# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Do not add any imports to non-//build directories here.
# Some projects (e.g. V8) do not have non-build directories DEPS'ed in.
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
default_android_sdk_dep = "//third_party/android_sdk:android_sdk_java"
_kotlin_stdlib_dep = "//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java"
_jacoco_dep = "//third_party/jacoco:jacocoagent_java"
_jacoco_host_jar =
_robolectric_libs_dir =
get_label_info("//:foo($robolectric_toolchain)", "root_out_dir"),
# The following _java_*_types variables capture all the existing target types.
# If a new type is introduced, please add it to one of these categories,
# preferring the more specific resource/library types.
_java_resource_types = [
_java_library_types = [
# These are leaf java target types. They cannot be passed as deps to other
# targets. Thus their naming schemes are not enforced.
_java_leaf_types = [
# All _java_resource_types targets must conform to these patterns.
java_resource_patterns = [
# All _java_library_types targets must conform to these patterns. This includes
# all non-leaf targets that use java_library_impl.
java_library_patterns = [
"*:*_java_*", # E.g. chrome_java_test_support
"*/java", # to allow filtering without expanding labels //a/java ->
# //a/java:java
# TODO(agrieve): Rename to glue_java
# These identify all non-leaf targets that have .build_config.json files. This is the
# set of patterns that other targets can use to filter out java targets.
java_target_patterns = java_library_patterns + java_resource_patterns
_r8_path = "//third_party/r8/cipd/lib/r8.jar"
_custom_r8_path = "//third_party/r8/custom_r8.jar"
# This duplication is intentional, so we avoid updating the r8.jar used by
# dexing unless necessary, since each update invalidates all incremental dexing
# and unnecessarily slows down all bots.
_d8_path = "//third_party/r8/d8/cipd/lib/r8.jar"
_custom_d8_path = "//third_party/r8/custom_d8.jar"
_default_lint_jar_path = "//third_party/android_build_tools/lint/cipd/lint.jar"
_custom_lint_jar_path = "//third_party/android_build_tools/lint/custom_lint.jar"
_manifest_merger_jar_path =
# Put the bug number in the target name so that false-positives have a hint in
# the error message about why non-existent dependencies are there.
build_config_target_suffix = "__build_config_crbug_908819"
# Write the target's .build_config.json file. This is a json file that contains a
# dictionary of information about how to build this target (things that
# require knowledge about this target's dependencies and cannot be calculated
# at gn-time). There is a special syntax to add a value in that dictionary to
# an action/action_foreachs args:
# --python-arg=@FileArg($rebased_build_config_path:key0:key1)
# At runtime, such an arg will be replaced by the value in the build_config.
# See build/android/gyp/write_build_config.py and
# build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py:ExpandFileArgs
template("write_build_config") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
_type = invoker.type
_parent_invoker = invoker.invoker
_target_label =
get_label_info(":${_parent_invoker.target_name}", "label_no_toolchain")
# Ensure targets match naming patterns so that __assetres, __header, __host,
# and __validate targets work properly.
if (filter_exclude([ _type ], _java_resource_types) == []) {
if (filter_exclude([ _target_label ], java_resource_patterns) != []) {
assert(false, "Invalid java resource target name: $_target_label")
} else if (filter_exclude([ _type ], _java_library_types) == []) {
if (filter_exclude([ _target_label ], java_library_patterns) != [] ||
filter_exclude([ _target_label ], java_resource_patterns) == []) {
assert(false, "Invalid java library target name: $_target_label")
} else if (_type == "group") {
if (filter_exclude([ _target_label ], java_target_patterns) != []) {
assert(false, "Invalid java target name: $_target_label")
} else if (filter_exclude([ _type ], _java_leaf_types) != []) {
assert(false, "This java type needs a category: $_type")
if (defined(invoker.public_target_label)) {
_target_label = invoker.public_target_label
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest_dep)) {
deps += [ invoker.android_manifest_dep ]
script = "//build/android/gyp/write_build_config.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
inputs = []
outputs = [ invoker.build_config ]
_deps_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.possible_config_deps)) {
foreach(_possible_dep, invoker.possible_config_deps) {
_dep_label = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
if (filter_exclude([ _dep_label ], java_target_patterns) == []) {
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
_deps_configs += [ _dep_config ]
_public_deps_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.possible_config_public_deps)) {
foreach(_possible_dep, invoker.possible_config_public_deps) {
_dep_label = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
# E.g. Adding an action that generates a .java file that is then
# consumed by a subsequent java_library() target would not work
# because the libraries depend only on the nested targets of one
# another. It is simplest to just ban non-java public_deps.
assert(filter_exclude([ _dep_label ], java_target_patterns) == [],
"Only java_library targets can be used as public_deps. " +
"Found:\n${_dep_label}\non Target:\n" +
get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_no_toolchain"))
# Put the bug number in the target name so that false-positives
# have a hint in the error message about non-existent dependencies.
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_possible_dep, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
_public_deps_configs += [ _dep_config ]
inputs += _deps_configs
inputs += _public_deps_configs
_rebased_deps_configs = rebase_path(_deps_configs, root_build_dir)
_rebased_public_deps_configs =
rebase_path(_public_deps_configs, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.preferred_dep) && invoker.preferred_dep) {
args += [ "--preferred-dep" ]
if (defined(invoker.aar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.aar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.chromium_code) && !invoker.chromium_code) {
# Default to chromium code if invoker did not pass anything.
args += [ "--non-chromium-code" ]
if (defined(invoker.device_jar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.device_jar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.host_jar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.host_jar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.unprocessed_jar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.unprocessed_jar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.ijar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.ijar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.kotlinc_jar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.kotlinc_jar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.java_resources_jar)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.java_resources_jar, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.annotation_processor_deps) &&
invoker.annotation_processor_deps != []) {
_processor_configs = []
foreach(_dep_label, invoker.annotation_processor_deps) {
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_dep_label, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_dep_label, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
_processor_configs += [ _dep_config ]
_rebased_processor_configs =
rebase_path(_processor_configs, root_build_dir)
inputs += _processor_configs
args += [ "--annotation-processor-configs=$_rebased_processor_configs" ]
# Dex path for library targets, or the the intermediate library for apks.
if (defined(invoker.dex_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.dex_path, root_build_dir),
# Dex path for the final apk.
if (defined(invoker.final_dex_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.final_dex_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.supports_android) && invoker.supports_android) {
args += [ "--supports-android" ]
if (defined(invoker.requires_android) && invoker.requires_android) {
args += [ "--requires-android" ]
if (defined(invoker.is_prebuilt) && invoker.is_prebuilt) {
args += [ "--is-prebuilt" ]
if (defined(invoker.bypass_platform_checks) &&
invoker.bypass_platform_checks) {
args += [ "--bypass-platform-checks" ]
if (defined(invoker.is_robolectric) && invoker.is_robolectric) {
args += [ "--is-robolectric" ]
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
_dep_label = invoker.apk_under_test
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_dep_label, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_dep_label, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
inputs += [ _dep_config ]
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
args += [
rebase_path(_dep_config, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.asset_sources)) {
_rebased_asset_sources =
rebase_path(invoker.asset_sources, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--asset-sources=$_rebased_asset_sources" ]
if (defined(invoker.asset_renaming_sources)) {
_rebased_asset_renaming_sources =
rebase_path(invoker.asset_renaming_sources, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--asset-renaming-sources=$_rebased_asset_renaming_sources" ]
# These are zip paths, so no need to rebase.
args += [
if (defined(invoker.disable_compression) && invoker.disable_compression) {
args += [ "--disable-asset-compression" ]
if (defined(invoker.treat_as_locale_paks) && invoker.treat_as_locale_paks) {
args += [ "--treat-as-locale-paks" ]
if (defined(invoker.suffix_apk_assets_used_by)) {
_dep_label = invoker.suffix_apk_assets_used_by
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_dep_label, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_dep_label, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
if (_dep_config != invoker.build_config) {
inputs += [ _dep_config ]
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
args += [
rebase_path(_dep_config, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.merged_android_manifest)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.merged_android_manifest, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest)) {
inputs += [ invoker.android_manifest ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.android_manifest, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.resources_zip)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.resources_zip, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.resource_overlay) && invoker.resource_overlay) {
args += [ "--resource-overlay" ]
if (defined(invoker.custom_package)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.r_text)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.r_text, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.res_size_info_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.res_size_info_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.res_sources_path)) {
_res_sources_path = rebase_path(invoker.res_sources_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--res-sources-path=$_res_sources_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.proto_resources_path)) {
_rebased_proto_resources =
rebase_path(invoker.proto_resources_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--apk-proto-resources=$_rebased_proto_resources" ]
if (defined(invoker.r_text_path)) {
_rebased_rtxt_path = rebase_path(invoker.r_text_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--r-text-path=$_rebased_rtxt_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.module_pathmap_path)) {
_rebased_pathmap_path =
rebase_path(invoker.module_pathmap_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--module-pathmap-path=$_rebased_pathmap_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file)) {
# Don't list shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file as an input in order to
# avoid having to depend on the runtime_deps target. See comment in
# rules.gni for why we do this.
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.base_allowlist_rtxt_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.base_allowlist_rtxt_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.loadable_modules)) {
_rebased_loadable_modules =
rebase_path(invoker.loadable_modules, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--loadable-modules=$_rebased_loadable_modules" ]
if (defined(invoker.secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file)) {
# Don't list secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file as an
# input in order to avoid having to depend on the runtime_deps target.
# See comment in rules.gni for why we do this.
args += [
if (defined(invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules) &&
invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules != []) {
_rebased_secondary_abi_loadable_modules =
rebase_path(invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--secondary-abi-loadable-modules=$_rebased_secondary_abi_loadable_modules" ]
if (defined(invoker.native_lib_placeholders) &&
invoker.native_lib_placeholders != []) {
args += [ "--native-lib-placeholders=${invoker.native_lib_placeholders}" ]
if (defined(invoker.secondary_native_lib_placeholders) &&
invoker.secondary_native_lib_placeholders != []) {
args += [ "--secondary-native-lib-placeholders=${invoker.secondary_native_lib_placeholders}" ]
if (defined(invoker.library_always_compress)) {
args += [ "--library-always-compress=${invoker.library_always_compress}" ]
if (defined(invoker.apk_path)) {
# TODO(tiborg): Remove APK path from build config and use
# install_artifacts from metadata instead.
_rebased_apk_path = rebase_path(invoker.apk_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--apk-path=$_rebased_apk_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.incremental_apk_path)) {
_rebased_incremental_apk_path =
rebase_path(invoker.incremental_apk_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_incremental_install_json_path =
rebase_path(invoker.incremental_install_json_path, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (defined(invoker.target_sources_file)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.target_sources_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.srcjar)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.srcjar, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.bundled_srcjars)) {
_rebased_bundled_srcjars =
rebase_path(invoker.bundled_srcjars, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--bundled-srcjars=$_rebased_bundled_srcjars" ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled) {
args += [ "--proguard-enabled" ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path)) {
_rebased_proguard_mapping_path =
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--proguard-mapping-path=$_rebased_proguard_mapping_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.input_jars_paths)) {
_rebased_input_jars_paths =
rebase_path(invoker.input_jars_paths, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--extra-classpath-jars=$_rebased_input_jars_paths" ]
if (defined(invoker.low_classpath_priority) &&
invoker.low_classpath_priority) {
args += [ "--low-classpath-priority" ]
if (defined(invoker.mergeable_android_manifests)) {
_rebased_mergeable_android_manifests =
rebase_path(invoker.mergeable_android_manifests, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
_rebased_proguard_configs =
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_configs, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--proguard-configs=$_rebased_proguard_configs" ]
if (defined(invoker.gradle_treat_as_prebuilt) &&
invoker.gradle_treat_as_prebuilt) {
args += [ "--gradle-treat-as-prebuilt" ]
if (defined(invoker.main_class)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.base_module_target)) {
_dep_label = invoker.base_module_target
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_dep_label, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_dep_label, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
inputs += [ _dep_config ]
args += [
rebase_path(_dep_config, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.parent_module_target)) {
_dep_label = invoker.parent_module_target
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_dep_label, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_dep_label, "name")
_dep_config = "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.build_config.json"
deps += [ "$_dep_label$build_config_target_suffix" ]
inputs += [ _dep_config ]
args += [
rebase_path(_dep_config, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.module_name)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.modules)) {
foreach(_module, invoker.modules) {
if (defined(_module.uses_split)) {
args += [ "--uses-split=${_module.name}:${_module.uses_split}" ]
if (defined(invoker.module_build_configs)) {
inputs += invoker.module_build_configs
_rebased_configs =
rebase_path(invoker.module_build_configs, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--module-build-configs=$_rebased_configs" ]
