// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// The possible step types that can be displayed as part of the Privacy Guide.
enum PrivacyGuideStepType : NSInteger {
// The accessibility identifier for the Privacy Guide History Sync switch.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideHistorySyncSwitchID;
// The accessibility identifier for the Privacy Guide History Sync step view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideHistorySyncViewID;
// The accessibility identifier for the Privacy Guide wide navigation bar.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideNavigationBarViewID;
// The accessibility identifier for the Privacy Guide Safe Browsing step view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideSafeBrowsingViewID;
// The accessibility identifier for the URL usage switch.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideURLUsageSwitchID;
// The accessibility identifier for the URL usage step view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideURLUsageViewID;
// The accessibility identifier for the Welcome step view.
extern NSString* const kPrivacyGuideWelcomeViewID;