// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@class GoogleServicesSettingsViewController;
// Delegate for GoogleServicesSettingsViewController instance, to manage the
// model.
@protocol GoogleServicesSettingsViewControllerModelDelegate <NSObject>
// Called when the model should be loaded.
- (void)googleServicesSettingsViewControllerLoadModel:
// Called to know if the table item is of the type for allow sign-in.
- (BOOL)isAllowChromeSigninItem:(int)type;
// Returns true if the view controller should apply parental controls.
- (BOOL)isViewControllerSubjectToParentalControls;
// Called when the model should handle a selected row at `indexPath`.
- (void)googleServicesSettingsViewControllerDidSelectItemAtIndexPath: