
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"

// Utilities for direction-independent layout calculations and related
// functions.

// True if views should be laid out with full RTL mirroring.
bool UseRTLLayout();

// RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), otherwise LEFT_TO_RIGHT.
base::i18n::TextDirection LayoutDirection();

// A LayoutRectPosition contains the information needed to position a CGRect,
// optionally flipping across its bounding coordinate space's midpoint Y axis.
// `leading` is the distance from the leading edge at which the resulting rect
// should be laid out; in LTR this will be the x-origin, in RTL it will be used
// to compute the x-origin.  `originY` is used to position the rect vertically.
struct LayoutRectPosition {
  CGFloat leading;
  CGFloat originY;

// The null LayoutRectPosition, with `leading` and `originY` equal to 0.0.
extern const LayoutRectPosition LayoutRectPositionZero;

// Returns a new LayoutRectPosition with the passed-in values.
LayoutRectPosition LayoutRectPositionMake(CGFloat leading, CGFloat originY);

// Returns YES if `a`'s values are equal to those of `b`.
BOOL LayoutRectPositionEqualToPosition(LayoutRectPosition a,
                                       LayoutRectPosition b);

// Returns a new LayoutRectPosition created by aligning `position`'s values to
// the nearest pixel boundary.
LayoutRectPosition AlignLayoutRectPositionToPixel(LayoutRectPosition position);

// A LayoutRect contains the information needed to generate a CGRect that may or
// may not be flipped if positioned in RTL or LTR contexts. `boundingWidth` is
// the width of the bounding coordinate space in which the resulting rect will
// be used.  `position` is used to describe the location of the resulting frame,
// and `size` is the size of resulting frame.
struct LayoutRect {
  CGFloat boundingWidth;
  LayoutRectPosition position;
  CGSize size;

// The null LayoutRect, with leading, boundingWidth and originY of 0.0, and
// a size of CGSizeZero.
extern const LayoutRect LayoutRectZero;

// Returns a new LayoutRect; `height` and `width` are used to construct the
// `size` field.
LayoutRect LayoutRectMake(CGFloat leading,
                          CGFloat boundingWidth,
                          CGFloat originY,
                          CGFloat width,
                          CGFloat height);

// Returns YES if `a`'s values are equal to those of `b`.
BOOL LayoutRectEqualToRect(LayoutRect a, LayoutRect b);

// Given `layout`, returns the rect for that layout in text direction
// `direction`.
CGRect LayoutRectGetRectUsingDirection(LayoutRect layout,
                                       base::i18n::TextDirection direction);
// As above, using `direction` == RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT
// otherwise.
CGRect LayoutRectGetRect(LayoutRect layout);

// Utilities for getting CALayer positioning values from a layoutRect.
// Given `layout`, return the bounds rectangle of the generated rect -- that is,
// a rect with origin (0,0) and size equal to `layout`'s size.
CGRect LayoutRectGetBoundsRect(LayoutRect layout);

// Given `layout` and some anchor point `anchor` (defined in the way that
// CALayer's anchorPoint property is), return the CGPoint that defines the
// position of a rect in the context used by `layout`.
CGPoint LayoutRectGetPositionForAnchorUsingDirection(
    LayoutRect layout,
    CGPoint anchor,
    base::i18n::TextDirection direction);

// As above, using `direction` == RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT
// otherwise.
CGPoint LayoutRectGetPositionForAnchor(LayoutRect layout, CGPoint anchor);

// Given `rect`, a rect, and `boundingRect`, a rect whose bounds are the
// context in which `rect`'s frame is interpreted, return the layout that
// defines `rect`, assuming `direction` is the direction `rect` was positioned
// under.
LayoutRect LayoutRectForRectInBoundingRectUsingDirection(
    CGRect rect,
    CGRect boundingRect,
    base::i18n::TextDirection direction);

// As above, using `direction` == RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT
// otherwise.
LayoutRect LayoutRectForRectInBoundingRect(CGRect rect, CGRect boundingRect);

// Given a layout `layout`, return the layout that defines the leading area up
// to `layout`.
LayoutRect LayoutRectGetLeadingLayout(LayoutRect layout);

// Given a layout `layout`, return the layout that defines the trailing area
// after `layout`.
LayoutRect LayoutRectGetTrailingLayout(LayoutRect layout);

