// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxPlaceholderAlpha;
extern NSString* const kOmniboxLeadingImageDefaultAccessibilityIdentifier;
extern NSString* const kOmniboxLeadingImageEmptyTextAccessibilityIdentifier;
extern NSString* const
// Size of the leading image view.
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxLeadingImageSize;
// Offset from the leading edge to the image view (used when the image is
// shown).
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxLeadingImageViewEdgeOffset;
// Offset from the leading edge to the textfield when no image is shown.
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxTextFieldLeadingOffsetNoImage;
// Space between the leading button and the textfield when a button is shown.
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxTextFieldLeadingOffsetImage;
// The offset from the leading edge to the textfield when an image is shown.
// This is a sum of kOmniboxLeadingImageViewEdgeOffset,
// kOmniboxLeadingImageSize, and kOmniboxTextFieldLeadingOffsetImage.
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxEditOffset;