
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// A11y Identifier for view.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsViewAccessibilityIdentifier;

// A11y Identifier for title label.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsTitleAccessibilityIdentifier;

// A11y Identifier for subtitle label.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsSubtitleAccessibilityIdentifier;

// A11y Identifier for banner image.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsImageAccessibilityIdentifier;

// A11y Identifier for the action button.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsActionAccessibilityIdentifier;

// A11y Identifier for the scroll view that contains all the labels and buttons.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsInOtherAppsScrollViewAccessibilityIdentifier;