
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@class ListItem;

// A mediator that stores and retrieves collapsed state for given sections.
@interface ListModelCollapsedMediator : NSObject
// Sets collapsed state for given sectionKey.
- (void)setSectionKey:(NSString*)sectionKey collapsed:(BOOL)collapsed;
// Retrieves collapsed state for given sectionKey. Returns NO for unknown keys.
- (BOOL)sectionKeyIsCollapsed:(NSString*)sectionKey;

// Collapsable mode to use either the header cell or the first cell to collapse
// sections in ListMode.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ListModelCollapsableMode) {
  // When a section is collapsed, all items are hidden.
  ListModelCollapsableModeHeader = 0,
  // When a section is collapsed, all items except the first one are hidden.

// Key for saving collapsed state in the NSUserDefaults.
extern NSString* const kListModelCollapsedKey;

// Use these as the starting value for section identifier and item type enums.
// These are provided to help not mix between indexPath's section/item and the
// model section identifier / item type.
// For example:
// typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SectionIdentifier) {
//   SectionIdentifierFoo = kSectionIdentifierEnumZero,
//   SectionIdentifierBar,
// };
// typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ItemType) {
//   ItemTypeBaz = kItemTypeEnumZero,
//   ItemTypeQux,
// };
// These values are chosen to try to prevent overlapping.
const NSInteger kSectionIdentifierEnumZero = 10;
const NSInteger kItemTypeEnumZero = 100;

// ListModel acts as a model class for collectionview and tableview controllers.
// It provides methods to map from index paths (aka section and item) to model
// coordinates. These are useful when the contents of a list are dynamic (for
// example, based on experimental flags), so that there is not a static mapping
// between index paths and section items.  Model coordinates have 3 dimensions:
// section identifier, item type and index in item type.
// Disclaimer: ListModel doesn't support a batch update logic. All changes are
// immediately processed (contrary to the reload/delete/add order of
// `performBatchUpdates:completion:`).  The __covariant modifier allows an
// instance of ListModel<A,B> to be assigned to an instance of ListModel<X,Y>
// iff A:X and B:Y (see unit test for an example).
@interface ListModel<__covariant ObjectType : ListItem*,
                     __covariant SupplementalType : ListItem*> : NSObject

#pragma mark Modification methods

// Adds a new section tagged with the given identifier. This method must not be
// called multiple times with the same identifier.
- (void)addSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Inserts a new section tagged with the given identifier at the given
// index. This method must not be called multiple times with the same
// identifier.
- (void)insertSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier

// Adds an item to the section with the given identifier. Adding several
// times the same item is undefined behavior.
- (void)addItem:(ObjectType)item

// Inserts an item to the section with the given identifier at the given
// index. `index` must not be greater than the count of elements in the
// section.
- (void)insertItem:(ObjectType)item

// Removes the item for `itemType` from the section for `sectionIdentifier`.
// If there are multiple entries with the same item type, this will remove
// the first occurrence, but to selectively delete an item for a given
// index, use -removeItemWithType:fromSectionWithIdentifier:atIndex:.
- (void)removeItemWithType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Removes the item for `itemType` from the section for `sectionIdentifier`
// at `index`.
- (void)removeItemWithType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Removes the section for `sectionIdentifier`. If there are still items
// left in the section, they are removed.
- (void)removeSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Deletes all items from `sectionIdentifier`, `sectionIdentifier` won't be
// removed from the model.
- (void)deleteAllItemsFromSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Sets the header item for the section with the given `sectionIdentifier`.
- (void)setHeader:(SupplementalType)header

// Sets the footer item for the section with the given `sectionIdentifier`.
- (void)setFooter:(SupplementalType)footer

#pragma mark Query model coordinates from index paths

// Returns the section identifier for the given section.
- (NSInteger)sectionIdentifierForSectionIndex:(NSInteger)sectionIndex;

// Returns the item type for the given index path.
- (NSInteger)itemTypeForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;