if (defined(invoker.add_view_trace_events) &&
invoker.add_view_trace_events) {
# Adding trace events involves rewriting bytecode and generating a new set
# of jar files. In order to avoid conflicts between bundles we save the
# new jars in a bundle specific gen/ directory. The build config for the
# bundle, and each one of its modules need a path to a bundle specific
# gen/ directory in order to generate a list of rewritten jar paths.
# We use the base module's target_gen_dir because non-base modules and the
# app bundle targets have a reference to it (base_module_target).
if (_type == "android_app_bundle") {
_trace_events_target_name =
get_label_info(_parent_invoker.base_module_target, "name")
} else if (defined(invoker.base_module_target)) {
_trace_events_target_name =
get_label_info(invoker.base_module_target, "name")
} else {
_grandparent_invoker = _parent_invoker.invoker
_trace_events_target_name = _grandparent_invoker.target_name
# FIXME: This should likely be using the base module's target_out_dir
# rather than the current target's.
args += [
if (defined(invoker.version_name)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.version_code)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.recursive_resource_deps) &&
invoker.recursive_resource_deps) {
args += [ "--recursive-resource-deps" ]
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
# This has to be a built-time error rather than a GN assert because many
# packages have a mix of java and non-java targets. For example, the
# following would fail even though nothing depends on :bar(//baz):
# shared_library("foo") {
# }
# android_library("bar") {
# deps = [ ":foo(//baz)" ]
# assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain)
# }
_msg = [
"Tried to build an Android target in a non-default toolchain.",
"target: $_target_label",
"current_toolchain: $current_toolchain",
"default_toolchain: $default_toolchain",
args += [ "--fail=$_msg" ]
template("generate_android_wrapper") {
generate_wrapper(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
generator_script = "//build/android/gyp/generate_android_wrapper.py"
sources = [
template("generate_r_java") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${invoker.target_name}.d"
inputs = [ invoker.build_config ]
outputs = [ invoker.srcjar_path ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_r_java.py"
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.srcjar_path, root_build_dir),
# Generates a script in the build bin directory which runs the test
# target using the test runner script in build/android/test_runner.py.
template("test_runner_script") {
testonly = true
_test_name = invoker.test_name
_test_type = invoker.test_type
_is_unit_test = defined(invoker.is_unit_test) && invoker.is_unit_test
_incremental_apk = defined(invoker.incremental_apk) && invoker.incremental_apk
_runtime_deps =
!defined(invoker.ignore_all_data_deps) || !invoker.ignore_all_data_deps
if (_runtime_deps) {
# This runtime_deps file is used at runtime and thus cannot go in
# target_gen_dir.
_target_dir_name = get_label_info(":$target_name", "dir")
_runtime_deps_file =
_runtime_deps_target = "${target_name}__write_deps"
group(_runtime_deps_target) {
data_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps += invoker.data_deps
if (defined(invoker.additional_apks)) {
data_deps += invoker.additional_apks
write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
_install_artifacts_json =
_install_artifacts_target_name = "${target_name}__install_artifacts"
generated_file(_install_artifacts_target_name) {
deps = [ invoker.apk_under_test ]
output_conversion = "json"
outputs = [ _install_artifacts_json ]
data_keys = [ "install_artifacts" ]
walk_keys = [ "install_artifacts_barrier" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
generate_android_wrapper(target_name) {
wrapper_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_${_test_name}"
executable = "//testing/test_env.py"
if (defined(invoker.android_test_runner_script)) {
_runner_script = invoker.android_test_runner_script
} else {
_runner_script = "//build/android/test_runner.py"
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
data_deps = [
if (_test_type != "junit") {
data_deps += [ "//build/android:test_runner_device_support" ]
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps += invoker.data_deps
data = []
if (defined(invoker.data)) {
data += invoker.data
executable_args = [
"@WrappedPath(" + rebase_path(_runner_script, root_build_dir) + ")",
if (_is_unit_test) {
executable_args += [ "--is-unit-test" ]
if (_runtime_deps) {
deps += [ ":$_runtime_deps_target" ]
data += [ _runtime_deps_file ]
_rebased_runtime_deps_file =
rebase_path(_runtime_deps_file, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
# apk_target is not used for native executable tests
# (e.g. breakpad_unittests).
if (defined(invoker.apk_target)) {
deps += [ "${invoker.apk_target}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_apk_build_config =
get_label_info(invoker.apk_target, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(invoker.apk_target, "name") + ".build_config.json"
_rebased_apk_build_config = rebase_path(_apk_build_config, root_build_dir)
not_needed([ "_rebased_apk_build_config" ])
} else if (_test_type == "gtest") {
"Must define either apk_target or executable_dist_dir for test_runner_script()")
_rebased_executable_dist_dir =
rebase_path(invoker.executable_dist_dir, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (use_jacoco_coverage) {
# Keep in sync with recipe constant for recipe to find coverage data
# files from local java tests: https://bit.ly/3Zul6do
_jacoco_coverage_dir_name = "java_coverage"
_device_test = true
if (_test_type == "gtest") {
executable_args += [
if (use_clang_coverage) {
# Set a default coverage output directory (can be overridden by user
# passing the same flag).
_rebased_coverage_dir =
rebase_path("$root_out_dir/coverage", root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
} else if (_test_type == "instrumentation") {
_test_apk = "@WrappedPath(@FileArg($_rebased_apk_build_config:deps_info:apk_path))"
if (_incremental_apk) {
_test_apk = "@WrappedPath(@FileArg($_rebased_apk_build_config:deps_info:incremental_apk_path))"
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
if (_incremental_apk) {
deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_apk_under_test_build_config =
get_label_info(invoker.apk_under_test, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(invoker.apk_under_test, "name") +
_rebased_apk_under_test_build_config =
rebase_path(_apk_under_test_build_config, root_build_dir)
_apk_under_test = "@WrappedPath(@FileArg($_rebased_apk_under_test_build_config:deps_info:incremental_apk_path))"
} else {
deps += [ ":${_install_artifacts_target_name}" ]
_rebased_install_artifacts_json =
rebase_path(_install_artifacts_json, root_build_dir)
_apk_under_test =
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.use_webview_provider)) {
deps += [ "${invoker.use_webview_provider}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_build_config =
get_label_info(invoker.use_webview_provider, "target_gen_dir") +
"/" + get_label_info(invoker.use_webview_provider, "name") +
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path)) {
if (_incremental_apk) {
not_needed(invoker, [ "proguard_mapping_path" ])
} else {
data += [ invoker.proguard_mapping_path ]
_rebased_mapping_path =
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (use_jacoco_coverage) {
# Set a default coverage output directory (can be overridden by user
# passing the same flag).
_rebased_coverage_dir =
executable_args += [
} else if (_test_type == "junit") {
_device_test = false
executable_args += [
# Test runner uses this generated wrapper script.
data += [ "$root_build_dir/bin/helper/${invoker.test_suite}" ]
deps += [ ":${invoker.test_suite}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_rebased_robolectric_runtime_deps_dir =
rebase_path("//third_party/robolectric/cipd/lib", root_build_dir)
_rebased_resource_apk = rebase_path(invoker.resource_apk, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (build_with_chromium) {
_allowlist = "//testing/android/junit/shadows-allowlist.txt"
data += [ _allowlist ]
_rebased_allowlist = rebase_path(_allowlist, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (use_jacoco_coverage) {
# Set a default coverage output directory (can be overridden by user
# passing the same flag).
_rebased_coverage_dir =
executable_args += [
} else if (_test_type == "linker") {
executable_args += [
} else {
assert(false, "Invalid test type: $_test_type.")
# Devil does not reliably work with component builds of its tools.
# There's no benefit to them, so fall back to prebuilts for component builds.
# https://crbug.com/1404180
if (_test_type != "junit" && !is_component_build) {
executable_args += [ "--use-local-devil-tools" ]
if (defined(invoker.additional_apks)) {
foreach(additional_apk, invoker.additional_apks) {
deps += [ "$additional_apk$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_build_config =
get_label_info(additional_apk, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(additional_apk, "name") + ".build_config.json"
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.shard_timeout)) {
executable_args += [ "--shard-timeout=${invoker.shard_timeout}" ]
if (_incremental_apk) {
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
executable_args += [
executable_args += [ "--fast-local-dev" ]
if (_device_test && is_asan) {
executable_args += [ "--timeout-scale=4" ]
if (defined(invoker.modules)) {
foreach(module, invoker.modules) {
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.fake_modules)) {
foreach(fake_module, invoker.fake_modules) {
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.additional_locales)) {
foreach(locale, invoker.additional_locales) {
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.extra_args)) {
executable_args += invoker.extra_args
if (enable_java_templates) {
template("android_lint") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
# https://crbug.com/1098752 Fix for bot OOM (https://crbug.com/1098333).
if (defined(java_cmd_pool_size)) {
pool = "//build/config/android:java_cmd_pool($default_toolchain)"
} else {
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
# Lint requires generated sources and generated resources from the build.
# Turbine __header targets depend on all generated sources, and the
# __assetres targets depend on all generated resources.
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_lib_deps =
filter_exclude(filter_include(invoker.deps, java_library_patterns),
foreach(_lib_dep, _lib_deps) {
# Expand //foo/java -> //foo/java:java
_lib_dep = get_label_info(_lib_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
deps += [
# Keep non-java deps as they may generate files used only by lint.
# e.g. generated suppressions.xml files.
deps += filter_exclude(invoker.deps, _lib_deps)
if (defined(invoker.min_sdk_version)) {
_min_sdk_version = invoker.min_sdk_version
} else {
_min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.lint_jar_path)) {
_lint_jar_path = invoker.lint_jar_path
} else {
_lint_jar_path = _default_lint_jar_path
# It is not safe to run two lint versions concurrently since they will
# wipe the cache on version mismatch. When using a non-default lint
# version, make each target use their own cache directory.
_use_custom_cache_dir = _lint_jar_path != _default_lint_jar_path
# Save generated xml files in a consistent location for debugging.
if (defined(invoker.lint_gen_dir)) {
_lint_gen_dir = invoker.lint_gen_dir
} else {
_lint_gen_dir = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name"
_backported_methods = "//third_party/r8/backported_methods.txt"
script = "//build/android/gyp/lint.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
args = [
get_label_info(":${target_name}", "label_no_toolchain"),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_lint_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_custom_lint_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_lint_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(lint_android_sdk_root, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_backported_methods, root_build_dir),
if (!_use_custom_cache_dir) {
_cache_dir = "$root_build_dir/android_lint_cache"
_create_cache_stamp_path = "$_cache_dir/build.lint.stamp"
# By default, lint.py will use "$_lint_gen_dir/cache".
args += [
rebase_path(_cache_dir, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.skip_build_server) && invoker.skip_build_server) {
# Nocompile tests need lint to fail through ninja.
args += [ "--skip-build-server" ]
} else if (android_static_analysis == "build_server") {
args += [ "--use-build-server" ]
if (defined(invoker.lint_suppressions_file)) {
inputs += [ invoker.lint_suppressions_file ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.lint_suppressions_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.manifest_package)) {
args += [ "--manifest-package=${invoker.manifest_package}" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (defined(invoker.lint_baseline_file)) {
if (compute_inputs_for_analyze) {
# The baseline file is included in lint.py as a depfile dep. Since
# removing it regenerates the file, it is useful to not have this as
# a gn input during local development. Add it only for bots' analyze.
inputs += [ invoker.lint_baseline_file ]
args += [
# Baseline allows us to turn on lint warnings without fixing all the
# pre-existing issues. This stops the flood of new issues while the
# existing ones are being fixed.
rebase_path(invoker.lint_baseline_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.create_cache) && invoker.create_cache) {
# Putting the stamp file in the cache dir allows us to depend on ninja
# to create the cache dir for us.
args += [ "--create-cache" ]
_stamp_path = _create_cache_stamp_path
} else {
_stamp_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name/build.lint.stamp"
deps += [ invoker.build_config_dep ]
if (!_use_custom_cache_dir) {
deps += [ "//build/android:prepare_android_lint_cache" ]
inputs += [ _create_cache_stamp_path ]
inputs += [ invoker.build_config ]
