Tests batch migrating sessions from legacy to optimized when one session
// cannot be migrated.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimized_FailureMigration) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Create a file with the same name as one of the optimized session
// directory which should prevent migrating the sessions.
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const base::FilePath dest_dir = GetOptimizedSessionDir(root, kSessionName2);
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(dest_dir, data));
// Check that the migration is a failure.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the legacy sessions have been left untouched.
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Check that the optimized session directory was not created, and
// that any pre-existing data was deleted.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy works correctly.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing optimized sessions have been
// deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy works correctly
// when there are no sessions.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_NoSession) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the legacy session and WKWebView native session data
// directories have not been created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy works correctly
// when there are no sessions but empty directory laying around.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_NoSessionEmptyDirs) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Create empty directories.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
using ios::sessions::CreateDirectory;
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateDirectory(GetOptimizedSessionDir(path, kSessionName1)));
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateDirectory(GetOptimizedSessionDir(path, kSessionName2)));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing optimized sessions have been
// deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Check that the legacy session and WKWebView native session data
// directories have not been created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy works correctly
// and does nothing if the sessions are already in the legacy format.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_SessionAreLegacy) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the sessions have been left untouched.
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy when one session
// is invalid and cannot be loaded.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_FailureInvalidSessions) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Write invalid data in one sessions.
const base::FilePath session_path =
GetOptimizedSessionDir(root, kSessionName2)
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(session_path, data));
// Check that the migration is a failure.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the optimized sessions have been left untouched, including the
// invalid session.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(session_path), data);
// Check that the legacy session and WKWebView native session data
// directories have not been created.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy when one session
// cannot be migrated.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_FailureMigration) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Create a file with the same name as one of the legacy session
// directory which should prevent migrating the sessions.
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const base::FilePath dest_dir = GetLegacySessionDir(otr, kSessionName1);
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(dest_dir, data));
// Check that the migration is a failure.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the optimized sessions have been left untouched.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Check that the legacy session and WKWebView native session data
// directories have not been created and that any pre-existing data
// was deleted.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
if (path != otr) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the pre-existing invalid file is still present.
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(dest_dir), data);
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy when one session
// cannot be migrated, with unrelated files in the legacy session directory
// which should be unaffected.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacy_FailureUnrelatedFilesUnaffected) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Create a few unrelated files in the legacy session directories (they
// corresponds to files saved by //components/sessions).
NSData* data = [@"data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath filename = legacy_dir.Append(kUnrelatedFilename);
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(filename, data));
// Write invalid data in one sessions.
const base::FilePath session_path = GetOptimizedSessionDir(otr, kSessionName2)
EXPECT_TRUE(ios::sessions::WriteFile(session_path, data));
// Check that the migration is a failure.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the optimized sessions have been left untouched, including
// the invalid session.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionInfo2);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(session_path), data);
// Check that the legacy session and WKWebView native session data
// directories have not been created and that any pre-existing data
// was deleted.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath filename = legacy_dir.Append(kUnrelatedFilename);
EXPECT_NSEQ(ios::sessions::ReadFile(filename), data);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Tests batch migrating sessions with tab groups from legacy to optimized works
// correctly.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToOptimizedWithGroups) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few legacy sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
GenerateLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionWithGroupsInfo));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToOptimized(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing legacy sessions and WKWebView
// native session data have been deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath legacy_dir = path.Append(kLegacySessionsDirname);
const base::FilePath native_dir = path.Append(kLegacyWebSessionsDirname);
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionWithGroupsInfo);
CheckOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());
// Tests batch migrating sessions from optimized to legacy works correctly.
TEST_F(SessionMigrationTest, BatchToLegacyWithGroups) {
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir;
const base::FilePath root = scoped_temp_dir.GetPath();
const base::FilePath otr = root.Append(kOTRDirectory);
const std::vector<base::FilePath> paths{root, otr};
// Generate a few optimized sessions for the main and OTR BrowserStates.
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1));
GenerateOptimizedSession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionWithGroupsInfo));
EXPECT_TRUE(GenerateOptimizedSession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo()));
// Check that the migration is a success.
const int32_t identifier = web::WebStateID::NewUnique().identifier();
ios::sessions::MigrateSessionsInPathsToLegacy(paths, identifier));
// Check that the directories containing optimized sessions have been
// deleted in all paths.
for (const base::FilePath& path : paths) {
const base::FilePath optimized_dir =
// Check that the sessions have been correctly converted.
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName1, kSessionInfo1);
CheckLegacySession(root, kSessionName2, kSessionWithGroupsInfo);
CheckLegacySession(otr, kSessionName1, SessionInfo());