// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_metrics.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/focus_cycler.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/accelerators.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_types.h"
// This file contains implementations of commands that are bound to keyboard
// shortcuts in Ash or in the embedding application (e.g. Chrome).
// Keep the functions in this file in alphabetical order.
namespace ash {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// Captures usage of Alt+[ and Alt+].
enum class WindowSnapAcceleratorAction {
kCycleLeftSnapInClamshellNoOverview = 0,
kCycleLeftSnapInClamshellOverview = 1,
kCycleLeftSnapInTablet = 2,
kCycleRightSnapInClamshellNoOverview = 3,
kCycleRightSnapInClamshellOverview = 4,
kCycleRightSnapInTablet = 5,
kMaxValue = kCycleRightSnapInTablet,
// UMA accessibility histogram names.
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAccessibilityHighContrastShortcut[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAccessibilitySpokenFeedbackShortcut[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierShortcut[];
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAccessibilityDockedMagnifierShortcut[];
// Name of histogram corresponding to |WindowSnapAcceleratorAction|.
ASH_EXPORT extern const char kAccelWindowSnap[];
namespace accelerators {
// CanFoo() functions:
// True should be returned if running |action| does something. Otherwise,
// false should be returned to give the web contents a chance at handling the
// accelerator.
// Note: These functions should be independent and not depend on
// ui::Accelerator.
ASH_EXPORT bool CanActivateTouchHud();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCreateNewIncognitoWindow();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCycleInputMethod();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCycleMru();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCycleSameAppWindows();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCycleUser();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanFindPipWidget();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanFocusCameraPreview();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanLock();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanMoveActiveWindowBetweenDisplays();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanCreateSnapGroup();
ASH_EXPORT void CreateSnapGroup();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanMinimizeTopWindowOnBack();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanPerformMagnifierZoom();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanScreenshot(bool take_screenshot);
ASH_EXPORT bool CanShowStylusTools();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanStopScreenRecording();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanSwapPrimaryDisplay();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanTilingWindowResize();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleCalendar();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanEnableOrToggleDictation();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleFloatingWindow();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleGameDashboard();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleMultitaskMenu();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleOverview();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanTogglePicker();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanTogglePrivacyScreen();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleProjectorMarker();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanToggleResizeLockMenu();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanUnpinWindow();
ASH_EXPORT bool CanWindowSnap();
// Accelerator commands.
// Note: These functions should be independent and not depend on ui::Accelerator
// Runs the assigned accessibility action.
ASH_EXPORT void AccessibilityAction();
// Activates desk on the left/right.
ASH_EXPORT void ActivateDesk(bool activate_left);
// Activates desk 1 to 8.
ASH_EXPORT void ActivateDeskAtIndex(AcceleratorAction action);
// Changes the scale of the active magnifier.
ASH_EXPORT void ActiveMagnifierZoom(int delta_index);
// Brightness down.
ASH_EXPORT void BrightnessDown();
// Brightness up.
ASH_EXPORT void BrightnessUp();
// Cycles windows of the same app/all windows backwards in the MRU window list.
ASH_EXPORT void CycleBackwardMru(bool same_app_only);
// Cycles windows of the same app/all windows forwards in the MRU window list.
ASH_EXPORT void CycleForwardMru(bool same_app_only);
// Switches to next/previous user.
ASH_EXPORT void CycleUser(CycleUserDirection direction);
// Disables caps-lock.
ASH_EXPORT void DisableCapsLock();
// Fingerprint sensor touched with finger finger_id finger_id can be 1,2 or 3.
// 3 different id is enough to cover all testing scenarios and it's better to
// minimize the number of used dev keyboard shortcuts.
ASH_EXPORT void TouchFingerprintSensor(int finger_id);
// Focuses the camera preview if it is present.
ASH_EXPORT void FocusCameraPreview();
// Focuses the PiP window if it is present.
