// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace password_manager {
struct CredentialUIEntry;
} // namespace password_manager
// Delegate for AddPasswordMediator.
@protocol AddPasswordMediatorDelegate
// Called when the add password view controller is to be dismissed.
- (void)dismissAddPasswordTableViewController;
// Called after a new credential is added or an existing one is updated via the
// add credential flow.
- (void)setUpdatedPassword:
(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry&)credential;
// Called when the "View Password" is tapped in the section alert. The section
// alert is shown when there exists an existing credential with the same
// username/website combination as that of the credential being added manually.
- (void)showPasswordDetailsControllerWithCredential:
(const password_manager::CredentialUIEntry&)credential;