
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Build targets for constructing CIPD packages.
# Prepares a CIPD archive and generates a manifest file.
# TODO( Add support for including directories.
# Parameters:
#   package_definition_yaml: CIPD package definition filename. "cipd.yaml"
#                            if unspecified.
#   package: The path where the package will be located inside the CIPD
#            repository.
#   description: Sets the "description" field in CIPD package definition.
#   install_mode: String, should be either "symlink" or "copy". Defaults to
#                 "symlink".
#   deps: A list of targets to build prior to copying files.
#   sources: A list of files to copy into the staging root.
#   source_directories: A list of directories to include in the package. Should
#                       only be used when listing out all the files (in a given
#                       directory) in |sources| is unfeasible.
# Example:
#   cipd_package_definition("chromedriver") {
#     package = "path/to/cipd/package"
#     description = "Prebuilt test binary."
#     install_mode = "copy"
#     deps = [ "//path/to:test_binary_target" ]
#     sources = [ "//path/to:test_binary_file" ]
#   }
template("cipd_package_definition") {

  assert(defined(sources) || defined(source_directories),
         "At least one sources input must be specified.")

  _install_mode = "symlink"
  if (defined(invoker.install_mode)) {
    _install_mode = invoker.install_mode
  assert(_install_mode == "copy" || _install_mode == "symlink",
         "\"install_mode\" arg should be either \"copy\" or \"symlink\".")

  _cipd_definition_yaml = "cipd.yaml"
  if (defined(invoker.package_definition_yaml)) {
    _cipd_definition_yaml = invoker.package_definition_yaml

  _package_staging_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"

  _yaml_contents = [
    "package: ${invoker.package}",
    "description: ${invoker.description}",
    "root: " + rebase_path(_package_staging_dir),
    "install_mode: ${_install_mode}",

  if (defined(sources)) {
    foreach(source, sources) {
      _yaml_contents += [ "  - file: " + get_path_info(source, "file") ]
    copy(target_name) {
      outputs = [ "${_package_staging_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

  if (defined(source_directories)) {
    foreach(directory, source_directories) {
      _yaml_contents += [ "  - dir: " + directory ]

  write_file("${_package_staging_dir}/${_cipd_definition_yaml}", _yaml_contents)

# Create a cipd file based on inputs and FILES.cfg config. Most of the arguments
# are similar with |cipd_package_definition| above.
# Additional parameters:
#   package_definition_yaml: The output yaml file. Default is
#                            ${target_name}_cipd.yaml.
#   files_file: The file defines what files and directories to include.
#               Example: //tools/build/chromeos/FILES.cfg.
#   buildtype: str, required. It can be "dev" or "official".
#              Only when the file has the same buildtype, it will be included.
#   arch: str, required. It can be "32bit", "64bit", "arm".
# Example:
# cipd_package_definition_by_file("chrome_cipd") {
#     package = "path/to/cipd/package"
#     description = "Prebuilt test binary."
#     install_mode = "copy"
#     files_file = "//chrome/tools/build/chromeos/FILES.json"
#     buildtype = "dev"
#     arch = "64bit"
#     deps = [ "//path/to:test_binary_target" ]
#   }
template("cipd_package_definition_by_file") {
  _output_yaml_filename = "${target_name}_cipd.yaml"
  if (defined(invoker.package_definition_yaml)) {
    _output_yaml_filename = invoker.package_definition_yaml
  action(target_name) {
    script = "//build/cipd/"
    inputs = [ invoker.files_file ]
    args = [
      "--description=" + invoker.description,
      "--buildtype=" + invoker.buildtype,
      "--arch=" + invoker.arch,
      "--files_file=" + rebase_path(invoker.files_file, root_build_dir),
      "--package=" + invoker.package,
      "--install_mode=" + invoker.install_mode,
      "--output_yaml_file=" +
          rebase_path("${root_out_dir}/" + _output_yaml_filename,
    outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/" + _output_yaml_filename ]