// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class CredentialDetails;
// Sets the Password details for consumer.
@protocol PasswordDetailsConsumer <NSObject>
// Displays provided array of credential details and the title for the Password
// Details view.
- (void)setCredentials:(NSArray<CredentialDetails*>*)credentials
// Determine if this is a details view for a blocked site (never saved
// password).
- (void)setIsBlockedSite:(BOOL)isBlockedSite;
// Set the signed in user email.
- (void)setUserEmail:(NSString*)userEmail;
// Sets up the share button next to the navigation's right bar button. Tapping
// on the button results in entering the sharing flow when `policyEnabled`.
// Otherwise, info popup is displayed explaining that the feature is disabled by
// policy.
- (void)setupRightShareButton:(BOOL)policyEnabled;