ASH_EXPORT void FocusPip();
// Focuses the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT void FocusShelf();
// Dims keyboard.
ASH_EXPORT void KeyboardBrightnessDown();
// Makes keyboard brighter
ASH_EXPORT void KeyboardBrightnessUp();
// Launches the nth(0-7) app on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT void LaunchAppN(int n);
// Launches the right-most app on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT void LaunchLastApp();
// Presses lock button.
ASH_EXPORT void LockPressed(bool pressed);
// Locks the screen.
ASH_EXPORT void LockScreen();
// Takes partial screenshot/recording.
ASH_EXPORT void MaybeTakePartialScreenshot();
// Takes window screenshot/recording.
ASH_EXPORT void MaybeTakeWindowScreenshot();
// Fast-forwards playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaFastForward();
// Goes to the next media track.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaNextTrack();
// Pauses media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPause();
// Plays media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPlay();
// Toggles pause or play on media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPlayPause();
// Goes to the previous media track.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaPrevTrack();
// Rewinds playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaRewind();
// Stops playing media.
ASH_EXPORT void MediaStop();
// Moves active window between displays.
ASH_EXPORT void MoveActiveWindowBetweenDisplays();
// Toggles microphone mute.
ASH_EXPORT void MicrophoneMuteToggle();
// Moves active window to the desk on the left/right.
ASH_EXPORT void MoveActiveItem(bool going_left);
// Creates a new desk.
ASH_EXPORT void NewDesk();
// Opens a new incognito browser window.
ASH_EXPORT void NewIncognitoWindow();
// Opens a new tab.
ASH_EXPORT void NewTab();
// Opens a new browser window.
ASH_EXPORT void NewWindow();
// Opens the calculator app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenCalculator();
// Opens Crosh.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenCrosh();
// Opens the diagnostics app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenDiagnostics();
// Opens the feedback app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenFeedbackPage();
// Opens the file manager app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenFileManager();
// Opens the help/explore app.
ASH_EXPORT void OpenHelp();
// Resizes window as a tile.
ASH_EXPORT void PerformTilingWindowResize(AcceleratorAction action);
// Presses power button.
ASH_EXPORT void PowerPressed(bool pressed);
// Records when the user changes the output volume via keyboard to metrics.
ASH_EXPORT void RecordVolumeSource();
// Removes the current desk.
ASH_EXPORT void RemoveCurrentDesk();
// Resets the display zooming to the default state.
ASH_EXPORT void ResetDisplayZoom();
// Restores the last closed tab in the browser.
ASH_EXPORT void RestoreTab();
// Rotates the active window 90 degrees.
ASH_EXPORT void RotateActiveWindow();
// Rotates pane focus on next/previous pane.
ASH_EXPORT void RotatePaneFocus(FocusCycler::Direction direction);
// Rotates screen 90 degrees.
ASH_EXPORT void RotateScreen();
// Changes primary display to the secondary display next to current primary
// display
ASH_EXPORT void ShiftPrimaryDisplay();
// Opens Emoji Picker.
// `accelerator_timestamp` is the timestamp associated with the accelerator that
// triggered the emoji picker.
ASH_EXPORT void ShowEmojiPicker(base::TimeTicks accelerator_timestamp);
// Opens Shortcut Customization.
ASH_EXPORT void ShowShortcutCustomizationApp();
// Brings up task manager.
ASH_EXPORT void ShowTaskManager();
// Stops the capture mode recording.
ASH_EXPORT void StopScreenRecording();
// Puts device in sleep mode(suspend).
ASH_EXPORT void Suspend();
// Switches to next language.
ASH_EXPORT void SwitchToNextIme();
// Switches to the previous language.
ASH_EXPORT void SwitchToLastUsedIme(bool key_pressed);
// Takes screenshot.
