
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import UIKit

// A class that takes care of creating, storing and returning snapshots of a tab's web page. This
// lives on the UI thread.
@objcMembers public class SnapshotManager: NSObject {
  // Strong reference to the snapshot generator which is used to generate snapshots.
  private let snapshotGenerator: SnapshotGenerator

  // Weak reference to the snapshot storage which is used to store and retrieve snapshots.
  // SnapshotStorage is owned by SnapshotBrowserAgent.
  weak var snapshotStorage: SnapshotStorage?

  // The unique ID for WebState's snapshot.
  let snapshotID: SnapshotIDWrapper

  // Designated initializer.
  init(generator: SnapshotGenerator, snapshotID: SnapshotIDWrapper) {
    assert(snapshotID.valid(), "snapshot ID should be valid")
    self.snapshotGenerator = generator
    self.snapshotID = snapshotID

  // Gets a color snapshot for the current page, calling `completion` once it has been retrieved.
  // Invokes `completion` with nil if a snapshot does not exist.
  func retrieveSnapshot(completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
    if let storage = snapshotStorage {
      storage.retrieveImage(snapshotID: snapshotID, completion: completion)
    } else {

  // Gets a grey snapshot for the current page, calling `completion` once it has been retrieved or
  // regenerated. If the snapshot cannot be generated, the `completion` will be called with nil.
  func retrieveGreySnapshot(completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
    weak var weakSelf = self
    let wrappedCompletion: (UIImage?) -> Void = { image in
      weakSelf?.greySnapshotRetrieved(image: image, completion: completion)

    if let storage = snapshotStorage {
      storage.retrieveGreyImage(snapshotID: snapshotID, completion: wrappedCompletion)
    } else {

  // Generates a new snapshot, updates the snapshot storage, and runs a callback with the new
  // snapshot image.
  func updateSnapshot(completion: ((UIImage?) -> Void)?) {
    weak var weakSelf = self
    let wrappedCompletion: (UIImage?) -> Void = { image in
      // Update the snapshot storage with the latest snapshot. The old image is deleted if `image`
      // is nil.
      weakSelf?.updateSnapshotStorage(image: image)

      // Callback is called if it exists.

    snapshotGenerator.generateSnapshot(completion: wrappedCompletion)

  // Generates and returns a new snapshot image with UIKit-based snapshot API. This does not update
  // the snapshot storage.
  func generateUIViewSnapshot() -> UIImage? {
    return snapshotGenerator.generateUIViewSnapshot()

  // Requests deletion of the current page snapshot from disk and memory.
  func removeSnapshot() {
    snapshotStorage?.removeImage(snapshotID: snapshotID)

  // Sets the delegate to SnapshotGenerator. Generating snapshots before setting a delegate will
  // fail. The delegate is not owned by the tab helper.
  func setDelegate(_ delegate: SnapshotGeneratorDelegate) {
    snapshotGenerator.delegate = delegate

  // Updates the snapshot storage with `snapshot`. Removes any stale snapshot when `image` is nil.
  private func updateSnapshotStorage(image: UIImage?) {
    if let image = image {
      snapshotStorage?.setImage(image, snapshotID: snapshotID)
    } else {
      snapshotStorage?.removeImage(snapshotID: snapshotID)

  // Helper method used to retrieve a grey snapshot.
  private func greySnapshotRetrieved(
    image: UIImage?, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void
  ) {
    // Found an image in SnapshotStorage.
    if image != nil {

    // Generate an image because it doesn't exist in SnapshotStorage.
    let generatedImage = snapshotGenerator.generateUIViewSnapshotWithOverlays()
    updateSnapshotStorage(image: generatedImage)
    if generatedImage != nil {
      let greyImage = UiKitUtils.greyImage(generatedImage)
    } else {