// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "base/ios/block_types.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/signin/model/constants.h"
@class UIViewController;
// Handles completion of AuthenticationFlowPerformer steps.
@protocol AuthenticationFlowPerformerDelegate<NSObject>
// Indicates that a browser state was signed out.
- (void)didSignOut;
// Indicates that browsing data finished clearing.
- (void)didClearData;
// Indicates that the identity managed status was fetched.
- (void)didFetchManagedStatus:(NSString*)hostedDomain;
// Indicates that the requested identity managed status fetch failed.
- (void)didFailFetchManagedStatus:(NSError*)error;
// Indicates that the user accepted signing in to a managed account.
- (void)didAcceptManagedConfirmation;
// Indicates that the user cancelled signing in to a managed account.
- (void)didCancelManagedConfirmation;
// Indicates the account of the user was registered for user policy. `dmToken`
// is empty when registration failed.
- (void)didRegisterForUserPolicyWithDMToken:(NSString*)dmToken
// Indicates that user policies were fetched. `success` is true when the fetch
// was successful.
- (void)didFetchUserPolicyWithSuccess:(BOOL)success;