// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import UIKit
// A class that generates snapshot images for the WebState associated with this class.
@objcMembers public class SnapshotGenerator: NSObject {
// A wrapper class for the associated WebState.
private let webStateInfo: WebStateSnapshotInfo
// The SnapshotGenerator delegate to obtain the information about UIView.
weak var delegate: SnapshotGeneratorDelegate?
// Designated initializer.
init(webStateInfo: WebStateSnapshotInfo) {
self.webStateInfo = webStateInfo
self.delegate = nil
// Generates a new snapshot and runs a callback with the new snapshot image. It uses UIKit-based
// snapshot APIs if the web state is showing anything other than a web view (e.g., native
// content). Otherwise, it uses WebKit-based snapshot APIs.
func generateSnapshot(completion: ((UIImage?) -> Void)?) {
guard let lastCommitedUrl = webStateInfo.lastCommittedURL() else {
var scheme = ""
if lastCommitedUrl.nsurl != nil {
scheme = lastCommitedUrl.nsurl.scheme ?? ""
if scheme != "chrome" && webStateInfo.canTakeSnapshot() {
// Take the snapshot using the optimized WKWebView snapshotting API for pages loaded in the
// web view when the WebState snapshot API is available.
generateWKWebViewSnapshot(completion: completion)
// Use the UIKit-based snapshot API as a fallback when the WKWebView API is unavailable.
let snapshot = generateUIViewSnapshotWithOverlays()
if completion != nil {
// Generates and returns a new snapshot image with UIKit-based snapshot API.
func generateUIViewSnapshot() -> UIImage? {
if !canTakeSnapshot() {
return nil
delegate!.willUpdateSnapshot(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
guard let baseView = delegate!.baseView(webStateInfo: webStateInfo) else {
return nil
let baseViewInsets = delegate!.snapshotEdgeInsets(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
let frameInBaseView = baseView.bounds.inset(by: baseViewInsets)
let baseImage = convertBaseView(baseView: baseView)
return cropImage(baseImage: baseImage, frameInBaseView: frameInBaseView)
// Generates and returns a new snapshot image with UIKit-based snapshot API. The generated image
// includes overlays (e.g., infobars, the download manager, and sad tab view).
func generateUIViewSnapshotWithOverlays() -> UIImage? {
return addOverlays(baseImage: generateUIViewSnapshot())
// Asynchronously generates a new snapshot with WebKit-based snapshot API and runs a callback with
// the new snapshot image. It is an error to call this method if the web state is showing anything
// other (e.g., native content) than a web view.
private func generateWKWebViewSnapshot(completion: ((UIImage?) -> Void)?) {
if !canTakeSnapshot() {
delegate!.willUpdateSnapshot(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
guard let baseView = delegate!.baseView(webStateInfo: webStateInfo) else {
let baseViewInsets = delegate!.snapshotEdgeInsets(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
let frameInBaseView = baseView.bounds.inset(by: baseViewInsets)
let wrappedCompletion = { [weak self] (image: UIImage?) in
let snapshot = self?.addOverlays(baseImage: image)
webStateInfo.takeSnapshot(frameInBaseView, callback: wrappedCompletion)
// Converts an UIView to an UIImage. The size of generated UIImage is the same as `baseView`.
private func convertBaseView(baseView: UIView) -> UIImage? {
// Disable the automatic view dimming UIKit performs if a view is presented modally over
// `baseView`.
baseView.tintAdjustmentMode = .normal
let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat.preferred()
format.scale = SnapshotImageScale.floatForDevice()
format.opaque = true
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: baseView.bounds, format: format)
var snapshotSuccess = true
let image = renderer.image { (context) in
// Render the view's layer via `render(in:)`.
// To mitigate against crashes like crbug.com/1429512, ensure that the layer's position is
// valid. If not, mark the snapshotting as failed.
let layer = baseView.layer
let pos = layer.position
if pos.x.isNaN || pos.y.isNaN {
snapshotSuccess = false
} else {
baseView.layer.render(in: context.cgContext)
// Set the mode to UIViewTintAdjustmentModeAutomatic.
baseView.tintAdjustmentMode = .automatic
if snapshotSuccess {
return image
return nil
// Crops an UIImage to `frameInBaseView`.
private func cropImage(baseImage: UIImage?, frameInBaseView: CGRect) -> UIImage? {
guard let baseImage = baseImage else {
return nil
guard let cgImage = baseImage.cgImage else {
return nil
let scale = baseImage.scale
var frame = frameInBaseView
frame.origin.x *= scale
frame.origin.y *= scale
frame.size.width *= scale
frame.size.height *= scale
let croppedCGImage = cgImage.cropping(to: frame)
return UIImage(
cgImage: croppedCGImage!, scale: baseImage.imageRendererFormat.scale,
orientation: baseImage.imageOrientation)
// Returns false if WebState or the view is not ready for snapshot.
private func canTakeSnapshot() -> Bool {
// This allows for easier unit testing of classes that use SnapshotGenerator.
if delegate == nil {
return false
// Do not generate a snapshot if web usage is disabled (as the WebState's view is blank in that
// case).
if !webStateInfo.isWebUsageEnabled() {
return false
return delegate!.canTakeSnapshot(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
// Returns an image of the `baseImage` overlaid with overlays.
private func addOverlays(baseImage: UIImage?) -> UIImage? {
if delegate == nil {
return nil
guard let baseImage = baseImage else {
return nil
guard let baseView = delegate!.baseView(webStateInfo: webStateInfo) else {
return nil
let baseViewInsets = delegate!.snapshotEdgeInsets(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
let frameInBaseView = baseView.bounds.inset(by: baseViewInsets)
let snapshotFrameInWindow = baseView.convert(frameInBaseView, to: nil)
let overlays = delegate!.snapshotOverlays(webStateInfo: webStateInfo)
// Note: If the baseImage scale differs from device scale, the baseImage size may slightly
// differ from `snapshotFrameInWindow` size due to rounding. Do not attempt to compare the
// `baseImage` size and `snapshotFrameInWindow` size.
if overlays.count == 0 {
return baseImage
let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat.preferred()
format.scale = SnapshotImageScale.floatForDevice()
format.opaque = true
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: snapshotFrameInWindow.size, format: format)
return renderer.image { (context) in
let cgContextRef = context.cgContext
// The base image is already a cropped snapshot so it is drawn at the origin of the new image.
baseImage.draw(in: CGRect(origin: CGPoint.zero, size: snapshotFrameInWindow.size))
// This shifts the origin of the context so that future drawings can be in window coordinates.
// For example, suppose that the desired snapshot area is at (0, 99) in the window coordinate
// space. Drawing at (0, 99) will appear as (0, 0) in the resulting image.
x: -snapshotFrameInWindow.origin.x, y: -snapshotFrameInWindow.origin.y)
for overlay in overlays {
let frameInWindow = baseView.convert(overlay.frame, to: nil)
// This shifts the context so that drawing starts at the overlay's offset.
cgContextRef.translateBy(x: frameInWindow.origin.x, y: frameInWindow.origin.y)
overlay.layer.render(in: cgContextRef)