// Returns the index in item type for the given index path.
// It corresponds to the index of the item at index path, among all the
// items if the same type in the given section. For example, let [A, B, B,
// B] a section, where A and B are item identifiers.
// -indexInItemTypeForIndexPath:{0, 0} would return 0.
// -indexInItemTypeForIndexPath:{0, 1} would return 0.
// -indexInItemTypeForIndexPath:{0, 3} would return 2.
- (NSUInteger)indexInItemTypeForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;

#pragma mark Query items from index paths

// Returns whether there is an item at the given index path.
- (BOOL)hasItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;

// Returns the item at the given index path.
- (ObjectType)itemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;

// Returns the header for the given `sectionIndex`.
- (SupplementalType)headerForSectionIndex:(NSInteger)sectionIndex;

// Returns the footer for the given `sectionIndex`.
- (SupplementalType)footerForSectionIndex:(NSInteger)sectionIndex;

// Returns an array of items in the section with the given identifier.
- (NSArray<ObjectType>*)itemsInSectionWithIdentifier:

// Returns the header for the section with the given `sectionIdentifier`.
- (SupplementalType)headerForSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Returns the footer for the section with the given `sectionIdentifier`.
- (SupplementalType)footerForSectionWithIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

#pragma mark Query index paths from model coordinates

// Returns whether there is a section at the given section identifier.
- (BOOL)hasSectionForSectionIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Returns the index path's section for the given section identifier.
- (NSInteger)sectionForSectionIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;

// Returns whether there is an item of type `itemType` at the given
// `sectionIdentifier`.
- (BOOL)hasItemForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Returns the index path for `itemType` in the section for
// `sectionIdentifier`. If there are multiple entries with the same item
// type, use -indexPathForItemType:sectionIdentifier:atIndex:.
- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Returns whether there is an item of type `itemType` at the given
// `sectionIdentifier` and `index`.
- (BOOL)hasItemForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Returns the index path for `itemType` in the section for
// `sectionIdentifier` at `index`.
- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType

// Returns the index path for `itemType` in all sections. Returns nil if no
// item is found.
- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType;

// Returns index paths for all `itemType` in the section for
// `sectionIdentifier`.
- (NSArray<NSIndexPath*>*)indexPathsForItemType:(NSInteger)itemType

#pragma mark Query index paths from items

// Returns whether `item` exists in section for `sectionIdentifier`.
- (BOOL)hasItem:(ObjectType)item

// Returns whether `item` exists.
- (BOOL)hasItem:(ObjectType)item;

// Returns the index path corresponding to the given `item`.
- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathForItem:(ObjectType)item;

#pragma mark Data sourcing

// Returns the number of sections.
- (NSInteger)numberOfSections;

// Returns the number of items in the given section.
- (NSInteger)numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section;

#pragma mark Collapsing methods.

// Mediator that stores/retrieves collapsed section states. By default this
// is a mediator that uses NSUserDefaults. States are stored in dictionary
// available under a kListModelCollapsedKey key.
@property(nonatomic, strong) ListModelCollapsedMediator* collapsableMediator;

// The default value is ListModelCollapsableModeHeader.
@property(nonatomic, assign) ListModelCollapsableMode collapsableMode;

// Sets an existing `sectionIdentifier` `collapsedKey` to be used when
// collapsing or expanding a section. `collapsedKey` is a unique identifier for
// each section that will be used for persisting information about the collapsed
// state of a section. A `collapsedKey` its only needed when
// collapsing/expanding sections. You can't collapse/expand any sections without
// a `collapsedKey`.
- (void)setSectionIdentifier:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier
// Sets the state of an existing `sectionIdentifier` to `collapsed`. A
// collapsedKey has to be previously set or this method will DCHECK().
- (void)setSection:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier collapsed:(BOOL)collapsed;
// Returns YES if `sectionIdentifier` is collapsed. If not collapsedKey has been
// set it will also return NO.
- (BOOL)sectionIsCollapsed:(NSInteger)sectionIdentifier;