_rebased_build_config =
rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
# Lint requires all source and all resource files to be passed in the
# same invocation for checks like UnusedResources.
# The full classpath is required for annotation checks like @IntDef.
outputs = [ _stamp_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(_stamp_path, root_build_dir),
template("proguard") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_script = "//build/android/gyp/proguard.py"
_deps = invoker.deps
_inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
_inputs += invoker.inputs
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path)) {
_mapping_path = invoker.proguard_mapping_path
} else {
_mapping_path = "${invoker.output_path}.mapping"
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
# This is generally the apk name, and serves to identify the mapping
# file that would be required to deobfuscate a stacktrace.
_mapping_basename = get_path_info(_mapping_path, "name")
_version_code = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:version_code)"
_package_name = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:package_name)"
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
_package_name = invoker.package_name
if (defined(invoker.version_code)) {
_version_code = invoker.version_code
# The Mapping ID is parsed to when uploading mapping files.
# See: https://crbug.com/1417308
_source_file_template =
_args = [
rebase_path(_mapping_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_r8_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_custom_r8_path, root_build_dir),
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
_args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if ((!defined(invoker.proguard_enable_obfuscation) ||
invoker.proguard_enable_obfuscation) && enable_proguard_obfuscation) {
_args += [ "--enable-obfuscation" ]
if (defined(invoker.repackage_classes)) {
_args += [ "--repackage-classes=" + invoker.repackage_classes ]
if (defined(invoker.apply_mapping)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.apply_mapping ]
_rebased_apply_mapping_path =
rebase_path(invoker.apply_mapping, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--apply-mapping=$_rebased_apply_mapping_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
_inputs += invoker.proguard_configs
_rebased_proguard_configs =
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_configs, root_build_dir)
_args += [ "--proguard-configs=$_rebased_proguard_configs" ]
if (defined(invoker.modules)) {
foreach(_feature_module, invoker.modules) {
_rebased_module_build_config =
rebase_path(_feature_module.build_config, root_build_dir)
_args += [
# The bundle's build config has the correct classpaths - the individual
# modules' build configs may double-use some jars.
if (defined(invoker.add_view_trace_events) &&
invoker.add_view_trace_events) {
_args += [ "--feature-jars=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:modules:${_feature_module.name}:trace_event_rewritten_device_classpath)" ]
} else {
_args += [ "--feature-jars=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:modules:${_feature_module.name}:device_classpath)" ]
if (defined(_feature_module.uses_split)) {
_args += [ "--uses-split=${_feature_module.name}:${_feature_module.uses_split}" ]
_deps += [ _feature_module.build_config_target ]
_stamp = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.r8.stamp"
_outputs = [ _stamp ]
_output_arg = [
rebase_path(_stamp, root_build_dir),
} else {
# We don't directly set the output arg on the _args variable since it is
# shared with the expectation target that uses its own stamp file and
# does not take an --output-path.
_output_arg = [
rebase_path(invoker.output_path, root_build_dir),
_outputs = [ invoker.output_path ]
_outputs += [ _mapping_path ]
if (defined(invoker.input_art_profile)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.input_art_profile ]
_args += [ "--input-art-profile=" +
rebase_path(invoker.input_art_profile, root_build_dir) ]
if (defined(invoker.output_art_profile)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.output_art_profile ]
_args += [ "--output-art-profile=" +
rebase_path(invoker.output_art_profile, root_build_dir) ]
if (defined(invoker.enable_startup_profile) &&
invoker.enable_startup_profile) {
_args += [ "--apply-startup-profile" ]
if (defined(invoker.enable_proguard_checks) &&
!invoker.enable_proguard_checks) {
_args += [ "--disable-checks" ]
_ignore_desugar_missing_deps =
defined(invoker.ignore_desugar_missing_deps) &&
if (!_ignore_desugar_missing_deps) {
_args += [ "--show-desugar-default-interface-warnings" ]
if (defined(invoker.custom_assertion_handler)) {
_args += [
} else if (enable_java_asserts) {
# The default for generating dex file format is
# --force-disable-assertions.
_args += [ "--force-enable-assertions" ]
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
_args += invoker.args
if (defined(invoker.expected_proguard_config)) {
_expectations_target =
action_with_pydeps(_expectations_target) {
script = _script
# Need to depend on all deps so that proguard.txt within .aar files get
# extracted.
deps = _deps
depfile = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.d"
inputs = [
_actual_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.proguard_configs"
_failure_file =
"$expectations_failure_dir/" +
string_replace(invoker.expected_proguard_config, "/", "_")
outputs = [
args = _args + [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_failure_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.expected_proguard_config, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_actual_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.expected_proguard_config_base)) {
inputs += [ invoker.expected_proguard_config_base ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_proguard_config_base, root_build_dir),
if (fail_on_android_expectations) {
args += [ "--fail-on-expectations" ]
_deps += [ ":$_expectations_target" ]
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = _script
deps = _deps
inputs = _inputs
outputs = _outputs
depfile = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.d"
args = _args + _output_arg + [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
# http://crbug.com/725224. Fix for bots running out of memory.
if (defined(java_cmd_pool_size)) {
pool = "//build/config/android:java_cmd_pool($default_toolchain)"
} else {
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
# Generates a script in the build bin directory to run a java binary.
# Variables
# main_class: The class containing the program entry point.
# build_config: Path to .build_config.json for the jar (contains classpath).
# script_name: Name of the script to generate.
# wrapper_script_args: List of extra arguments to pass to the executable.
# tiered_stop_at_level_one: Whether to pass --tiered-stop-at-level-one
template("java_binary_script") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_main_class = invoker.main_class
_build_config = invoker.build_config
_script_name = invoker.script_name
if (defined(invoker.max_heap_size)) {
_max_heap_size = invoker.max_heap_size
} else {
_max_heap_size = "1G"
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_java_binary_script.py"
inputs = [ _build_config ]
_java_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/$_script_name"
outputs = [ _java_script ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(_java_script, root_build_dir),
data = []
deps = [ "//third_party/jdk:java_data" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
if (enable_java_asserts) {
args += [ "--enable-asserts" ]
if (use_jacoco_coverage) {
args += [
rebase_path(_jacoco_host_jar, root_build_dir),
data += [ _jacoco_host_jar ]
if (defined(invoker.tiered_stop_at_level_one) &&
invoker.tiered_stop_at_level_one) {
args += [ "--tiered-stop-at-level-one" ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_classpath_jars)) {
_rebased_extra_classpath_jars =
rebase_path(invoker.extra_classpath_jars, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--classpath=${_rebased_extra_classpath_jars}" ]
data += invoker.extra_classpath_jars
if (defined(invoker.wrapper_script_args)) {
args += [ "--" ] + invoker.wrapper_script_args
# Variables
# apply_mapping: The path to the ProGuard mapping file to apply.
# disable_incremental: Disable incremental dexing.
template("dex") {
_min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.min_sdk_version)) {
_min_sdk_version = invoker.min_sdk_version
_min_sdk_version >= min_supported_sdk_version,
get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_no_toolchain") + " has an unsupported min_sdk_version of $_min_sdk_version (min is $min_supported_sdk_version)")
_proguard_enabled =
defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled
_is_dex_merging = defined(invoker.input_dex_filearg)
_enable_desugar = !defined(invoker.enable_desugar) || invoker.enable_desugar
_desugar_needs_classpath = _enable_desugar
# It's not safe to dex merge with libraries dex'ed at higher api versions.
assert(!_is_dex_merging || _min_sdk_version >= default_min_sdk_version)
# For D8's backported method desugaring to work properly, the dex merge step
# must not be set to a higher minSdkVersion than it was for the libraries.
if (_enable_desugar && _is_dex_merging) {
_min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
assert(defined(invoker.output) ||
(_proguard_enabled && defined(invoker.modules)))
assert(!_proguard_enabled || !(defined(invoker.input_dex_filearg) ||
defined(invoker.input_classes_filearg) ||
"Cannot explicitly set inputs when proguarding a dex.")
# Dex merging should not also be dexing.
assert(!(_is_dex_merging && defined(invoker.input_classes_filearg)))
assert(!(_is_dex_merging && defined(invoker.input_class_jars)))
assert(!(defined(invoker.apply_mapping) && !_proguard_enabled),
"apply_mapping can only be specified if proguard is enabled.")
if (defined(invoker.custom_assertion_handler)) {
"Proguard is required to support the custom assertion handler.")
if (_desugar_needs_classpath || _proguard_enabled) {
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
if (_proguard_enabled) {
_proguard_target_name = target_name
proguard(_proguard_target_name) {
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
args = []
if (defined(invoker.has_apk_under_test) && invoker.has_apk_under_test) {
args += [ "--input-paths=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:device_classpath_extended)" ]
} else if (defined(invoker.add_view_trace_events) &&
invoker.add_view_trace_events && defined(invoker.modules)) {
args += [ "--input-paths=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:trace_event_rewritten_device_classpath)" ]
} else {
args += [ "--input-paths=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:device_classpath)" ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_args)) {
args += invoker.proguard_args
if (defined(invoker.output)) {
output_path = invoker.output
} else if (!defined(proguard_mapping_path)) {
proguard_mapping_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.mapping"
} else { # !_proguard_enabled
_is_library = defined(invoker.is_library) && invoker.is_library
assert(!(defined(invoker.input_classes_filearg) && _is_library))
assert(_is_library == defined(invoker.unprocessed_jar_path))
_input_class_jars = []
if (defined(invoker.input_class_jars)) {
_input_class_jars = invoker.input_class_jars
_deps = invoker.deps
if (_input_class_jars != []) {
_rebased_input_class_jars =
rebase_path(_input_class_jars, root_build_dir)
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/dex.py"
deps = _deps
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
outputs = [ invoker.output ]
inputs = [
] + java_paths_for_inputs
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
if (!_is_library) {
# http://crbug.com/725224. Fix for bots running out of memory.
if (defined(java_cmd_pool_size)) {
pool = "//build/config/android:java_cmd_pool($default_toolchain)"
} else {
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_d8_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_custom_d8_path, root_build_dir),
# Uncomment when rebuilding custom_d8.jar.
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (enable_incremental_d8 && !(defined(invoker.disable_incremental) &&
invoker.disable_incremental)) {
# Don't use incremental dexing for ProGuarded inputs as a precaution.
args += [
rebase_path("$target_out_dir/$target_name", root_build_dir),
if (_is_library) {
args += [ "--library" ]
if (defined(invoker.input_dex_filearg)) {
inputs += [ invoker.build_config ]
args += [ "--dex-inputs-filearg=${invoker.input_dex_filearg}" ]
if (defined(invoker.input_classes_filearg)) {
inputs += [ invoker.build_config ]
args += [ "--class-inputs-filearg=${invoker.input_classes_filearg}" ]
# Required for the same reason as unprocessed_jar_path is added to
# classpath (see note below).
args += [ "--classpath=${invoker.input_classes_filearg}" ]
if (_input_class_jars != []) {
inputs += _input_class_jars
args += [ "--class-inputs=${_rebased_input_class_jars}" ]
# Never compile intemediates with --release in order to:
# 1) not require recompiles when toggling is_java_debug,
# 2) allow incremental_install=1 to still have local variable
# information even when is_java_debug=false.
if (!is_java_debug && !_is_library) {
args += [ "--release" ]
if (_enable_desugar) {
args += [ "--desugar" ]
_ignore_desugar_missing_deps =
defined(invoker.ignore_desugar_missing_deps) &&
if (!_ignore_desugar_missing_deps) {
args += [ "--show-desugar-default-interface-warnings" ]
if (_desugar_needs_classpath) {
# Cannot use header jar for the active jar, because it does not
# contain anonymous classes. https://crbug.com/1342018#c5
# Cannot use processed .jar here because it might have classes
# filtered out via jar_excluded_patterns.
# Must come first in classpath in order to take precedence over
# deps that defined the same classes (via jar_excluded_patterns).
if (defined(invoker.unprocessed_jar_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.unprocessed_jar_path, root_build_dir),
# Pass the full classpath to find new dependencies that are not in
# the .desugardeps file.
inputs += [ invoker.unprocessed_jar_path ]
_desugar_dependencies_path =
args += [
rebase_path(_desugar_dependencies_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.custom_assertion_handler)) {
args += [
} else if (enable_java_asserts) {
# The default for generating dex file format is
# --force-disable-assertions.
args += [ "--force-enable-assertions" ]
