
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace password_manager {
enum class WarningType;
@class CrURL;

// Commands relative to the Password Checkup homepage.
@protocol PasswordCheckupCommands

// Called when view controller is removed.
- (void)dismissPasswordCheckupViewController;

// Opens the Password Issues list displaying compromised, weak or reused
// credentials.
- (void)showPasswordIssuesWithWarningType:

// Navigates to the URL.
- (void)dismissAndOpenURL:(CrURL*)URL;

// Called when the user deleted their last saved password through Password
// Checkup. When that happens, the user should be brought back to the Password
// Manager page where the view for an empty password store will be presented.
// Calling this method brings the user back to the Password Manager page by
// dismissing the PasswordCheckupViewController and any other view controller
// presented by a child coordinator of PasswordCheckupCoordinator.
- (void)dismissAfterAllPasswordsGone;
