// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol which handles showing alerts or authentication in response to user
// interactions with the bulk move passwords to account section in password
// manager settings.
@protocol BulkMoveLocalPasswordsToAccountHandler
// Attempts to auth the user and moves the passwords if auth is successful. If
// it's not successful, does nothing. If the user has no auth set on their
// device, prompt them to add some.
- (void)showAuthenticationForMovePasswordsToAccountWithMessage:
// Show the move passwords to account confirmation alert with constructed title
// and description.
- (void)showConfirmationDialogWithAlertTitle:(NSString*)alertTitle
// Shows the snackbar confirming to the user that their local passwords have
// been saved to their account.
- (void)showMovedToAccountSnackbarWithPasswordCount:(int)count