// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <optional>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/coordinator/chrome_coordinator/chrome_coordinator.h"
@class RecipientInfoForIOSDisplay;
@protocol SharingStatusCoordinatorDelegate;
class GURL;
// This coordinator presents a view with a sharing status animation. Main part
// of the animation is a progress bar loading between images of the sender and
// the recipients. The progress does not reflect actual sharing going on under
// the hood, but rather has a fixed time that allows the user to cancel sharing.
// If the user does not cancel it, then the API is called to process sharing and
// success status is displayed. Otherwise, cancelled status is displayed.
@interface SharingStatusCoordinator : ChromeCoordinator
// `recipients` contains information about users selected to receive passwords.
// `website` is a display origin of the site for which the password is shared.
// `URL` is a url of the website for which the password is being shared.
// `changePasswordURL` is a url which allows to change the password that is
// being shared (might be null for Android app passwords).
- (instancetype)
URL:(const GURL&)URL
changePasswordURL:(const std::optional<GURL>&)changePasswordURL
- (instancetype)initWithBaseViewController:(UIViewController*)viewController
browser:(Browser*)browser NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Delegate handling coordinator dismissal.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<SharingStatusCoordinatorDelegate> delegate;