
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/table_view/cells/table_view_cell.h"

// Cell representation for SettingsCheckItem.
//  +---------------------------------------------------------+
//  | +--------+                                +---------+   |
//  | |        |  One line title                |trailing |   |
//  | | leading|                                |image    |   |
//  | | image  |  Multiline detail text         |spinner  |   |
//  | |        |  Multiline detail text         |or button|   |
//  | +--------+                                +---------+   |
//  +---------------------------------------------------------+
@interface SettingsCheckCell : TableViewCell

// Button which is used as an anchor to show popover with additional
// information.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong) UIButton* infoButton;

// Shows `activityIndicator` and starts animation. It will hide `imageView` if
// it was shown.
- (void)showActivityIndicator;

// Hides `activityIndicator` and stops animation.
- (void)hideActivityIndicator;

// Sets the `trailingImage` and tint `trailingColor` for it that should be
// displayed at the trailing edge of the cell. If set to nil, `trailingImage`
// will be hidden, otherwise `imageView` will be shown and `activityIndicator`
// will be hidden.
- (void)setTrailingImage:(UIImage*)trailingImage

// Sets the `image` that should be displayed at the leading edge of the cell
// with a `tintColor`. If set to nil, the icon will be hidden and the rest of
// the content will expand to fill the full width of the cell. The image view
// will be configured with a `backgroundColor` and a `cornerRadius`.
- (void)setLeadingIconImage:(UIImage*)image

// Shows/Hides `infoButton`.
- (void)setInfoButtonHidden:(BOOL)hidden;

// If `enabled`, `infoButton` image's tint color is set to blue otherwise to
// [UIColor colorNamed:kTextSecondaryColor]. Also, enable/disable the
// `infoButton` based on `enabled`.
- (void)setInfoButtonEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
