
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#import <optional>

#import "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/push_notification/model/push_notification_client.h"

@class CommandDispatcher;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
enum class TipsNotificationType;
enum class TipsNotificationUserType;

// A notification client responsible for registering notification requests and
// handling the receiving of user notifications that are user-ed "Tips".
class TipsNotificationClient : public PushNotificationClient {
  ~TipsNotificationClient() override;

  // Override PushNotificationClient::
  void HandleNotificationInteraction(
      UNNotificationResponse* notification_response) override;
  UIBackgroundFetchResult HandleNotificationReception(
      NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* notification) override;
  NSArray<UNNotificationCategory*>* RegisterActionableNotifications() override;
  void OnSceneActiveForegroundBrowserReady() override;

  // Called when the scene becomes "active foreground" and the browser is
  // ready. The closure will be called when all async operations are done.
  void OnSceneActiveForegroundBrowserReady(base::OnceClosure closure);

  // Handles a tips notification interaction by opening the appropriate UI.
  void HandleNotificationInteraction(TipsNotificationType type);

  // Registers local state prefs used to store state.
  static void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);

  // Callback type used with `GetPendingRequest`.
  using GetPendingRequestCallback =

  // Calls the completion block with a pending request if there is one, or nil
  // if there isn't one.
  void GetPendingRequest(GetPendingRequestCallback callback);

  // Called when a pending request is found. Or called with `nil` when none is
  // found.
  void OnPendingRequestFound(UNNotificationRequest* request);

  // Checks for any pending requests and schedules the next notification if
  // none are pending and there are any left in inventory.
  void CheckAndMaybeRequestNotification(base::OnceClosure callback);

  // Request a new tips notification, if the conditions are right (i.e. the
  // user has opted-in, etc).
  void MaybeRequestNotification(base::OnceClosure completion);

  // Clears all pending requests for this client.
  void ClearAllRequestedNotifications();

  // Request a notification of the given `type`.
  void RequestNotification(TipsNotificationType type,
                           base::OnceClosure completion);
  void OnNotificationRequested(TipsNotificationType type, NSError* error);

  // Returns true if a notification of the given `type` should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendNotification(TipsNotificationType type);

  // Returns true if a Default Browser notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendDefaultBrowser();

  // Returns true if a Signin notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendSignin();

  // Returns true if a WhatsNew notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendWhatsNew();

  // Returns true if a SetUpList continuation notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendSetUpListContinuation();

  // Returns true if a Docking promo notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendDocking();

  // Returns true if an Omnibox Position promo notification should be sent.
  bool ShouldSendOmniboxPosition();

  // Returns `true` if there is foreground active browser.
  bool IsSceneLevelForegroundActive();

  // Helpers to handle notification interactions.
  CommandDispatcher* Dispatcher();
  void ShowUIForNotificationType(TipsNotificationType type);
  void ShowDefaultBrowserPromo();
  void ShowWhatsNew();
  void ShowSignin();
  void ShowSetUpListContinuation();
  void ShowDocking();
  void ShowOmniboxPosition();
  void ShowLensPromo();

  // Helpers to store state in local state prefs.
  void MarkNotificationTypeSent(TipsNotificationType type);
  void MarkNotificationTypeNotSent(TipsNotificationType type);

  // Logs to a histogram if a notification that was requested has been
  // triggered.
  void MaybeLogTriggeredNotification();

  // Logs to a histogram if a notification that was triggered has been
  // dismissed.
  void MaybeLogDismissedNotification();
  void OnGetDeliveredNotifications(NSArray<UNNotification*>* notifications);

  // Returns true if Tips notifications are permitted.
  bool IsPermitted();

  // Called when the pref that stores whether Tips notifications are permitted
  // changes.
  void OnPermittedPrefChanged(const std::string& name);

  // Classifies the user and sets the `user_type`, if possible.
  void ClassifyUser();

  // Stores whether Tips notifications are permitted.
  bool permitted_ = false;

  // Stores the user's classification.
  TipsNotificationUserType user_type_;

  // When the user interacts with a Tips notification but there are no
  // foreground scenes, this will store the notification type so it can
  // be handled when there is a foreground scene.
  std::optional<TipsNotificationType> interacted_type_;

  // Observes changes to permitted pref.
  PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;

  // Used to assert that asynchronous callback are invoked on the correct
  // sequence.

  base::WeakPtrFactory<TipsNotificationClient> weak_ptr_factory_{this};