// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
class GURL;
// Minimum height and width for a link's tappable area. On touch-down events,
// the portion of the button directly on top of the link text will be
// highlighted with a gray overlay.
extern const CGFloat kLinkTapAreaMinimum;
// Transparent button that is overlaid on link portions of text.
@interface TransparentLinkButton : UIButton
// TransparentLinkButtons must be created via |+buttonsForLinkFrames:URL:`.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Creates TransparentLinkButtons with `URL` for each NSValue-wrapped CGRect in
// `linkFrames` and returns them in an NSArray. The links returned by this
// function will be styled such that their touch-down styling will be shared.
// Only the first button in the array will be accessible, and `label` will be
// set as its accessibility label. This is done to ensure that VoiceOver mode
// does not have multiple accessibility elements with the same accessibility
// label and the same action. `lineHeight` is used to limit the overlap from
// increasing the TransparentLinkButtons to satisfy a11y guidelines for a
// minimum touch area.
+ (NSArray*)buttonsForLinkFrames:(NSArray*)linkFrames
URL:(const GURL&)URL
// The URL passed upon initialization.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GURL URL;
// If set to YES, updates the button's background to a semi-opaque color to
// verify the button's location over the text. The default is NO.
@property(nonatomic, assign, getter=isDebug) BOOL debug;