// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/insecure_credentials_manager.h"
@protocol PasswordIssue;
@class CrURL;
// Presenter which handles commands from `PasswordsIssuesTableViewController`.
@protocol PasswordIssuesPresenter
// Called when view controller is removed.
- (void)dismissPasswordIssuesTableViewController;
- (void)dismissAndOpenURL:(CrURL*)URL;
// Called when Password Details screen should be shown.
- (void)presentPasswordIssueDetails:(PasswordIssue*)password;
// Called when password issues should be shown for dismissed compromised
// credentials.
- (void)presentDismissedCompromisedCredentials;
// Called when the user removed all issues and/or dismissed warnings currently
// displayed in PasswordsIssuesTableViewController.
// Password Issues and dismissed warnings can be deleted or resolved by the user
// from the Password Details screen. If the user deletes or resolves the only
// remaining issue in Password Issues, we dismiss it as there is no content to
// display in the page. Calling this method dismisses Password Issues and any
// view controller presented by a child coordinator.
- (void)dismissAfterAllIssuesGone;