template("jacoco_instr") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
# The name needs to match the SOURCES_JSON_FILES_SUFFIX in
# generate_coverage_metadata_for_java.py.
_sources_json_file = "$target_out_dir/${target_name}__jacoco_sources.json"
_jacococli_jar = "//third_party/jacoco/cipd/lib/jacococli.jar"
script = "//build/android/gyp/jacoco_instr.py"
inputs = invoker.source_files + java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.input_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_sources_json_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.target_sources_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_jacococli_jar, root_build_dir),
if (coverage_instrumentation_input_file != "") {
args += [
rebase_path(coverage_instrumentation_input_file, root_build_dir),
template("filter_jar") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/filter_zip.py"
inputs = [ invoker.input_jar ]
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
outputs = [ invoker.output_jar ]
_jar_excluded_patterns = []
if (defined(invoker.jar_excluded_patterns)) {
_jar_excluded_patterns = invoker.jar_excluded_patterns
_jar_included_patterns = []
if (defined(invoker.jar_included_patterns)) {
_jar_included_patterns = invoker.jar_included_patterns
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.input_jar, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_jar, root_build_dir),
template("process_java_library") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_previous_output_jar = invoker.input_jar_path
if (invoker.jacoco_instrument) {
_filter_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__filter_jar"
_filter_jar_output_jar = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.filter.jar"
} else {
_filter_jar_target_name = target_name
_filter_jar_output_jar = invoker.output_jar_path
filter_jar(_filter_jar_target_name) {
deps = invoker.deps
input_jar = _previous_output_jar
output_jar = _filter_jar_output_jar
if (invoker.jacoco_instrument) {
# Jacoco must run after desugar (or else desugar sometimes fails).
# It must run after filtering to avoid the same (filtered) class mapping
# to multiple .jar files.
# We run offline code coverage processing here rather than with a
# javaagent as the desired coverage data was not being generated.
# See crbug.com/1097815.
jacoco_instr(target_name) {
deps = [ ":$_filter_jar_target_name" ] + invoker.deps
input_jar_path = _filter_jar_output_jar
output_jar_path = invoker.output_jar_path
template("bytecode_processor") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/bytecode_processor.py"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/$target_name.bytecode.stamp" ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
args = [
get_label_info(":${target_name}", "label_no_toolchain"),
rebase_path(invoker.input_jar, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(root_build_dir, root_build_dir),
if (auto_add_missing_java_deps) {
args += [ "--auto-add-deps" ]
if (android_static_analysis == "build_server") {
args += [ "--use-build-server" ]
if (invoker.include_android_sdk) {
args += [ "--sdk-classpath-jars=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:android:sdk_jars)" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
template("merge_manifests") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
invoker.min_sdk_version >= min_supported_sdk_version,
get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_no_toolchain") + " has an unsupported min_sdk_version of ${invoker.min_sdk_version} (min is $min_supported_sdk_version)")
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/merge_manifest.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [ invoker.output_manifest ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_manifest_merger_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.input_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_manifest, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.manifest_package)) {
args += [ "--manifest-package=${invoker.manifest_package}" ]
if (defined(invoker.max_sdk_version)) {
args += [ "--max-sdk-version=${invoker.max_sdk_version}" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
# This template is used to parse a set of resource directories and
# create the R.txt, .srcjar and .resources.zip for it.
# Input variables:
# deps: Specifies the input dependencies for this target.
# build_config: Path to the .build_config.json file corresponding to the target.
# sources:
# List of input resource files.
# custom_package: (optional)
# Package name for the generated R.java source file. Optional if
# android_manifest is not provided.
# android_manifest: (optional)
# If custom_package is not provided, path to an AndroidManifest.xml file
# that is only used to extract a package name out of it.
# r_text_in_path: (optional)
# Path to an input R.txt file to use to generate the R.java file.
# The default is to use 'aapt' to generate the file from the content
# of the resource directories.
# Output variables:
# resources_zip:
# Path to a .resources.zip that will simply contain all the
# input resources, collected in a single archive.
# r_text_out_path: Path for the generated R.txt file.
template("prepare_resources") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/prepare_resources.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${invoker.target_name}.d"
outputs = [
invoker.resources_zip + ".info",
inputs = [ invoker.res_sources_path ]
_rebased_res_sources_path =
rebase_path(invoker.res_sources_path, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.resources_zip, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.r_text_out_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.r_text_in_path)) {
_r_text_in_path = invoker.r_text_in_path
inputs += [ _r_text_in_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(_r_text_in_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.strip_drawables) && invoker.strip_drawables) {
args += [ "--strip-drawables" ]
if (defined(invoker.allow_missing_resources) &&
invoker.allow_missing_resources) {
args += [ "--allow-missing-resources" ]
# A template that is used to compile all resources needed by a binary
# (e.g. an android_apk or a robolectric_binary) into an intermediate .ar_
# archive. It can also generate an associated .srcjar that contains the
# final R.java sources for all resource packages the binary depends on.
# Input variables:
# android_sdk_dep: The sdk dep that these resources should compile against.
# deps: Specifies the input dependencies for this target.
# build_config: Path to the .build_config.json file corresponding to the target.
# build_config_dep: Dep target to generate the .build_config.json file.
# android_manifest: Path to root manifest for the binary.
# version_code: (optional)
# version_name: (optional)
# shared_resources: (optional)
# If true, make all variables in each generated R.java file non-final,
# and provide an onResourcesLoaded() method that can be used to reset
# their package index at load time. Useful when the APK corresponds to
# a library that is loaded at runtime, like system_webview_apk or
# monochrome_apk.
# app_as_shared_lib: (optional)
# If true, same effect as shared_resources, but also ensures that the
# resources can be used by the APK when it is loaded as a regular
# application as well. Useful for the monochrome_public_apk target
# which is both an application and a shared runtime library that
# implements the system webview feature.
# shared_resources_allowlist: (optional)
# Path to an R.txt file. If provided, acts similar to shared_resources
# except that it restricts the list of non-final resource variables
# to the list from the input R.txt file. Overrides shared_resources
# when both are specified.
# shared_resources_allowlist_locales: (optional)
# If shared_resources_allowlist is used, provide an optional list of
# Chromium locale names to determine which localized shared string
# resources to put in the final output, even if aapt_locale_allowlist
# is defined to a smaller subset.
# aapt_locale_allowlist: (optional)
# Restrict compiled locale-dependent resources to a specific allowlist.
# NOTE: This is a list of Chromium locale names, not Android ones.
# r_java_root_package_name: (optional)
# Short package name for this target's root R java file (ex. input of
# "base" would become "gen.base_module" for the root R java package name).
# Optional as defaults to "base".
# resource_exclusion_regex: (optional)
# resource_exclusion_exceptions: (optional)
# resource_values_filter_rules: (optional)
# png_to_webp: (optional)
# If true, convert all PNG resources (except 9-patch files) to WebP.
# post_process_script: (optional)
# package_name: (optional)
# Name of the package for the purpose of creating R class.
# package_id: (optional)
# Use a custom package ID in resource IDs.
# arsc_package_name: (optional)
# Use this package name in the arsc file rather than the package name
# found in the AndroidManifest.xml. Does not affect the package name
# used in AndroidManifest.xml.
# resource_ids_provider_dep: (optional)
# Use resource IDs provided by another APK target when compiling resources
# (via. "aapt2 link --stable-ids")
# override_target_sdk: (optional)
# Update the manifest to target this SDK
# Output variables:
# arsc_output: Path to output .ap_ file (optional).
# proto_output: Path to output .proto.ap_ file (optional).
# r_text_out_path: (optional):
# Path for the corresponding generated R.txt file.
# proguard_file: (optional)
# Path to proguard configuration file for this apk target.
template("compile_resources") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_deps = invoker.deps + [ invoker.build_config_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest_dep)) {
_deps += [ invoker.android_manifest_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.arsc_output)) {
_arsc_output = invoker.arsc_output
_final_srcjar_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.srcjar"
_script = "//build/android/gyp/compile_resources.py"
_target_sdk_version = invoker.target_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.override_target_sdk)) {
_target_sdk_version = invoker.override_target_sdk
_common_inputs = [
# TODO(b/315080809#comment4): remove these files after fixing
# build/print_python_deps.py.
_inputs = _common_inputs
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
_rebased_android_sdk_jar = rebase_path(android_sdk_jar, root_build_dir)
_args = [
rebase_path(android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2, root_build_dir),
_inputs += [ invoker.android_manifest ]
_outputs = [ _final_srcjar_path ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.android_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_final_srcjar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.version_code)) {
_args += [
if (defined(invoker.version_name)) {
_args += [
if (defined(_arsc_output)) {
_outputs += [ _arsc_output ]
_args += [
rebase_path(_arsc_output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.proto_output)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.proto_output ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.proto_output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.size_info_path)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.size_info_path ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.size_info_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.r_java_root_package_name)) {
_args += [
# Useful to have android:debuggable in the manifest even for Release
# builds. Just omit it for officai
if (debuggable_apks) {
_args += [ "--debuggable" ]
if (defined(invoker.r_text_out_path)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.r_text_out_path ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.r_text_out_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.rename_manifest_package)) {
_args += [
# Define the flags related to shared resources.
# Note the small sanity check to ensure that the package ID of the
# generated resources table is correct. It should be 0x02 for runtime
# shared libraries, and 0x7f otherwise.
if (defined(invoker.shared_resources) && invoker.shared_resources) {
_args += [ "--shared-resources" ]
if (defined(invoker.app_as_shared_lib) && invoker.app_as_shared_lib) {
_args += [ "--app-as-shared-lib" ]
if (defined(invoker.package_id)) {
_args += [ "--package-id=${invoker.package_id}" ]
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
_args += [
if (defined(invoker.arsc_package_name)) {
_args += [
if (defined(invoker.shared_resources_allowlist)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.shared_resources_allowlist ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.shared_resources_allowlist, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.shared_resources_allowlist_locales)) {
_args += [ "--shared-resources-allowlist-locales=" +
"${invoker.shared_resources_allowlist_locales}" ]
if (!defined(testonly) || !testonly ||
(defined(invoker.enforce_resource_overlays_in_tests) &&
invoker.enforce_resource_overlays_in_tests)) {
_args += [ "--dependencies-res-zip-overlays=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:dependency_zip_overlays)" ]
} else {
_args += [ "--dependencies-res-zip-overlays=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:dependency_zips)" ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_file)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.proguard_file ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.aapt_locale_allowlist)) {
_args += [ "--locale-allowlist=${invoker.aapt_locale_allowlist}" ]
if (defined(invoker.png_to_webp) && invoker.png_to_webp) {
_webp_target = "//third_party/libwebp:cwebp($host_toolchain)"
_webp_binary = get_label_info(_webp_target, "root_out_dir") + "/cwebp"
_deps += [ _webp_target ]
_inputs += [ _webp_binary ]
_args += [
rebase_path(_webp_binary, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.resource_exclusion_regex)) {
_args +=
[ "--resource-exclusion-regex=${invoker.resource_exclusion_regex}" ]
if (defined(invoker.resource_exclusion_exceptions)) {
_args += [ "--resource-exclusion-exceptions=${invoker.resource_exclusion_exceptions}" ]
if (defined(invoker.resource_values_filter_rules)) {
_args +=
[ "--values-filter-rules=${invoker.resource_values_filter_rules}" ]
if (defined(invoker.include_resource)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.include_resource ]
_rebased_include_resources =
rebase_path(invoker.include_resource, root_build_dir)
_args += [ "--include-resources=$_rebased_include_resources" ]
if (defined(invoker._args)) {
_args += invoker._args
if (defined(invoker.emit_ids_out_path)) {
_outputs += [ invoker.emit_ids_out_path ]
_rebased_emit_ids_path =
rebase_path(invoker.emit_ids_out_path, root_out_dir)
_args += [ "--emit-ids-out=$_rebased_emit_ids_path" ]
if (defined(invoker.resource_ids_provider_dep)) {
_compile_res_dep =
_gen_dir = get_label_info(_compile_res_dep, "target_gen_dir")
_name = get_label_info(_compile_res_dep, "name")
_resource_ids_path = "$_gen_dir/$_name.resource_ids"
_inputs += [ _resource_ids_path ]
_rebased_ids_path = rebase_path(_resource_ids_path, root_out_dir)
_args += [ "--use-resource-ids-path=$_rebased_ids_path" ]
_deps += [ _compile_res_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.max_sdk_version)) {
_max_sdk_version = invoker.max_sdk_version
_args += [ "--max-sdk-version=$_max_sdk_version" ]
if (defined(invoker.manifest_package)) {
_args += [ "--manifest-package=${invoker.manifest_package}" ]
if (defined(invoker.is_bundle_module) && invoker.is_bundle_module) {
_args += [ "--is-bundle-module" ]
if (defined(invoker.uses_split)) {
_args += [ "--uses-split=${invoker.uses_split}" ]
if (defined(invoker.expected_android_manifest)) {
_expectations_target =
action_with_pydeps(_expectations_target) {
_actual_file = "${invoker.android_manifest}.normalized"
_failure_file =
"$expectations_failure_dir/" +
string_replace(invoker.expected_android_manifest, "/", "_")
inputs = [
] + _common_inputs
outputs = [
deps = [
script = _script
args = _args + [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_android_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_actual_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_failure_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.expected_android_manifest_base)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_android_manifest_base, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.expected_android_manifest_base ]
if (defined(invoker.expected_android_manifest_version_code_offset)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.expected_android_manifest_library_version_offset)) {
args += [
if (fail_on_android_expectations) {
args += [ "--fail-on-expectations" ]
_deps += [ ":$_expectations_target" ]
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = _script
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.d"
