// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/util/util_swift.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#import "testing/platform_test.h"
// Sets up a view and a layout guide.
class FrameLayoutGuideTest : public PlatformTest {
: window_([[UIWindow alloc] init]),
view_([[UIView alloc] init]),
frame_layout_guide_([[FrameLayoutGuide alloc] init]) {}
UIWindow* window_;
UIView* view_;
FrameLayoutGuide* frame_layout_guide_;
// Checks that the callback is called when the owning view is added to the
// window.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, Set) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
__block BOOL callback_called = NO;
UILayoutGuide* retained_layout_guide = frame_layout_guide_;
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
callback_called = YES;
EXPECT_EQ(layout_guide, retained_layout_guide);
[window_ addSubview:view_];
// Checks that the callback is not called when the owning view is added to the
// window and `onDidMoveToWindow` is reset to `nil`.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, Reset) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
FAIL() << "Callback should not have been called after being unset.";
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = nil;
[window_ addSubview:view_];
// Checks that removing the owning view from its window calls the callback.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, RemoveFromWindow) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
[window_ addSubview:view_];
__block BOOL callback_called = NO;
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
callback_called = YES;
[view_ removeFromSuperview];
EXPECT_EQ(view_.window, nil);
// Checks that removing the layout guide from its owning view doesn't call the
// callback once the view's window changes.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, RemoveFromView) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
FAIL() << "Callback should not have been called after the layout guide was "
"removed from the non-windowed view.";
[view_ removeLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
[window_ addSubview:view_];
// Checks that the callback is called only on the current owning view, and not
// on prior owning views.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, ChangeView) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
UIView* other_view = [[UIView alloc] init];
[other_view addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
__block BOOL callback_called = NO;
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
callback_called = YES;
// Check that adding the initial view to the window doesn't call the callback.
[window_ addSubview:view_];
// Check that adding the other view calls the callback, i.e. the observation
// was transferred from view_ to other_view.
[window_ addSubview:other_view];
// Checks that passing the layout guide from one non-windowed view to another
// doesn't call the callback (since both have `window` nil).
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, NotCalledOnReparentNonWindowedViews) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
UIView* other_view = [[UIView alloc] init];
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
FAIL() << "Callback should not have been called while being moved between "
"non-windowed views.";
[other_view addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
// Checks that passing the layout guide from one view to another in the same
// window doesn't call the callback.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, NotCalledOnReparentViewsInSameWindow) {
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
UIView* other_view = [[UIView alloc] init];
[window_ addSubview:view_];
[window_ addSubview:other_view];
frame_layout_guide_.onDidMoveToWindow = ^(UILayoutGuide* layout_guide) {
FAIL() << "Callback should not have been called while being moved between "
"views in the same window.";
[other_view addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
// Checks that setting the constrained frame while the guide is not added to a
// view doesn't change the layout frame.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, NoOwningViewZeroLayoutFrame) {
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(10, 20, 30, 40);
frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame = rect;
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.layoutFrame, CGRectZero));
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame, rect));
// Checks that adding the guide to a guide with a constrained frame updates the
// layout frame accordingly.
TEST_F(FrameLayoutGuideTest, OwningViewSetsLayoutFrame) {
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(10, 20, 30, 40);
frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame = rect;
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
[view_ setNeedsLayout];
[view_ layoutIfNeeded];
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.layoutFrame, rect));
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame, rect));
// Checks that removing the guide from its owning view resets the layout frame
// but keeps the constrained frame.
ResetOwningViewResetsLayoutFrameKeepsConstrainedFrame) {
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(10, 20, 30, 40);
frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame = rect;
[view_ addLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
[view_ setNeedsLayout];
[view_ layoutIfNeeded];
[view_ removeLayoutGuide:frame_layout_guide_];
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.layoutFrame, CGRectZero));
EXPECT_TRUE(CGRectEqualToRect(frame_layout_guide_.constrainedFrame, rect));