// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
@class SessionWindowIOS;
@class SessionWindowIOSFactory;
// A singleton service for saving the sessions (list of tabs). Can either save
// on a delay or immediately. Saving is always performed on a separate thread.
@interface SessionServiceIOS : NSObject
// Initializes a SessionServiceIOS with a given task runner and save delay.
- (instancetype)initWithSaveDelay:(base::TimeDelta)saveDelay
(const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>&)
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Called before destroying the task runner.
- (void)shutdown;
// Requests that `closure` is invoked when all pending background tasks
// are complete. The `closure` may be invoked on a background sequence,
// so it must be safe to be called from any sequence. Consider using
// `base::BindPostTask(...)` if the closure needs to be executed on a
// specific sequence.
- (void)shutdownWithClosure:(base::OnceClosure)closure;
// Saves the session (list of tabs) returned by `factory`. The save location
// is derived from the scene identifier `sessionID` and the ChromeBrowserState
// `directory`. If `immediately` is NO, the save is done after a fixed delay,
// or ignored if another delayed save for the same location is still pending.
// If `immediately` is YES, then the save is done immediately and any pending
// save is cancelled. Either way, the save is done on a separate thread to
// avoid blocking the UI thread.
- (void)saveSession:(__weak SessionWindowIOSFactory*)factory
directory:(const base::FilePath&)directory
// Loads a session (list of tabs) from the save location derived from the scene
// identifier `sessionID` and the ChromeBrowserState `directory`.
- (SessionWindowIOS*)loadSessionWithSessionID:(NSString*)sessionID
directory:(const base::FilePath&)directory;
// Loads the session from `sessionPath` on the main thread. Returns nil in case
// of errors.
- (SessionWindowIOS*)loadSessionFromPath:(NSString*)sessionPath;
// Schedule deletion of session directories with `sessionIDs` which resides in
// a specific browser state `directory`.
- (void)deleteSessions:(NSArray<NSString*>*)sessionIDs
directory:(const base::FilePath&)directory
// Returns the path of the session with `sessionID` within a `directory`.
+ (NSString*)sessionPathForSessionID:(NSString*)sessionID
directory:(const base::FilePath&)directory;
// Returns the path of the tab file with id `tabID` for session with `sessionID`
// within a `directory`.
+ (NSString*)filePathForTabID:(NSString*)tabID
directory:(const base::FilePath&)directory;
// Returns the path of the tab file with id `tabID` for session at
// `sessionPath`.
+ (NSString*)filePathForTabID:(NSString*)tabID
@interface SessionServiceIOS (SubClassing)
// For some of the unit tests, we need to make sure the session is saved
// immediately so we can read it back in to verify various attributes. This
// is not a situation we normally expect to be in because we never
// want the session being saved on the main thread in the production app.
- (void)performSaveSessionData:(NSData*)sessionData