// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace password_manager {
struct CredentialUIEntry;
} // namespace password_manager
enum class WriteToURLStatus {
enum class ExportState {
@protocol ReauthenticationProtocol;
@protocol FileWriterProtocol <NSObject>
// Posts a task to write the data in `data` to the file at `fileURL` and
// executes `handler` when the writing is finished.
- (void)writeData:(NSData*)data
handler:(void (^)(WriteToURLStatus))handler;
@protocol PasswordSerializerBridge <NSObject>
// Posts task to serialize passwords and calls `serializedPasswordsHandler`
// when serialization is finished.
- (void)serializePasswords:
(const std::vector<password_manager::CredentialUIEntry>&)passwords
handler:(void (^)(std::string))serializedPasswordsHandler;
@protocol PasswordExporterDelegate <NSObject>
// Displays a dialog informing the user that they must set up a passcode
// in order to export passwords.
- (void)showSetPasscodeForPasswordExportDialog;
// Displays an alert which informs the user that the passwords are being
// prepared to be exported and gives them the option of cancelling the export.
- (void)showPreparingPasswordsAlert;
// Displays an alert detailing an error that has occured during export.
- (void)showExportErrorAlertWithLocalizedReason:(NSString*)errorReason;
// Displays an activity view that allows the user to pick an app to process
// the exported passwords file.
- (void)showActivityViewWithActivityItems:(NSArray*)activityItems
(void (^)(NSString* activityType,
BOOL completed,
NSArray* returnedItems,
NSError* activityError))completionHandler;
// Enables or disables the export button based on the export state.
- (void)updateExportPasswordsButton;
* Class handling all the operations necessary to export passwords.
* In order to pass the exported data to the user-selected app, it stores
* a temporary file in tmp/passwords/<UUID>/, in the sandbox.
* The temporary file is removed from:
* - the UIActivityViewController's `completionWithItemsHandler` when the
* selected app/extension signals completion
* - at browser startup
* - whenever a password is deleted from local storage.
* The last two deletion points remove the entire passwords/ directory.
* They are needed for cases in which the user-selected app/extension doesn't
* signal completion upon finishing to process the file, causing the file to
* persist longer than needed.
@interface PasswordExporter : NSObject
// The designated initializer. `reauthenticationModule` and `delegate` must
// not be nil.
- (instancetype)initWithReauthenticationModule:
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Method to be called in order to start the export flow. This initiates
// the reauthentication procedure and asks for password serialization.
- (void)startExportFlow:
(const std::vector<password_manager::CredentialUIEntry>&)passwords;
// Called when the user cancels the export operation.
- (void)cancelExport;
// Called to re-enable export functionality when the export UI flow finishes.
- (void)resetExportState;
// State of the export operation.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) ExportState exportState;