inputs = _inputs
outputs = _outputs
deps = _deps
args = _args + [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
# A template that is used to optimize compiled resources using aapt2 optimize.
# proto_input_path:
# Path to input compiled .proto.ap_ file.
# short_resource_paths: (optional)
# Rename the paths within a the apk to be randomly generated short
# strings to reduce binary size.
# strip_resource_names: (optional)
# Strip resource names from the resources table of the apk.
# resources_configs_paths: (optional)
# List of resource configs to use for optimization.
# optimized_proto_output:
# Path to output optimized .proto.ap_ file.
# resources_path_map_out_path: (optional):
# Path for the generated map between original resource paths and
# shortened resource paths.
template("optimize_resources") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/optimize_resources.py"
outputs = [ invoker.optimized_proto_output ]
inputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.r_text_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.proto_input_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.optimized_proto_output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.resources_config_paths)) {
inputs += invoker.resources_config_paths
_rebased_resource_configs =
rebase_path(invoker.resources_config_paths, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--resources-config-paths=${_rebased_resource_configs}" ]
if (defined(invoker.short_resource_paths) &&
invoker.short_resource_paths) {
args += [ "--short-resource-paths" ]
if (defined(invoker.resources_path_map_out_path)) {
outputs += [ invoker.resources_path_map_out_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.resources_path_map_out_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.strip_resource_names) &&
invoker.strip_resource_names) {
args += [ "--strip-resource-names" ]
# A template that is used to find unused resources.
template("unused_resources") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/unused_resources.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.d"
_unused_resources_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/helper/unused_resources"
inputs = [ _unused_resources_script ] + java_paths_for_inputs
outputs = [
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ "//build/android/unused_resources:unused_resources" ]
_rebased_module_build_config =
rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(_unused_resources_script, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_config, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_r_txt, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path)) {
inputs += [ invoker.proguard_mapping_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir),
foreach(_build_config, invoker.all_module_build_configs) {
inputs += [ _build_config ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
# Create an .jar.info file by merging several .jar.info files into one.
# Variables:
# build_config: Path to APK's build config file. Used to extract the
# list of input .jar files from its dependencies.
# name: Name of the apk or app bundle (e.g. "Foo.apk").
# res_size_info_path: Path to input .ap_.info file (for apks).
template("create_size_info_files") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_size_info_files.py"
_jar_info_path = "$root_build_dir/size-info/${invoker.name}.jar.info"
_pak_info_path = "$root_build_dir/size-info/${invoker.name}.pak.info"
_res_info_path = "$root_build_dir/size-info/${invoker.name}.res.info"
outputs = [
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_jar_info_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_pak_info_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_res_info_path, root_build_dir),
_is_bundle = defined(invoker.module_build_configs)
if (_is_bundle) {
inputs = invoker.module_build_configs
foreach(_build_config, invoker.module_build_configs) {
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
} else {
inputs = [
_rebased_build_config =
rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.res_size_info_path, root_build_dir),
template("create_binary_profile") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/binary_baseline_profile.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
outputs = [
_profgen_path =
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
inputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(_profgen_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.binary_baseline_profile_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.input_profile_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.proguard_mapping_path ]
# Creates a signed and aligned .apk.
# Variables
# apk_name: (optional) APK name (without .apk suffix). If provided, will
# be used to generate .info files later used by the supersize tool.
# assets_build_config: Path to android_apk .build_config.json containing merged
# asset information.
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target.
# dex_path: Path to classes.dex file to include (optional).
# expected_libs_and_assets: Verify the list of included native libraries
# and assets is consistent with the given expectation file.
# expected_libs_and_assets_base: Treat expected_libs_and_assets as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# packaged_resources_path: Path to .ap_ to use.
# output_apk_path: Output path for the generated .apk.
# min_sdk_version: The minimum Android SDK version this target supports.
# native_lib_placeholders: List of placeholder filenames to add to the apk
# (optional).
# secondary_native_lib_placeholders: List of placeholder filenames to add to
# the apk for the secondary ABI (optional).
# loadable_modules: List of native libraries.
# native_libs_filearg: @FileArg() of additionally native libraries.
# secondary_abi_loadable_modules: (optional) List of native libraries for
# secondary ABI.
# secondary_abi_native_libs_filearg: (optional). @FileArg() of additional
# secondary ABI native libs.
# keystore_path: Path to keystore to use for signing.
# keystore_name: Key alias to use.
# keystore_password: Keystore password.
template("package_apk") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "public_deps" ])
_is_robolectric_apk =
defined(invoker.is_robolectric_apk) && invoker.is_robolectric_apk
_deps = invoker.deps
_native_lib_placeholders = []
if (defined(invoker.native_lib_placeholders)) {
_native_lib_placeholders = invoker.native_lib_placeholders
_secondary_native_lib_placeholders = []
if (defined(invoker.secondary_native_lib_placeholders)) {
_secondary_native_lib_placeholders =
_script = "//build/android/gyp/apkbuilder.py"
_inputs = [ invoker.packaged_resources_path ]
_outputs = [ invoker.output_apk_path ]
_data = [ invoker.output_apk_path ]
_rebased_compiled_resources_path =
rebase_path(invoker.packaged_resources_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_packaged_apk_path =
rebase_path(invoker.output_apk_path, root_build_dir)
_args = [
# system_image_stub_apk does not use a build_config.json.
if (defined(invoker.build_config)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.build_config ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
_args += [
if (!_is_robolectric_apk) {
_args += [ "--java-resources=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:java_resources_jars)" ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_assets)) {
_args += [ "--assets=${invoker.extra_assets}" ]
if (!_is_robolectric_apk) {
_apksigner = "$android_sdk_build_tools/lib/apksigner.jar"
_zipalign = "$android_sdk_build_tools/zipalign"
_keystore_path = android_keystore_path
_keystore_name = android_keystore_name
_keystore_password = android_keystore_password
if (defined(invoker.keystore_path)) {
_keystore_path = invoker.keystore_path
_keystore_name = invoker.keystore_name
_keystore_password = invoker.keystore_password
_inputs += [
_args += [
rebase_path(_apksigner, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_zipalign, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_keystore_path, root_build_dir),
if (is_official_build) {
_args += [ "--best-compression" ]
if (defined(invoker.uncompress_dex)) {
_uncompress_dex = invoker.uncompress_dex
} else {
# Uncompressed dex support started on Android P.
_uncompress_dex = invoker.min_sdk_version >= 28
if (_uncompress_dex) {
_args += [ "--uncompress-dex" ]
if (defined(invoker.library_always_compress)) {
_args +=
[ "--library-always-compress=${invoker.library_always_compress}" ]
if (defined(invoker.dex_path)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.dex_path ]
_args += [
rebase_path(invoker.dex_path, root_build_dir),
if ((defined(invoker.loadable_modules) && invoker.loadable_modules != []) ||
defined(invoker.native_libs_filearg) ||
_native_lib_placeholders != []) {
_args += [ "--android-abi=$android_app_abi" ]
if (defined(android_app_secondary_abi)) {
_args += [ "--secondary-android-abi=$android_app_secondary_abi" ]
if (defined(invoker.loadable_modules) && invoker.loadable_modules != []) {
_inputs += invoker.loadable_modules
_rebased_loadable_modules =
rebase_path(invoker.loadable_modules, root_build_dir)
_args += [ "--native-libs=$_rebased_loadable_modules" ]
if (defined(invoker.native_libs_filearg)) {
_args += [ "--native-libs=${invoker.native_libs_filearg}" ]
if (_native_lib_placeholders != []) {
_args += [ "--native-lib-placeholders=$_native_lib_placeholders" ]
if (defined(invoker.secondary_abi_native_libs_filearg)) {
_args += [
if (defined(invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules)) {
_inputs += invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules
_rebased_secondary_abi_loadable_modules =
rebase_path(invoker.secondary_abi_loadable_modules, root_build_dir)
_args +=
[ "--secondary-native-libs=$_rebased_secondary_abi_loadable_modules" ]
if (_secondary_native_lib_placeholders != []) {
_args += [ "--secondary-native-lib-placeholders=$_secondary_native_lib_placeholders" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
_args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (defined(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets)) {
_expectations_target =
action_with_pydeps(_expectations_target) {
_actual_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.libs_and_assets"
_failure_file =
"$expectations_failure_dir/" +
string_replace(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets, "/", "_")
inputs = [ invoker.expected_libs_and_assets ]
if (defined(invoker.build_config)) {
inputs += [ invoker.build_config ]
deps = [ invoker.build_config_dep ]
outputs = [
script = _script
args = _args + [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_actual_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_failure_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base)) {
inputs += [ invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base, root_build_dir),
if (fail_on_android_expectations) {
args += [ "--fail-on-expectations" ]
_deps += [ ":$_expectations_target" ]
