// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/list_model/list_model.h"
// The accessibility identifier of the Password Manager table view.
extern NSString* const kPasswordsTableViewID;
extern NSString* const kPasswordsSearchBarID;
extern NSString* const kPasswordsScrimViewID;
// The accessibility identifier of the password details table view.
extern NSString* const kPasswordDetailsTableViewID;
extern NSString* const kPasswordDetailsDeletionAlertViewID;
extern NSString* const kPasswordsAddPasswordSaveButtonID;
extern NSString* const kPasswordsAddPasswordCancelButtonID;
// The accessibility identifier of the password issues table view.
extern NSString* const kPasswordIssuesTableViewID;
// The accessibility identifier of the "Dismissed Warnings" cell in the password
// issues table view.
extern NSString* const kDismissedWarningsCellID;
// The accessibility identifier of the large "Add Password..." button when
// displayed in the table.
extern NSString* const kAddPasswordButtonID;
// Username text field accessibility identifier for Password Details.
extern NSString* const kUsernameTextfieldForPasswordDetailsID;
// User Display Name text field accessibility identifier for Password Details.
extern NSString* const kUserDisplayNameTextfieldForPasswordDetailsID;
// Creation Date text field accessibility identifier for Password Details.
extern NSString* const kCreationDateTextfieldForPasswordDetailsID;
// Password text field accessibility identifier for Password Details.
extern NSString* const kPasswordTextfieldForPasswordDetailsID;
// Delete button accessibility identifier for Password Details.
extern NSString* const kDeleteButtonForPasswordDetailsID;
// The accessibility identifier of the icon that informs the user a password is
// only stored locally and not backed up to any account.
extern NSString* const kLocalOnlyPasswordIconID;
// Returns the name of the image shown in the Password Manager widget
// promo that's presented in the Password Manager.
NSString* WidgetPromoImageName();
// Returns the name of the image shown in the Password Manager widget
// promo that's presented in the Password Manager when the promo cell
// is disabled.
NSString* WidgetPromoDisabledImageName();
// Accessibility identifier for the Password Manager widget promo.
extern NSString* const kWidgetPromoID;
// Accessibility identifier for the Password Manager widget promo's close
// button.
extern NSString* const kWidgetPromoCloseButtonID;
// Accessibility identifier for the Password Manager widget promo's image.
extern NSString* const kWidgetPromoImageID;
// Name of histogram tracking actions taken on the Password Manager widget
// promo.
extern const char kPasswordManagerWidgetPromoActionHistogram[];
// Enum for the IOS.PasswordManager.WidgetPromo.Action histogram. Keep in sync
// with the "PromoWithInstructionsAction" enum.
// LINT.IfChange
enum class PasswordManagerWidgetPromoAction {
kClose = 0, // The user closed the promo.
kOpenInstructions = 1, // The user opened the instruction view.
kMaxValue = kOpenInstructions,
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ios/enums.xml:PromoWithInstructionsAction)
// Sections of the password settings
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PasswordSectionIdentifier) {
SectionIdentifierSavedPasswords = kSectionIdentifierEnumZero,
// Enum with all possible UI states for the Password Manager's Password Checkup
// cell.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PasswordCheckUIState) {
// When no insecure passwords were detected.
// When user has unmuted compromised passwords.
// When user has reused passwords.
// When user has weak passwords.
// When user has dismissed warnings.
// When check was not perfect and state is unclear.
// When password check is running.
// When user has no passwords and check can't be performed.
// When password check failed due to network issues, quota limit or others.
// When password check failed due to user being signed out.