// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/content_suggestions/parcel_tracking/parcel_tracking_commands.h"
namespace commerce {
class ShoppingService;
enum class ContentSuggestionsModuleType;
@protocol NewTabPageMetricsDelegate;
@class ParcelTrackingItem;
enum class ParcelType;
class UrlLoadingBrowserAgent;
class PrefService;
// Delegate used to communicate events back to the owner of
// ParcelTrackingMediator.
@protocol ParcelTrackingMediatorDelegate
// Logs a user Magic Stack engagement for module `type`.
- (void)logMagicStackEngagementForType:(ContentSuggestionsModuleType)type;
// Indicates to the receiver that new parcels were received.
- (void)newParcelsAvailable;
// Indicates to the receiver that parcel tracking was disabled.
- (void)parcelTrackingDisabled;
// Mediator for managing the state of tracked parcels for its Magic Stack
// module.
@interface ParcelTrackingMediator : NSObject <ParcelTrackingCommands>
// Delegate used to communicate events back to the owner of this class.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<ParcelTrackingMediatorDelegate> delegate;
// Delegate for reporting content suggestions actions to the NTP metrics
// recorder.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<NewTabPageMetricsDelegate> NTPMetricsDelegate;
// Default initializer.
- (instancetype)
prefService:(PrefService*)prefService NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (void)disconnect;
// Resets the latest fetched tracked packages and re-fecthes if applicable.
- (void)reset;
// Fetches the latest tracked parcels.
- (void)fetchTrackedParcels;
// Returns the parcel tracking items to show.
- (ParcelTrackingItem*)parcelTrackingItemToShow;
// Returns all parcel tracking items received.
- (NSArray<ParcelTrackingItem*>*)allParcelTrackingItems;
// Disables and hides the parcel tracking module.
- (void)disableModule;
// Indicates that `parcelID` should be untracked.
- (void)untrackParcel:(NSString*)parcelID;
// Indicates that `parcelID` should be tracked.
- (void)trackParcel:(NSString*)parcelID carrier:(ParcelType)carrier;