
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/settings/password/passwords_table_view_constants.h"
#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/earl_grey_test.h"

@class GREYElementInteraction;
@protocol GREYMatcher;

namespace password_manager_test_utils {

// How many points to scroll at a time when searching for an element. Setting it
// too low means searching takes too long and the test might time out. Setting
// it too high could result in scrolling way past the searched element.
constexpr int kScrollAmount = 150;

// Error message for when a new password form wasn't successfully saved in the
// password store.
inline constexpr NSString* kPasswordStoreErrorMessage =
    @"Stored form was not found in the PasswordStore results.";

// Default username used for password/passkey creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultUsername = @"concrete username";

// Default username used for password creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultUserDisplayName =
    @"concrete user display name";

// Default password used for password creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultPassword = @"concrete password";

// Default site used for password creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultSite = @"";

// Default rp id used for passkey creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultRpId = @"";

// Default user id used for passkey creation.
inline constexpr NSString* kDefaultUserId = @"user_id";

// Matcher for the Password Manager's view that's presented when the user
// doesn't have any saved passwords.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordManagerEmptyView();

// Matcher for a specific state of the Password Checkup cell in the
// Password Manager.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordCheckupCellForState(PasswordCheckUIState state,
                                            int number);

// Matcher for the table view of a password issues page.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordIssuesTableView();

// Matcher for the password in a password details view.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordDetailPassword();

// Matcher for the "Edit" button of the navigation bar.
id<GREYMatcher> NavigationBarEditButton();

// Matcher for the "Done" button of the navigation bar that's showing when in
// edit mode.
id<GREYMatcher> EditDoneButton();

// Matcher for the "Save Password" button the confirmation dialog that pops up
// in the password details page after editing a password.
id<GREYMatcher> EditPasswordConfirmationButton();

// Matcher for the "Username" field associated with the credential with given
// `username` and `sites`.
id<GREYMatcher> UsernameTextfieldForUsernameAndSites(NSString* username,
                                                     NSString* sites);

// Matcher for the "Password" field associated with the credential with given
// `username` and `sites`.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordTextfieldForUsernameAndSites(NSString* username,
                                                     NSString* sites);

// Matcher for the "Delete Password" associated with the credential with given
// `username` and `sites`.
id<GREYMatcher> DeleteButtonForUsernameAndSites(NSString* username,
                                                NSString* sites);

// Matcher for the Reauthentication Controller used for covered the UI until
// Local Authentication is passed.
id<GREYMatcher> ReauthenticationController();

// Matcher for the TableView inside the Password Settings UI.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordSettingsTableView();

// Matcher for the Password Details View.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordDetailsTableViewMatcher();

// Matcher for the Share button in password details view.
id<GREYMatcher> PasswordDetailsShareButtonMatcher();

// GREYElementInteraction* for the item on the password issues list
// with the given `matcher`. It scrolls in `direction` if necessary to ensure
// that the matched item is interactable.
GREYElementInteraction* GetInteractionForIssuesListItem(
    id<GREYMatcher> matcher,
    GREYDirection direction);

// GREYElementInteraction* for the cell on the password issues list with
// the given `username` and `domain`. It scrolls down if necessary to ensure
// that the matched cell is interactable. `compromised_description` is nil when
// the password is not compromised.
GREYElementInteraction* GetInteractionForPasswordIssueEntry(
    NSString* domain,
    NSString* username,
    NSString* compromised_description = nil);

// Saves a password form in the profile store.
void SavePasswordFormToProfileStore(NSString* password = kDefaultPassword,
                                    NSString* username = kDefaultUsername,
                                    NSString* origin = kDefaultSite);

// Saves a password form in the account store.
void SavePasswordFormToAccountStore(NSString* password = kDefaultPassword,
                                    NSString* username = kDefaultUsername,
                                    NSString* origin = kDefaultSite);

// Saves a compromised password form in the profile store.
void SaveCompromisedPasswordFormToProfileStore(
    NSString* password = kDefaultPassword,
    NSString* username = kDefaultUsername,
    NSString* origin = kDefaultSite);

// Saves a muted compromised password form in the profile store.
void SaveMutedCompromisedPasswordFormToProfileStore(
    NSString* origin = kDefaultSite,
    NSString* username = kDefaultUsername,
    NSString* password = kDefaultPassword);

// Saves a passkey to the store.
void SaveExamplePasskeyToStore(
    NSString* rpId = kDefaultRpId,
    NSString* userId = kDefaultUserId,
    NSString* username = kDefaultUsername,
    NSString* userDisplayName = kDefaultUserDisplayName);

// Opens the Password Manager page from the NTP.
void OpenPasswordManager();

// Taps the "Edit" button of the navigation bar.
void TapNavigationBarEditButton();

// Deletes the credential with given `username` and `password` from the details
// page.
void DeleteCredential(NSString* username, NSString* password);

}  // namespace password_manager_test_utils