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
inputs = _inputs
deps = _deps
data = _data
outputs = _outputs
script = _script
args = _args + [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
# Compile Java source files into a .jar file, potentially using an
# annotation processor, and/or the errorprone compiler. Also includes Kotlin
# source files in the resulting info file.
# Note that the only way to specify custom annotation processors is
# by using build_config to point to a file that corresponds to a java-related
# target that includes javac:processor_classes entries (i.e. there is no
# variable here that can be used for this purpose).
# Note also the peculiar use of source_files / target_sources_file. The content
# of the source_files list and the source files in target_sources_file file must
# match exactly.
# Variables:
# main_target_name: Used when extracting srcjars for codesearch.
# source_files: Optional list of Java and Kotlin source file paths.
# srcjar_deps: Optional list of .srcjar dependencies (not file paths).
# The corresponding source files they contain will be compiled too.
# target_sources_file: Optional path to file containing list of source file
# paths. This must always be provided if java_files is not empty and the
# .java files in it must match the list of java_files exactly.
# build_config: Path to the .build_config.json file of the corresponding
# java_library_impl() target. The following entries will be used by this
# template: javac:srcjars, deps_info:javac_full_classpath,
# deps_info:javac_full_interface_classpath, javac:processor_classpath,
# javac:processor_classes
# javac_jar_path: Path to the final output .jar file.
# javac_args: Optional list of extra arguments to pass to javac.
# chromium_code: Whether this corresponds to Chromium-specific sources.
# requires_android: True if these sources can only run on Android.
# additional_jar_files: Optional list of files to copy into the resulting
# .jar file (by default, only .class files are put there). Each entry
# has the 'srcPath:dstPath' format.
# enable_errorprone: If True, use the errorprone compiler to check for
# error-prone constructs in the language. If not provided, whether this is
# enabled depends on chromium_code and the global
# use_errorprone_java_compiler variable.
# use_turbine: If True, compile headers using turbine.py.
# apk_name: Optional APK name. If provided, will tell compile_java.py to also
# generate an .apk.jar.info file under size-info/${apk_name}.apk.jar.info
# processor_args_javac: List of annotation processor arguments, each one
# will be passed to javac as -A<entry>.
# deps: Dependencies for the corresponding target.
# testonly: Usual meaning (should be True for test-only targets)
# [1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html
template("compile_java") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_build_config = invoker.build_config
_chromium_code = invoker.chromium_code
_processor_args = []
if (defined(invoker.processor_args_javac)) {
_processor_args = invoker.processor_args_javac
_additional_jar_files = []
if (defined(invoker.additional_jar_files)) {
_additional_jar_files = invoker.additional_jar_files
_srcjar_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.srcjar_deps)) {
_srcjar_deps = invoker.srcjar_deps
_java_srcjars = []
foreach(dep, _srcjar_deps) {
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(dep, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(dep, "name")
_java_srcjars += [ "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.srcjar" ]
if (defined(invoker.srcjars)) {
_java_srcjars += invoker.srcjars
# generated_jar_path is an output when use_turbine and an input otherwise.
if (!invoker.use_turbine && defined(invoker.generated_jar_path)) {
_java_srcjars += [ invoker.generated_jar_path ]
_javac_args = []
if (defined(invoker.javac_args)) {
_javac_args = invoker.javac_args
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
if (invoker.use_turbine) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/turbine.py"
inputs = [
} else {
script = "//build/android/gyp/compile_java.py"
inputs = javac_paths_for_inputs
if (target_name == "chrome_java__header") {
# Regression test for: https://crbug.com/1154302
# Ensures that header jars never depend on non-header jars.
assert_no_deps = [ "//base:base_java__compile_java" ]
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
deps = _srcjar_deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
outputs = [ invoker.output_jar_path ]
if (!invoker.enable_errorprone && !invoker.use_turbine) {
outputs += [ invoker.output_jar_path + ".info" ]
inputs += invoker.source_files + _java_srcjars + [
] + java_paths_for_inputs
if (invoker.source_files != []) {
inputs += [ invoker.target_sources_file ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
_rebased_output_jar_path =
rebase_path(invoker.output_jar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_java_srcjars = rebase_path(_java_srcjars, root_build_dir)
_rebased_depfile = rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir)
_rebased_generated_dir = rebase_path(
args = [
get_label_info(":${target_name}", "label_no_toolchain"),
# SDK jar must be first on classpath.
if (invoker.include_android_sdk) {
args += [ "--classpath=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:android:sdk_interface_jars)" ]
if (defined(invoker.header_jar_path)) {
inputs += [ invoker.header_jar_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.header_jar_path, root_build_dir),
_header_jar_classpath =
[ rebase_path(invoker.header_jar_path, root_build_dir) ]
args += [ "--classpath=$_header_jar_classpath" ]
if (defined(invoker.kotlin_jar_path)) {
inputs += [ invoker.kotlin_jar_path ]
_rebased_kotlin_jar_path =
rebase_path(invoker.kotlin_jar_path, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (invoker.use_turbine) {
# Prefer direct deps for turbine as much as possible.
args += [ "--classpath=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:javac:interface_classpath)" ]
} else {
args += [ "--classpath=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:javac_full_interface_classpath)" ]
if (invoker.use_turbine) {
args += [
if (invoker.use_turbine) {
_turbine_jar_path = "//third_party/turbine/turbine.jar"
inputs += [ _turbine_jar_path ]
outputs += [ invoker.generated_jar_path ]
args += [
rebase_path(_turbine_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.generated_jar_path, root_build_dir),
# Flag enable_kythe_annotations requires
# checkout_android_prebuilts_build_tools=True in .gclient.
if (enable_kythe_annotations && !invoker.enable_errorprone) {
args += [ "--enable-kythe-annotations" ]
if (_chromium_code) {
args += [ "--chromium-code=1" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (defined(invoker.jar_excluded_patterns)) {
args += [ "--jar-info-exclude-globs=${invoker.jar_excluded_patterns}" ]
if (invoker.enable_errorprone) {
# Our custom plugin pulls in the main errorprone dep transitively.
_errorprone_dep = "//tools/android/errorprone_plugin:errorprone_plugin"
deps += [ _errorprone_dep ]
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(_errorprone_dep, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(_errorprone_dep, "name")
_rebased_errorprone_buildconfig =
args += [
inputs += [
# errorprone requires the plugin directory to detect src dir.
# https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:tools/android/errorprone_plugin/src/org/chromium/tools/errorprone/plugin/UseNetworkAnnotations.java;l=84;drc=dfd88085261b662a5c0a1abea1a3b120b08e8e48
if (defined(invoker.skip_build_server) && invoker.skip_build_server) {
# Nocompile tests need lint to fail through ninja.
args += [ "--skip-build-server" ]
} else if (android_static_analysis == "build_server") {
args += [ "--use-build-server" ]
foreach(e, _processor_args) {
args += [ "--processor-arg=" + e ]
foreach(file_tuple, _additional_jar_files) {
# Each element is of length two, [ path_to_file, path_to_put_in_jar ]
inputs += [ file_tuple[0] ]
args +=
[ "--additional-jar-file=" +
rebase_path(file_tuple[0], root_build_dir) + ":" + file_tuple[1] ]
if (invoker.source_files != []) {
args +=
[ "@" + rebase_path(invoker.target_sources_file, root_build_dir) ]
foreach(e, _javac_args) {
args += [ "--javac-arg=" + e ]
# Compile Kotlin source files into .class files and store them in a .jar.
# This explicitly does not run annotation processing on the Kotlin files.
# Java files and srcjars are also passed to kotlinc for reference, although
# no .class files will be generated for any Java files. A subsequent call to
# javac will be required to actually compile Java files into .class files.
# This action also creates a "header" .jar file for the Kotlin source files.
# It is similar to using turbine to create headers for Java files, but since
# turbine does not support Kotlin files, this is done via a plugin for
# kotlinc instead, at the same time as compilation (whereas turbine is run as
# a separate action before javac compilation).
template("compile_kt") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_build_config = invoker.build_config
_chromium_code = invoker.chromium_code
_srcjar_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.srcjar_deps)) {
_srcjar_deps = invoker.srcjar_deps
_java_srcjars = []
foreach(dep, _srcjar_deps) {
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(dep, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(dep, "name")
_java_srcjars += [ "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.srcjar" ]
if (defined(invoker.srcjars)) {
_java_srcjars += invoker.srcjars
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/compile_kt.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
deps = _srcjar_deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
outputs = [
inputs = invoker.source_files + _java_srcjars + [
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
_rebased_output_jar_path =
rebase_path(invoker.output_jar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_output_interface_jar_path =
rebase_path(invoker.output_interface_jar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_java_srcjars = rebase_path(_java_srcjars, root_build_dir)
_rebased_depfile = rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir)
_rebased_generated_dir = rebase_path(
args = [
# SDK jar must be first on classpath.
if (invoker.include_android_sdk) {
args += [ "--classpath=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:android:sdk_interface_jars)" ]
args += [ "--classpath=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:javac_full_interface_classpath)" ]
if (_chromium_code) {
args += [ "--chromium-code" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
args += [ "@" + rebase_path(invoker.target_sources_file, root_build_dir) ]
# Create an interface jar from a normal jar.
# Variables
# input_jar: Path to input .jar.
# output_jar: Path to output .ijar.
template("generate_interface_jar") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
_ijar_target = "//third_party/ijar:ijar($host_toolchain)"
_ijar_executable = get_label_info(_ijar_target, "root_out_dir") + "/ijar"
script = "//build/android/gyp/ijar.py"
deps = [ _ijar_target ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
inputs = [
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
outputs = [ invoker.output_jar ]
args = [
rebase_path(_ijar_executable, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.input_jar, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output_jar, root_build_dir),