// Return the trailing extent of `layout` (its leading plus its width).
CGFloat LayoutRectGetTrailingEdge(LayoutRect layout);

// A LayoutOffset is an x-offset specified in leading pixels.
typedef CGFloat LayoutOffset;

// Returns `point` with its x-value shifted `offset` pixels in the leading
// direction according to `direction`
CGPoint CGPointLayoutOffsetUsingDirection(CGPoint point,
                                          LayoutOffset offset,
                                          base::i18n::TextDirection direction);

// As above, using `direction` == RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT
// otherwise.
CGPoint CGPointLayoutOffset(CGPoint point, LayoutOffset offset);

// Returns `rect` with its x-origin shifted `offset` pixels in the leading
// direction according to `direction`
CGRect CGRectLayoutOffsetUsingDirection(CGRect rect,
                                        LayoutOffset offset,
                                        base::i18n::TextDirection direction);

// As above, using `direction` == RIGHT_TO_LEFT if UseRTLLayout(), LEFT_TO_RIGHT
// otherwise.
CGRect CGRectLayoutOffset(CGRect rect, LayoutOffset offset);

// Returns the leading offset of `rect` inside `boundingBox`, as a LayoutOffset.
LayoutOffset CGRectGetLeadingLayoutOffsetInBoundingRect(CGRect rect,
                                                        CGRect boundingRect);

// Returns the trailing offset of `rect` inside `boundingBox`, as a
// LayoutOffset. Note that this will be the distance from the trailing edge of
// `rect` to the trailing edge of `boundingRect`.
LayoutOffset CGRectGetTrailingLayoutOffsetInBoundingRect(CGRect rect,
                                                         CGRect boundingRect);

// Returns the leading content offset of `scrollView`.
LayoutOffset LeadingContentOffsetForScrollView(UIScrollView* scrollView);

// Utilities for mapping UIKit geometric structures to RTL-independent geometry.

// Get leading and trailing edges of `rect`, assuming layout direction
// `direction`.
CGFloat CGRectGetLeadingEdgeUsingDirection(CGRect rect,
                                           base::i18n::TextDirection direction);
CGFloat CGRectGetTrailingEdgeUsingDirection(
    CGRect rect,
    base::i18n::TextDirection direction);

// As above, with `direction` == LayoutDirection().
CGFloat CGRectGetLeadingEdge(CGRect rect);
CGFloat CGRectGetTrailingEdge(CGRect rect);

// Leading/trailing autoresizing masks. 'Leading' is 'Left' under iOS <= 8 or
// in an LTR language, 'Right' otherwise; 'Trailing' is the obverse.
UIViewAutoresizing UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeadingMargin();
UIViewAutoresizing UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTrailingMargin();

// Text-direction aware UIEdgeInsets constructor; just like UIEdgeInsetsMake(),
// except `leading` and `trailing` map to left and right when `direction` is
// LEFT_TO_RIGHT, and are swapped for RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
UIEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsetsMakeUsingDirection(
    CGFloat top,
    CGFloat leading,
    CGFloat bottom,
    CGFloat trailing,
    base::i18n::TextDirection direction);
// As above, but uses LayoutDirection() for `direction`.
UIEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsetsMakeDirected(CGFloat top,
                                      CGFloat leading,
                                      CGFloat bottom,
                                      CGFloat trailing);

// Inverses of the above functions: return the leading/trailing inset for
// the current direction.
CGFloat UIEdgeInsetsGetLeading(UIEdgeInsets insets);
CGFloat UIEdgeInsetsGetTrailing(UIEdgeInsets insets);

// Utilities for testing RTL-dependent relations.

// YES if `a` is to the leading side of `b` given `direction`.
BOOL EdgeLeadsEdge(CGFloat a, CGFloat b, base::i18n::TextDirection direction);
// As above, `direction` == LayoutDirection().
BOOL EdgeLeadsEdge(CGFloat a, CGFloat b);

// Determines the best alignment for the provided `text`.
NSTextAlignment DetermineBestAlignmentForText(NSString* text);

// Scrolls to the scroll view semantic leading.
void ScrollToSemanticLeading(UIScrollView* scrollview, BOOL animated);