// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Accessibility identifier for the page info view.
extern NSString* const kPageInfoViewAccessibilityIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier for the page info's security view.
extern NSString* const kPageInfoSecurityViewAccessibilityIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier for the footer of the security section of the page
// info view.
extern NSString* const kPageInfoSecurityFooterAccessibilityIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier for the navigation bar of page info view.
extern NSString* const kPageInfoViewNavigationBarAccessibilityIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier for the navigation bar of page info's security view.
extern NSString* const
// The left edge insect for cell separators of page info.
extern const CGFloat kPageInfoTableViewSeparatorInset;
// The left edge insect for cell separators of page info with an icon.
extern const CGFloat kPageInfoTableViewSeparatorInsetWithIcon;
// The vertical padding between the navigation bar and the first section header
// of page info.
extern const CGFloat kPageInfoPaddingFirstSectionHeader;
// The size of icons in the left hand side of page info.
extern const CGFloat kPageInfoSymbolPointSize;