# A rule that will handle multiple Java-related targets.
# The caller can provide a list of source files with 'java_files'
# and 'srcjar_deps', or a prebuilt .jar file through 'jar_path'.
# In the case of a 'java_binary' target type, it can even provide none of
# that (and the rule will just generate its wrapper script).
# The template will process the input .jar file (either the prebuilt one,
# or the result of compiling the sources), for example to apply Proguard,
# but also other ranges of bytecode-level rewriting schemes.
# Variables:
# type: type of Java target, valid values: 'java_library', 'java_binary',
# 'robolectric_binary', 'java_annotation_processor', and 'android_apk'
# main_target_name: optional. If provided, overrides target_name when
# creating sub-targets (e.g. "${main_target_name}__dex") and
# some output files (e.g. "${main_target_name}.sources"). Only used
# for 'android_apk' types at the moment, where main_target_name will
# be the name of the main APK target.
# supports_android: Optional. True if target can run on Android.
# requires_android: Optional. True if target can only run on Android.
# source_files: Optional list of Java source file paths for this target.
# javac_args: Optional list of extra arguments to pass to javac.
# errorprone_args: Optional list of extra arguments to pass to.
# srcjar_deps: Optional list of .srcjar targets (not file paths). The Java
# source files they contain will also be compiled for this target.
# target_sources_file: Optional path to a file which will be written with
# the content of source_files. If not provided, the file will be written
# under $target_gen_dir/$main_target_name.sources. Ignored if
# sources_files is empty. If not
# jar_path: Optional path to a prebuilt .jar file for this target.
# Mutually exclusive with java_files and srcjar_deps.
# output_name: Optional output name for the final jar path. Used to
# determine the name of the final jar. Default is to use the same
# name as jar_path, if provided, or main_target_name.
# main_class: Main Java class name for 'java_binary', 'robolectric_binary' and
# 'java_annotation_processor' target types. Should not be set for other
# ones.
# deps: Dependencies for this target.
# public_deps: Dependencies that this target exposes as part of its public API.
# public_deps do not need to be listed in both the 'deps' and 'public_deps' lists.
# testonly: True iff target should only be used for tests.
# chromium_code: Optional. Whether this is Chromium-specific code. If not
# provided, this is determined automatically, based on the location of
# the source files (i.e. anything under third_party/ is not
# Chromium-specific unless it is in a 'chromium' sub-directory).
# jacoco_never_instrument: Optional. If provided, whether to forbid
# instrumentation with the Jacoco coverage processor. If not provided,
# this is controlled by the global use_jacoco_coverage build arg variable
# and only used for non-test Chromium code.
# include_android_sdk: Optional. Whether or not the android SDK dep
# should be added to deps. Defaults to true for non-system libraries
# that support android.
# alternative_android_sdk_dep: Optional. Alternative Android system
# android java target to use.
# annotation_processor_deps: Optional list of dependencies corresponding
# to annotation processors used to compile these sources.
# input_jars_paths: Optional list of additional .jar file paths, which will
# be added to the compile-time classpath when building this target (but
# not to the runtime classpath).
# gradle_treat_as_prebuilt: Cause generate_gradle.py to reference this
# library via its built .jar rather than including its .java sources.
# proguard_enabled: Optional. True to enable ProGuard obfuscation.
# proguard_configs: Optional list of additional proguard config file paths.
# is_robolectric: Optional. If True, this is a host side android test binary
# which is allowed to depend on other android targets.
# include_java_resources: Optional. If True, include Java (not Android)
# resources into final .jar file.
# jar_excluded_patterns: Optional list of .class file patterns to exclude
# from the final .jar file.
# jar_included_patterns: Optional list of .class file patterns to include
# in the final .jar file. jar_excluded_patterns take precedence over this.
# low_classpath_priority: Indicates that the library should be placed at the
# end of the classpath. The default classpath order has libraries ordered
# before the libraries that they depend on. 'low_classpath_priority' is
# useful when one java_library() overrides another via
# 'jar_excluded_patterns' and the overriding library does not depend on the
# overridee.
# For 'android_apk' and 'android_app_bundle_module' targets only:
# apk_path: Path to the final APK file.
# android_manifest: Path to AndroidManifest.xml file for the APK.
# android_manifest_dep: Optional. Dependency target that generates
# android_manifest.
# apk_under_test: For 'android_apk' targets used to test other APKs,
# this is the target name of APK being tested.
# incremental_apk_path: Path to the incremental APK.
# incremental_install_json_path: Path to the incremental install json.
# native_lib_placeholders: Optional. List of placeholder filenames to add to
# the APK.
# proguard_mapping_path: Path to .mapping file produced from ProGuard step.
# shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file: Optional. Path to a file listing the
# native shared libraries required at runtime by the APK.
# secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file:
# secondary_native_lib_placeholders: Optional. List of placeholder filenames
# to add to the APK for the secondary ABI.
# loadable_modules: Optional list of extra native libraries to
# be stored in the APK.
# secondary_abi_loadable_modules: Optional list of native libraries for
# secondary ABI.
# proto_resources_path: The path of an zip archive containing the APK's
# resources compiled to the protocol buffer format (instead of regular
# binary xml + resources.arsc).
# r_text_path: The path of the R.txt file generated when compiling the
# resources for this target.
# module_pathmap_path: The path of the pathmap file generated when compiling
# the resources for the bundle module, if path shortening is enabled.
# base_allowlist_rtxt_path: The path of the R.txt file containing the
# list of string resources to keep in the base split APK for any bundle
# that uses this target.
# For 'java_binary' and 'robolectric_binary' targets only. Ignored by others:
# wrapper_script_name: Optional name for the generated wrapper script.
# Default is main target name.
# wrapper_script_args: Optional list of extra arguments used by the
# generated wrapper script.
template("java_library_impl") {
# TODO(crbug.com/40114668): Remove.
not_needed(invoker, [ "no_build_hooks" ])
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
_is_prebuilt = defined(invoker.jar_path)
_type = invoker.type
_is_annotation_processor = _type == "java_annotation_processor"
_is_java_binary = _type == "java_binary" || _type == "robolectric_binary"
_is_library = _type == "java_library"
_supports_android =
defined(invoker.supports_android) && invoker.supports_android
_requires_android =
defined(invoker.requires_android) && invoker.requires_android
_supports_host = !_requires_android
if (_is_java_binary || _is_annotation_processor) {
assert(!_requires_android && !_supports_android)
_bypass_platform_checks = defined(invoker.bypass_platform_checks) &&
_is_robolectric = defined(invoker.is_robolectric) && invoker.is_robolectric
_invoker_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_invoker_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
_invoker_deps += invoker.public_deps
_main_target_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.main_target_name)) {
_main_target_name = invoker.main_target_name
_source_files = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
_source_files = invoker.sources
_srcjar_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.srcjar_deps)) {
_srcjar_deps = invoker.srcjar_deps
_srcjars = []
if (defined(invoker.srcjars)) {
_srcjars = invoker.srcjars
_has_sources = _source_files != [] || _srcjar_deps != [] || _srcjars != []
if (_is_prebuilt || _has_sources) {
# This allows us to use jar_excluded_patterns and prevent even the
# interface jars from having these classes. This means that, with this
# flag, nobody depending on this java library will be able to see these
# classes. These excluded classes are only used for the exact target they
# are compiled in. We do this by not making a header jar, and replacing
# all usages of the header jar with the processed (post-exclusion) jar.
_skip_header_jar =
defined(invoker.prevent_excluded_classes_from_classpath) &&
if (_is_prebuilt) {
} else {
# Allow java_binary to not specify any sources. This is needed when a prebuilt
# is needed as a library as well as a binary.
assert(_is_annotation_processor || _is_java_binary || _has_sources)
if (_is_java_binary) {
assert(defined(invoker.main_class), "${_type}() must set main_class")
} else if (_is_annotation_processor) {
"java_annotation_processor() must set main_class")
} else {
"main_class cannot be used for target of type ${_type}")
if (defined(invoker.chromium_code)) {
_chromium_code = invoker.chromium_code
} else {
# Default based on whether target is in third_party.
_chromium_code =
filter_exclude([ get_label_info(":$_main_target_name", "dir") ],
[ "*\bthird_party\b*" ]) != []
if (!_chromium_code && !_is_prebuilt && _source_files != []) {
# Unless third_party code has an org.chromium file in it.
_chromium_code =
filter_exclude(_source_files, [ "*\bchromium\b*" ]) != _source_files
# Define build_config_deps which will be a list of targets required to
# build the _build_config.
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$_main_target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name =
# The only target that might have no prebuilt and no sources is a java_binary.
_build_host_jar = false
_build_device_jar = false
if (_is_prebuilt || _has_sources) {
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
_output_name = invoker.output_name
} else {
_output_name = _main_target_name
_build_host_jar =
_is_java_binary || _is_annotation_processor || _type == "java_library"
_build_device_jar = _type != "system_java_library" && _supports_android
_jacoco_instrument =
use_jacoco_coverage && _chromium_code && _source_files != [] &&
_build_device_jar && (!defined(invoker.testonly) || !invoker.testonly)
if (defined(invoker.jacoco_never_instrument)) {
_jacoco_instrument =
!invoker.jacoco_never_instrument && _jacoco_instrument
if (_jacoco_instrument) {
_invoker_deps += [ _jacoco_dep ]
if (_build_host_jar) {
# Jar files can be needed at runtime (by Robolectric tests or java binaries),
# so do not put them under obj/.
# TODO(agrieve): I suspect it would be better to use dist_jar for java_binary
# rather than archiving unnecessary .jar files within lib.java.
_target_dir_name = get_label_info(":$_main_target_name", "dir")
_host_processed_jar_path =
if (_build_device_jar) {
_dex_path = "$target_out_dir/$_main_target_name.dex.jar"
_enable_desugar =
!defined(invoker.enable_desugar) || invoker.enable_desugar
# Build speed optimization: Skip "process device" step if the step
# would be just a copy and avoid the copy.
_process_device_jar =
defined(invoker.bytecode_rewriter_target) || _jacoco_instrument ||
defined(invoker.jar_excluded_patterns) ||
if (!_process_device_jar && _is_prebuilt) {
_device_processed_jar_path = invoker.jar_path
} else {
_device_processed_jar_path =
# For static libraries, the javac jar output is created at the intermediate
# path so that it can be processed by another target and moved to the final
# spot that the .build_config.json knows about. Technically this should be done
# for the ijar as well, but this is only used for APK targets where
# the ijar path isn't actually used.
if (_has_sources) {
_final_ijar_path = "$target_out_dir/$_output_name.turbine.jar"
} else {
_final_ijar_path = "$target_out_dir/$_output_name.ijar.jar"
if (_has_sources) {
if (_build_device_jar && !_process_device_jar) {
_javac_jar_path = _device_processed_jar_path
} else {
_javac_jar_path = "$target_out_dir/$_main_target_name.javac.jar"
_generated_jar_path =
if (_is_prebuilt) {
_unprocessed_jar_path = invoker.jar_path
} else {
_unprocessed_jar_path = _javac_jar_path
_java_assetres_deps = filter_include(_invoker_deps, java_resource_patterns)
# Cannot use minus operator because it does not work when the operand has
# repeated entries.
_invoker_deps_minus_assetres =
filter_exclude(_invoker_deps, _java_assetres_deps)
_lib_deps =
filter_include(_invoker_deps_minus_assetres, java_library_patterns)
_non_java_deps = filter_exclude(_invoker_deps_minus_assetres, _lib_deps)
_java_header_deps = [] # Turbine / ijar
# It would be more ideal to split this into __host and __javac, but we
# combine the two concepts to save on a group() target.
_java_host_deps = [] # Processed host .jar + javac .jar.
_java_validate_deps = [] # Bytecode checker & errorprone.
foreach(_lib_dep, _lib_deps) {
# Expand //foo/java -> //foo/java:java
_lib_dep = get_label_info(_lib_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
_java_assetres_deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__assetres" ]
_java_header_deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__header" ]
_java_host_deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__host" ]
_java_validate_deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__validate" ]
# APK and base module targets are special because:
# 1) They do not follow java target naming scheme (since they are not
# generally deps, there is no need for them to).
# 2) They do not bother to define a __host target.
# Since __host is used as an indirect dep for the compile_java artifacts,
# add the __compile_java target directly for them.
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
_java_assetres_deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}__java__assetres" ]
_java_header_deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}__java__header" ]
_java_validate_deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}__java__validate" ]
_java_host_deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}__compile_java" ]
if (defined(invoker.base_module_target)) {
_java_assetres_deps += [ "${invoker.base_module_target}__java__assetres" ]
_java_header_deps += [ "${invoker.base_module_target}__java__header" ]
_java_validate_deps += [ "${invoker.base_module_target}__java__validate" ]
_java_host_deps += [ "${invoker.base_module_target}__compile_java" ]
not_needed([ "_non_java_deps" ])
if (_is_prebuilt || _has_sources) {
# Classpath deps are used for header and dex targets, they do not need
# __assetres deps.
# _non_java_deps are needed for input_jars_paths that are generated.
_header_classpath_deps =
_java_header_deps + _non_java_deps + [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
_javac_classpath_deps =
_java_host_deps + _non_java_deps + [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
_include_android_sdk = _build_device_jar
if (defined(invoker.include_android_sdk)) {
_include_android_sdk = invoker.include_android_sdk
if (_include_android_sdk) {
if (defined(invoker.alternative_android_sdk_dep)) {
_android_sdk_dep = invoker.alternative_android_sdk_dep
} else {
_android_sdk_dep = default_android_sdk_dep
_header_classpath_deps += [ "${_android_sdk_dep}__header" ]
_javac_classpath_deps += [ "${_android_sdk_dep}" ]
# Often needed, but too hard to figure out when ahead of time.
if (_source_files != []) {
_target_sources_file = "$target_gen_dir/$_main_target_name.sources"
rebase_path(_source_files, root_build_dir))
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
if (_type == "android_apk" || _type == "android_app_bundle_module") {
if (_type == "android_apk") {
if (_type == "android_app_bundle_module") {
chromium_code = _chromium_code
build_config = _build_config
is_prebuilt = _is_prebuilt
# Specifically avoid passing in invoker.base_module_target as one of the
# possible_config_deps.
possible_config_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
possible_config_deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
possible_config_public_deps = invoker.public_deps
if (defined(invoker.asset_deps)) {
possible_config_deps += invoker.asset_deps
if (defined(apk_under_test)) {
possible_config_deps += [ apk_under_test ]
if (defined(_jacoco_instrument) && _jacoco_instrument) {
possible_config_deps += [ _jacoco_dep ]
if (defined(_android_sdk_dep)) {
possible_config_deps += [ _android_sdk_dep ]
supports_android = _supports_android
requires_android = _requires_android
is_robolectric = _is_robolectric
bypass_platform_checks = _bypass_platform_checks
if (defined(invoker.resources_package)) {
custom_package = invoker.resources_package
if (_is_prebuilt || _has_sources) {
if (_skip_header_jar) {
# We are tricking everything that is looking for an ijar into looking
# at the processed jar path, which is has the excluded classes
# removed.
ijar_path = _device_processed_jar_path
} else {
ijar_path = _final_ijar_path
unprocessed_jar_path = _unprocessed_jar_path
if (_build_host_jar) {
host_jar_path = _host_processed_jar_path
if (_build_device_jar) {
device_jar_path = _device_processed_jar_path
dex_path = _dex_path
if (_source_files != []) {
target_sources_file = _target_sources_file
bundled_srcjars = []
foreach(d, _srcjar_deps) {
_dep_gen_dir = get_label_info(d, "target_gen_dir")
_dep_name = get_label_info(d, "name")
bundled_srcjars += [ "$_dep_gen_dir/$_dep_name.srcjar" ]
bundled_srcjars += _srcjars
if (defined(invoker.include_java_resources) &&
invoker.include_java_resources) {
java_resources_jar = _unprocessed_jar_path
if (defined(invoker.jar_path)) {
# Use original jar_path because _jar_path points to a library without
# resources.
} else {
java_resources_jar = _device_processed_jar_path
if (_is_prebuilt || _has_sources) {
_header_target_name = "${target_name}__header"
if (_has_sources) {
_kt_files = filter_include(_source_files, [ "*.kt" ])
_java_files = filter_exclude(_source_files, [ "*.kt" ])
if (defined(invoker.enable_errorprone)) {
_enable_errorprone = invoker.enable_errorprone
} else {
_enable_errorprone =
_java_files != [] && _chromium_code && use_errorprone_java_compiler
if (defined(invoker.resources_package) && _type == "java_library") {
# TODO(crbug.com/40821816): remove _bypass_platform_checks from the list
# once all robolectric targets have migrated to robolectric_library.
assert(_requires_android || _bypass_platform_checks || _is_robolectric,
"Setting resources_package applicable only for " +
"android_library(), or robolectric_library(). " +
# Serves double purpose: Generating R.java, as well as being the
#__assetres target (instead of using a separate group).
