// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// The accessibility identifier of the Privacy setting table view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyTableViewId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Privacy Lockdown Mode cell.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyLockdownModeCellId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Privacy Safe Browsing setting table view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacySafeBrowsingTableViewId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Privacy Safe Browsing cell.
extern NSString* const kSettingsPrivacySafeBrowsingCellId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection cell.
extern NSString* const kSettingsSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionCellId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Safe Browsing Standard Protection cell.
extern NSString* const kSettingsSafeBrowsingStandardProtectionCellId;
// The accessibility identifier of the Safe Browsing No Protection cell.
extern NSString* const kSettingsSafeBrowsingNoProtectionCellId;