
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <memory>

@protocol ReauthenticationProtocol;

// Util class enabling a global override of the Reauthentication Module used in
// newly-constructed PasswordSettingsCoordinators, for testing purposes only.
class ScopedPasswordSettingsReauthModuleOverride {

  // Returns the override module, if one exists.
  static id<ReauthenticationProtocol> Get();

  // Creates a scoped override so that the provided fake/mock/disarmed/etc
  // reauthentication module will be used in place of the production
  // implementation.
  // Newly created coordinators will use `module` as their reauthentication
  // module until the override is destroyed. Any coordinator created while an
  // override is active will hold a strong ref to `module`.
  static std::unique_ptr<ScopedPasswordSettingsReauthModuleOverride>
  MakeAndArmForTesting(id<ReauthenticationProtocol> module);

  // The module to be used.
  id<ReauthenticationProtocol> module;

  ScopedPasswordSettingsReauthModuleOverride() = default;