// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <optional>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/content_suggestions/magic_stack/magic_stack_module.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
} // namespace base
@protocol ParcelTrackingCommands;
class GURL;
// The carrier type for a given tracked parcel.
enum class ParcelType {
kUnkown = 0,
// Matches the definition of commerce::ParcelStatus::ParcelState.
enum class ParcelState {
kUnkown = 0,
kNew = 18,
kLabelCreated = 1,
kPickedUp = 2,
kFinished = 3,
kDeliveryFailed = 4,
kError = 6,
kCancelled = 11,
kOrderTooOld = 12,
kHandedOff = 13,
kWithCarrier = 14,
kOutForDelivery = 15,
kAtPickupLocation = 20,
kReturnToSender = 16,
kReturnCompleted = 19,
kUndeliverable = 17,
// Item containing the configurations for the ParcelTracking Module view.
@interface ParcelTrackingItem : MagicStackModule
// Favicon image of the carrier for the parcel.
@property(nonatomic, assign) ParcelType parcelType;
// Estimated delivery time of the parcel.
@property(nonatomic, assign) std::optional<base::Time> estimatedDeliveryTime;
// The id of the tracked parcel.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* parcelID;
// The status of the parcel.
@property(nonatomic, assign) ParcelState status;
// The URL of the parcel status page.
@property(nonatomic, assign) GURL trackingURL;
// Command handler for user actions.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<ParcelTrackingCommands> commandHandler;