// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/elements/fade_truncating_label.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/elements/fade_truncating_label+Testing.h"
#import <vector>
#import "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/public/features/features.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#import "testing/platform_test.h"
#import "third_party/ocmock/OCMock/OCMock.h"
#import "third_party/ocmock/gtest_support.h"
namespace {
/// Width used for `kShortText`, `kTwoLineText` and `kThreeLineText` to be true.
const NSInteger kLimitedWidth = 200;
/// Text that can be drawn on one line using `kLimitedWidth`.
const NSString* kShortText = @"short text";
/// Text that can be drawn on two lines using `kLimitedWidth`.
const NSString* kTwoLinesText = @"text that should wrap on two lines";
/// Text that can be drawn on three lines using `kLimitedWidth`.
const NSString* kThreeLinesText =
@"Long text that should take three lines when displayed";
/// Returns the number of line needed to draw `label` in `bounds`.
NSInteger NumberOfDrawnLine(UILabel* label, CGRect bounds) {
CGRect bounding_rect = [label textRectForBounds:bounds
NSInteger number_of_drawn_line =
bounding_rect.size.height / label.font.lineHeight;
return number_of_drawn_line;
/// Struct used to store parameters of `drawAttributedString`.
struct DrawAttributedStringParams {
NSAttributedString* attributed_string;
CGRect rect;
BOOL apply_gradient;
CGFloat alignment_offset;
class FadeTruncatingLabelTest : public PlatformTest {
FadeTruncatingLabelTest() : drawAttributedString_params_() {}
void SetUp() override {
short_text_ = [[FadeTruncatingLabel alloc] init];
short_text_.text = [kShortText copy];
two_lines_text_ = [[FadeTruncatingLabel alloc] init];
two_lines_text_.text = [kTwoLinesText copy];
three_lines_text_ = [[FadeTruncatingLabel alloc] init];
three_lines_text_.text = [kThreeLinesText copy];
labels_ = @[ short_text_, two_lines_text_, three_lines_text_ ];
for (FadeTruncatingLabel* label in labels_) {
/// Stubs calls to `drawAttributedString` and store parameters in
/// `drawAttributedString_params_`.
void StubDrawAttributedStringInRect(FadeTruncatingLabel* label) {
id partial_mock = OCMPartialMock(label);
OCMStub([[partial_mock ignoringNonObjectArgs]
drawAttributedString:[OCMArg any]
.andDo(^(NSInvocation* invocation) {
__unsafe_unretained NSAttributedString* attributed_string = nil;
CGRect rect = CGRectZero;
BOOL apply_gradient = NO;
CGFloat alignment_offset = 0.0;
[invocation getArgument:&attributed_string atIndex:2];
[invocation getArgument:&rect atIndex:3];
[invocation getArgument:&apply_gradient atIndex:4];
[invocation getArgument:&alignment_offset atIndex:5];
{attributed_string, rect, apply_gradient, alignment_offset});
/// Checks that calls to `textRectForBounds` with `bounds` on `label` returns
/// valid bounds.
void ExpectValidBoundingRect(FadeTruncatingLabel* label, CGRect bounds) {
CGRect bounding_rect = [label textRectForBounds:bounds
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectContainsRect(bounds, bounding_rect));
// Compare `bounding_rect` with the bounding rect returned by `UILabel`.
UILabel* ui_label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
ui_label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
ui_label.text = label.text;
ui_label.numberOfLines = label.numberOfLines;
CGRect ui_label_bounding_rect =
[ui_label textRectForBounds:bounds
EXPECT_NEAR(bounding_rect.size.height, ui_label_bounding_rect.size.height,
// FadeTruncatingLabel fills the last line, so it might be wider than
// UILabel.
