
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <set>

#import "base/check_op.h"

// Represents the range of a TabGroup in its owning WebStateList.
class TabGroupRange {
  // Initializes the range with a start and count.
  constexpr TabGroupRange(int start, int count) : start_(start), count_(count) {
    DCHECK_GE(count_, 0);

  // Returns a range that is invalid, which is {-1, 0}.
  static constexpr TabGroupRange InvalidRange() { return TabGroupRange(-1, 0); }

  // Checks if the range is valid, i.e. is not empty.
  constexpr bool valid() const { return count_ > 0; }

  // Getters.
  constexpr int range_begin() const { return start_; }
  constexpr int count() const { return count_; }
  std::set<int> AsSet() const { return std::set<int>(begin(), end()); }

  // `range_end` is the first index not in the range.
  constexpr int range_end() const { return start_ + count_; }
  // Whether the index is inside the range.
  constexpr bool contains(int index) const {
    return start_ <= index && index < start_ + count_;

  // Updates the range by moving it. The count stays the same, but
  // `range_begin` increases by `delta`. If `delta` is positive, the group
  // moves to the right. Otherwise, it moves to the left.
  constexpr void Move(int delta) {
    if (delta < 0) {
    } else {

  // Updates the range by moving it in a given direction. By default, it moves
  // by one.
  constexpr void MoveLeft(int delta = 1) {
    CHECK_GE(delta, 0);
    CHECK_GE(start_, delta);
    start_ -= delta;
  constexpr void MoveRight(int delta = 1) {
    CHECK_GE(delta, 0);
    CHECK_LT(start_, INT_MAX - delta);
    start_ += delta;

  // Updates the range by expanding/contracting by one in a given direction.
  constexpr void ExpandLeft() {
  constexpr void ExpandRight() { ++count_; }
  constexpr void ContractLeft() {
  constexpr void ContractRight() {
    CHECK_GT(count_, 0);

  constexpr bool operator==(const TabGroupRange& other) const = default;
  constexpr bool operator!=(const TabGroupRange& other) const = default;

  // Support for range-based for-loops. Ex:
  //  TabGroupRange range = ...;
  //  for (int i : range) {
  //    // ... do something with the index from the range.
  //  }
  class iterator {
    constexpr iterator(int current) : current_(current) {}

    int operator*() const { return current_; }
    void operator++() { ++current_; }
    bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
      return current_ != other.current_;

    int current_;
  iterator begin() const { return iterator{start_}; }
  iterator end() const { return iterator{range_end()}; }

  int start_;
  int count_;