// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/content_suggestions/set_up_list/constants.h"
namespace set_up_list {
constexpr NSString* const kSignInItemID = @"set_up_list::kSignInItemID";
constexpr NSString* const kDefaultBrowserItemID =
constexpr NSString* const kAutofillItemID = @"set_up_list::kAutofillItemID";
constexpr NSString* const kContentNotificationItemID =
constexpr NSString* const kAllSetItemID = @"set_up_list:kAllSetItemID";
constexpr NSString* const kFollowItemID = @"set_up_list::kFollowItemID";
constexpr NSString* const kAccessibilityID = @"set_up_list::kAccessibilityID";
constexpr NSString* const kExpandButtonID = @"set_up_list::kExpandButtonID";
constexpr NSString* const kMenuButtonID = @"set_up_list::kMenuButtonID";
constexpr NSString* const kAllSetID = @"set_up_list::kAllSetID";
} // namespace set_up_list