EXPECT_GE(bounding_rect.size.width, ui_label_bounding_rect.size.width);
/// Checks that only the last line `should_have_gradient`.
void ExpectGradientOnLastLine(BOOL should_have_gradient) {
if (drawAttributedString_params_.empty()) {
const size_t last_line = drawAttributedString_params_.size() - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < last_line; i++) {
/// Checks that calls to `drawAttributedString` use valid rect when drawing in
/// `bounds`.
void ExpectValidDrawingRect(CGRect bounds) {
if (drawAttributedString_params_.empty()) {
// When the available height is smaller than one line, it start to draw
// outside of `bounds` to center the text in the available space.
if (bounds.size.height < short_text_.font.lineHeight + FLT_EPSILON) {
EXPECT_EQ(drawAttributedString_params_.size(), 1u);
const DrawAttributedStringParams& param = drawAttributedString_params_[0];
CGPoint start_x = CGPointMake(param.rect.origin.x + FLT_EPSILON,
CGPoint end_x =
CGPointMake(param.rect.origin.x + param.rect.size.width - FLT_EPSILON,
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectContainsPoint(bounds, start_x));
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectContainsPoint(bounds, end_x));
} else {
for (const DrawAttributedStringParams& param :
drawAttributedString_params_) {
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectContainsRect(bounds, param.rect));
std::vector<DrawAttributedStringParams> drawAttributedString_params_;
NSArray<FadeTruncatingLabel*>* labels_;
FadeTruncatingLabel* short_text_;
FadeTruncatingLabel* two_lines_text_;
FadeTruncatingLabel* three_lines_text_;
// Tests that this file's constants are valid.
TEST_F(FadeTruncatingLabelTest, ValidConstants) {
CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, kLimitedWidth, FLT_MAX);
UILabel* label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
label.numberOfLines = 0;
label.text = [kShortText copy];
EXPECT_EQ(NumberOfDrawnLine(label, bounds), 1);
label.text = [kTwoLinesText copy];
EXPECT_EQ(NumberOfDrawnLine(label, bounds), 2);
label.text = [kThreeLinesText copy];
EXPECT_EQ(NumberOfDrawnLine(label, bounds), 3);
// Tests that FadeTruncatinglabel returns valid bounding rect when calling
// `textRectForBounds`
TEST_F(FadeTruncatingLabelTest, ValidBoundingRect) {
CGFloat max_bound = 200;
CGFloat bound_increment = 20;
NSInteger max_number_of_lines = 4;
for (CGFloat width = 0.0; width < max_bound; width += bound_increment) {
for (CGFloat height = 0.0; height < max_bound; height += bound_increment) {
for (NSInteger number_of_lines = 0; number_of_lines < max_number_of_lines;
++number_of_lines) {
CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, width, height);
for (FadeTruncatingLabel* label in labels_) {
label.numberOfLines = number_of_lines;
ExpectValidBoundingRect(label, bounds);
// Tests that FadeTruncatingLabel draws with valid rect when calling
// `drawTextInRect`.
TEST_F(FadeTruncatingLabelTest, ValidDrawingRect) {
CGFloat max_bound = 200;
CGFloat bound_increment = 20;
NSInteger max_number_of_lines = 4;
for (CGFloat width = 1.0; width < max_bound; width += bound_increment) {
for (CGFloat height = 1.0; height < max_bound; height += bound_increment) {
for (NSInteger number_of_lines = 0; number_of_lines < max_number_of_lines;
++number_of_lines) {
CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, width, height);
for (FadeTruncatingLabel* label in labels_) {
label.numberOfLines = number_of_lines;
[label drawTextInRect:bounds];
// Tests that the gradient is only applied on the last line.
TEST_F(FadeTruncatingLabelTest, GradientOnLastLine) {
CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, kLimitedWidth, FLT_MAX);
for (size_t label_index = 0; label_index < labels_.count; label_index++) {
FadeTruncatingLabel* label = labels_[label_index];
// Number of lines used by the label.
const size_t label_number_of_line = label_index + 1;
for (size_t number_of_lines = 1;
number_of_lines <= label_number_of_line + 1; number_of_lines++) {
label.numberOfLines = number_of_lines;
CGRect text_rect = [label textRectForBounds:bounds
[label drawTextInRect:text_rect];
ExpectGradientOnLastLine(label_number_of_line > number_of_lines);
} // namespace