ASH_EXPORT void TakeScreenshot(bool from_snapshot_key);
// Toggles app list.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleAppList(AppListShowSource show_source,
base::TimeTicks event_time_stamp);
// Assigns active window to all desks.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleAssignToAllDesk();
// Toggles Google assistant.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleAssistant();
// Toogles to show and hide the calendar widget.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleCalendar();
// Turns caps lock on and off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleCapsLock();
// Toggles the clipboard history.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleClipboardHistory(bool is_plain_text_paste);
// Toggles Picker.
// `accelerator_timestamp` is the timestamp associated with the accelerator that
// triggered Picker.
ASH_EXPORT void TogglePicker(base::TimeTicks accelerator_timestamp);
// Enables Select to Speak if the feature is currently disabled. Does nothing if
// the feature is currently enabled.
ASH_EXPORT void EnableSelectToSpeak();
// Enables Dictation if the feature is currently disabled. Toggles (either
// starts or stops) Dictation if the feature is currently enabled.
ASH_EXPORT void EnableOrToggleDictation();
// Turns the docked magnifier on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleDockedMagnifier();
// Toggles the floating window.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleFloating();
// Toggles the fullscreen state. The behavior can be overridden
// by WindowStateDelegate::ToggleFullscreen().
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleFullscreen();
// Turns the fullscreen magnifier mode on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleFullscreenMagnifier();
// Toggles the game dashboard on the current window.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleGameDashboard();
// Turns the high contrast mode on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleHighContrast();
// Toggles to show/close the Ime Menu.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleImeMenuBubble();
// Toggles keyboard backlight.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleKeyboardBacklight();
// Toggles the maxmized state. If the window is in fulllscreen, it exits
// fullscreen mode.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMaximized();
// Turns the message center on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMessageCenterBubble();
// Minimizes the active window, if present. If no windows are active, restores
// the first unminimized window. Returns true if a window was minimized or
// restored.
ASH_EXPORT bool ToggleMinimized();
// Turns on or off Mouse Keys.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMouseKeys();
// Minimizes the topmost unminimized snap groups. If there is no such snap
// group, restores the most recently used minimized snap group.
// TODO(b/333772909): Remove this API when the mojom conversion is disabled for
// deprecated shortcuts.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleSnapGroupsMinimize();
// Turns the mirror mode on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMirrorMode();
// Toggles the multitask menu.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleMultitaskMenu();
// Turns the overview mode on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleOverview();
// Toggles on/off the electronic privacy screen.
ASH_EXPORT void TogglePrivacyScreen();
// Toggles the Projector annotation tray UI and marker enabled state.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleProjectorMarker();
// Toggles the resize lock mode menu for a focused ARC++ resize-locked app if
// present.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleResizeLockMenu();
// Turns ChromeVox (spoken feedback) on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleSpokenFeedback();
// Toggles the stylus tools bubble on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleStylusTools();
// Turns the system tray on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleSystemTrayBubble();
// Turns the wifi on or off.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleWifi();
// Toggles the unified desktop mode which allows a window to span multiple
// displays.
ASH_EXPORT void ToggleUnifiedDesktop();
// Minimizes the top window on the back.
ASH_EXPORT void TopWindowMinimizeOnBack();
// Clears the touch hud.
ASH_EXPORT void TouchHudClear();
// Changes the touch hud mode.
ASH_EXPORT void TouchHudModeChange();
// If a window is pinned (aka forced fullscreen), exits from pinned mode.
ASH_EXPORT void UnpinWindow();
// Volume down.
ASH_EXPORT void VolumeDown();
// Volume mute.
ASH_EXPORT void VolumeMute();
// Volume mute toggle.
ASH_EXPORT void VolumeMuteToggle();
// Volume up.
ASH_EXPORT void VolumeUp();
// Minimizes the window.
ASH_EXPORT void WindowMinimize();
// Snaps window to the left/right.
ASH_EXPORT void WindowSnap(AcceleratorAction action);
// Changes the display zooming up or down.
ASH_EXPORT bool ZoomDisplay(bool up);
} // namespace accelerators
} // namespace ash