// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@class FamilyPickerViewController;
@class RecipientInfoForIOSDisplay;
// Delegate for FamilyPickerViewController.
@protocol FamilyPickerViewControllerPresentationDelegate <NSObject>
// Called when the user clicks cancel button or dismisses the view by swiping.
- (void)familyPickerWasDismissed:(FamilyPickerViewController*)controller;
// Called when the user clicks share button with selected recipients;
- (void)familyPickerClosed:(FamilyPickerViewController*)controller
// Called when the user clicks back button to navigate to the password picker
// view.
- (void)familyPickerNavigatedBack:(FamilyPickerViewController*)controller;
// Called when the user clicks "Learn more" in the info button popover of the
// recipient that is not eligible to receive passwords.
- (void)learnMoreLinkWasTapped;