_fake_rjava_target = "${target_name}__assetres"
generate_r_java(_fake_rjava_target) {
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ] + _java_assetres_deps +
build_config = _build_config
# Filepath has to be exactly this because compile_java looks for the
# srcjar of srcjar_deps at this location $gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar
srcjar_path = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
package = invoker.resources_package
_srcjar_deps += [ ":$_fake_rjava_target" ]
if (_kt_files != []) {
_kt_allowlist = [
_found_kt = filter_exclude(_kt_files, _kt_allowlist)
_found_kt == [],
"Only a files in the allowlist can be included for now. Feel " + "free to remove this assert when experimenting locally. Found: $_found_kt")
_compile_kt_target_name = "${_main_target_name}__compile_kt"
_kotlinc_jar_path = "$target_out_dir/$_output_name.kotlinc.jar"
_kotlin_interface_jar_path =
assert(filter_include(_lib_deps, [ _kotlin_stdlib_dep ]) != [],
"${_main_target_name} is missing dep: $_kotlin_stdlib_dep")
compile_kt(_compile_kt_target_name) {
deps = _header_classpath_deps
output_jar_path = _kotlinc_jar_path
output_interface_jar_path = _kotlin_interface_jar_path
main_target_name = _main_target_name
build_config = _build_config
srcjar_deps = _srcjar_deps
source_files = _source_files
target_sources_file = _target_sources_file
chromium_code = _chromium_code
include_android_sdk = _is_robolectric || _requires_android
template("compile_java_helper") {
_enable_errorprone =
defined(invoker.enable_errorprone) && invoker.enable_errorprone
if (_enable_errorprone) {
# Rely on the header jar to provide all .class files so that it is
# safe to omit generated files entirely for errorprone.
_filtered_source_files =
filter_exclude(_source_files, [ "$root_gen_dir*" ])
if (_enable_errorprone && _filtered_source_files == []) {
# Filtering out generated files resulted in no files left.
group(target_name) {
not_needed(invoker, "*")
deps = _header_classpath_deps
} else {
compile_java(target_name) {
deps = _header_classpath_deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
output_jar_path = invoker.output_jar_path
if (defined(invoker.kotlin_jar_path)) {
deps += [ ":$_compile_kt_target_name" ]
kotlin_jar_path = invoker.kotlin_jar_path
enable_errorprone = _enable_errorprone
use_turbine = defined(invoker.use_turbine) && invoker.use_turbine
main_target_name = _main_target_name
build_config = _build_config
if (_enable_errorprone) {
source_files = _filtered_source_files
} else {
source_files = _source_files
srcjar_deps = _srcjar_deps
if (source_files != []) {
target_sources_file = _target_sources_file
chromium_code = _chromium_code
include_android_sdk = _is_robolectric || _requires_android
_compile_java_forward_variables = [
if (!_skip_header_jar) {
_annotation_processor_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.annotation_processor_deps)) {
_annotation_processor_deps = invoker.annotation_processor_deps
compile_java_helper(_header_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _compile_java_forward_variables)
use_turbine = true
output_jar_path = _final_ijar_path
generated_jar_path = _generated_jar_path
deps = _annotation_processor_deps
if (_kt_files != []) {
kotlin_jar_path = _kotlin_interface_jar_path
_compile_java_target = "${_main_target_name}__compile_java"
compile_java_helper(_compile_java_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _compile_java_forward_variables)
output_jar_path = _javac_jar_path
if (!_skip_header_jar) {
deps = [ ":$_header_target_name" ]
header_jar_path = _final_ijar_path
generated_jar_path = _generated_jar_path
if (_kt_files != []) {
kotlin_jar_path = _kotlinc_jar_path
if (_enable_errorprone) {
_compile_java_errorprone_target = "${_main_target_name}__errorprone"
compile_java_helper(_compile_java_errorprone_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _compile_java_forward_variables)
enable_errorprone = true
if (defined(invoker.errorprone_args)) {
if (!defined(javac_args)) {
javac_args = []
javac_args += invoker.errorprone_args
if (_kt_files != []) {
kotlin_jar_path = _kotlinc_jar_path
if (!_skip_header_jar) {
deps = [ ":$_header_target_name" ]
header_jar_path = _final_ijar_path
generated_jar_path = _generated_jar_path
output_jar_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.errorprone.stamp"
_java_validate_deps += [ ":$_compile_java_errorprone_target" ]
} # _has_sources
if (_is_prebuilt || _build_device_jar || _build_host_jar) {
if (_has_sources) {
_unprocessed_jar_deps = [ ":$_compile_java_target" ]
} else {
# jars might be generated by a dep.
_unprocessed_jar_deps = _non_java_deps
if (defined(invoker.bytecode_rewriter_target)) {
assert(_build_host_jar || _build_device_jar,
"A host or device jar must be created to use bytecode rewriting")
_rewritten_jar = "$target_out_dir/${target_name}_rewritten.jar"
_rewritten_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__rewritten"
_rewriter_path = root_build_dir + "/bin/helper/" +
get_label_info(invoker.bytecode_rewriter_target, "name")
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
action_with_pydeps(_rewritten_jar_target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/bytecode_rewriter.py"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [ _rewritten_jar ]
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_rewriter_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_unprocessed_jar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_rewritten_jar, root_build_dir),
deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps + _javac_classpath_deps +
[ invoker.bytecode_rewriter_target ]
_unprocessed_jar_deps = []
_unprocessed_jar_deps = [ ":$_rewritten_jar_target_name" ]
_unprocessed_jar_path = _rewritten_jar
if (_is_prebuilt) {
generate_interface_jar(_header_target_name) {
# Always used the unfiltered .jar to create the interface jar so that
# other targets will resolve filtered classes when depending on
# BuildConfig, NativeLibraries, etc.
input_jar = _unprocessed_jar_path
output_jar = _final_ijar_path
# ijar needs only _unprocessed_jar_deps, but this also needs to export
# __header target from deps.
deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps + _java_header_deps
if (_build_host_jar || _build_device_jar) {
_enable_bytecode_checks =
(!defined(invoker.enable_bytecode_checks) ||
invoker.enable_bytecode_checks) && !_is_prebuilt &&
android_static_analysis != "off"
if (_enable_bytecode_checks) {
_validate_target_name = "${target_name}__validate"
bytecode_processor(_validate_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "missing_classes_allowlist" ])
deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps + _javac_classpath_deps +
[ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
data_deps = _java_validate_deps
if (defined(_compile_java_errorprone_target)) {
data_deps += [ ":$_compile_java_errorprone_target" ]
include_android_sdk = _requires_android || _is_robolectric
target_label =
get_label_info(":${invoker.target_name}", "label_no_toolchain")
input_jar = _unprocessed_jar_path
build_config = _build_config
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "missing_classes_allowlist" ])
if (_build_host_jar) {
_process_host_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__host"
process_java_library(_process_host_jar_target_name) {
# Robolectric tests require these to be on swarming.
data = [ _host_processed_jar_path ]
input_jar_path = _unprocessed_jar_path
deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps + _javac_classpath_deps
output_jar_path = _host_processed_jar_path
jacoco_instrument = _jacoco_instrument
if (_jacoco_instrument) {
source_files = _source_files
target_sources_file = _target_sources_file
# _java_host_deps isn't necessary for process_java_library(), but is
# necessary so that this target can be used to depend on transitive
# __device targets without the need to create a separate group()
# target. This trade-off works because process_java_library is fast.
deps += _java_host_deps
# Add runtime_deps here since robolectric_binary does not depend on top-level group.
if (defined(invoker.data)) {
data += invoker.data
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps = invoker.data_deps
if (_build_device_jar) {
if (_process_device_jar) {
_process_device_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__process_device"
process_java_library(_process_device_jar_target_name) {
input_jar_path = _unprocessed_jar_path
deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps + _javac_classpath_deps
output_jar_path = _device_processed_jar_path
jacoco_instrument = _jacoco_instrument
if (_jacoco_instrument) {
source_files = _source_files
target_sources_file = _target_sources_file
_process_device_jar_deps = [ ":${_process_device_jar_target_name}" ]
} else {
assert(_unprocessed_jar_path == _device_processed_jar_path)
_process_device_jar_deps = _unprocessed_jar_deps
if (_skip_header_jar) {
group(_header_target_name) {
public_deps = [ ":$_process_device_jar_target_name" ]
_dex_target_name = "${target_name}__dex"
dex(_dex_target_name) {
input_class_jars = [ _device_processed_jar_path ]
enable_desugar = _enable_desugar
ignore_desugar_missing_deps = !_enable_bytecode_checks
# There's no value in per-class dexing prebuilts since they never
# change just one class at a time.
disable_incremental = _is_prebuilt
output = _dex_path
deps = _process_device_jar_deps
if (enable_desugar) {
# Desugaring with D8 requires full classpath.
build_config = _build_config
unprocessed_jar_path = _unprocessed_jar_path
deps += _header_classpath_deps + _unprocessed_jar_deps
is_library = true
# proguard_configs listed on java_library targets need to be marked
# as inputs to at least one target so that "gn analyze" will know
# about them. Although this target doesn't use them, it's a convenient spot
# to list them.
# https://crbug.com/827197
if (compute_inputs_for_analyze && defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
inputs = invoker.proguard_configs
# For the aapt-generated proguard rules.
deps += _non_java_deps + _srcjar_deps
if (_is_java_binary) {
# Targets might use the generated script while building, so make it a dep
# rather than a data_dep.
_java_binary_script_target_name = "${target_name}__java_binary_script"
java_binary_script(_java_binary_script_target_name) {
build_config = _build_config
script_name = _main_target_name
if (defined(invoker.wrapper_script_name)) {
script_name = invoker.wrapper_script_name
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
if (_is_robolectric) {
# For robolectric tests, we add the sdk stub jars so that classes
# that reference Android types can be loaded without throwing
# NoClassDefFoundErrors. The Robolectric sandbox makes these types
# available in non-stub form, but not until test classes are loaded
# into it. Before being loaded into the sandbox, they must be loaded
# outside of it in order to read their annotations (which configure
# the sandbox), and to enumerate test methods.
extra_classpath_jars = [
if (!defined(_validate_target_name)) {
_validate_target_name = "${target_name}__validate"
# Allow other targets to depend on this __validate one.
group(_validate_target_name) {
deps = _java_validate_deps
if (_supports_host && !defined(_process_host_jar_target_name)) {
group("${target_name}__host") {
deps = _java_host_deps
# robolectric_library can depend on java_library, so java_library must
# define __assetres.
if ((_is_library || _supports_android || _is_robolectric) &&
!defined(_fake_rjava_target)) {
group("${target_name}__assetres") {
if (_supports_android || _is_robolectric) {
deps = _java_assetres_deps
# The top-level group is used:
# 1) To allow building the target explicitly via ninja,
# 2) To trigger all analysis deps,
# 3) By custom action() targets that want to use artifacts as inputs.
group(target_name) {
if (_requires_android || (_supports_android && _is_library)) {
# For non-robolectric targets, depend on other java target's top-level
# groups so that the __dex step gets depended on.
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (is_cronet_build) {
_abs_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.deps) {
_abs_deps += [ get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.public_deps) {
_abs_deps += [ get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
if (defined(invoker.srcjar_deps)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.srcjar_deps) {
_abs_deps += [ get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
_abs_path_source_files = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
foreach(source_file, invoker.sources) {
_abs_path_source_files +=
[ get_path_info(source_file, "abspath") ]
_abs_jar_path = ""
if (defined(invoker.jar_path)) {
_abs_jar_path = get_path_info(invoker.jar_path, "abspath")
_sdk_version = "current"
if (defined(invoker.alternative_android_sdk_dep)) {
_sdk_version = "system_current"
# See crbug/1449896 for more details about the metadata fields
# and why they are added.
metadata = {
jar_path = [ _abs_jar_path ]
source_files = _abs_path_source_files
all_deps = _abs_deps
target_type = [ _type ]
sdk_version = [ _sdk_version ]
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
} else {
# For robolectric targets, depend only on non-java deps and the specific
# subtargets below, which will not include __dex.
deps = _non_java_deps
public_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
public_deps +=
filter_exclude(invoker.public_deps, java_target_patterns)
if (defined(_jacoco_instrument) && _jacoco_instrument) {
deps += [ _jacoco_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
deps += [ invoker.apk_under_test ]
if (defined(_process_device_jar_target_name)) {
public_deps += [ ":$_process_device_jar_target_name" ]
if (defined(_dex_target_name)) {
public_deps += [ ":$_dex_target_name" ]
if (_supports_android && _is_library) {
# Robolectric targets define __assetres, but there's no need to build it
# by default.
public_deps += [ ":${target_name}__assetres" ]
if (_supports_host) {
# android_* targets define __host, but there's no need to build it by
# default.
public_deps += [ ":${target_name}__host" ]
if (_is_java_binary) {
public_deps += [ ":$_java_binary_script_target_name" ]
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
if (defined(_validate_target_name)) {
data_deps += [ ":$_validate_target_name" ]
} else {
data_deps += _java_validate_deps
# Create a zip archive corresponding to an application bundle module.
# Compile all the components of a given android_apk_or_module() target into a
# zip archive suitable to later create an android_app_bundle() target. This
# archive's format is very similar to that on an APK, except for a few
# differences in internal directory layouts, and the fact that resources, as
# well as xml files, are compiled using a protocol-buffer based format (instead
# of the regular binary xml + resources.arsc).
# A final application bundle is built from one or more module bundle modules,
# plus some configuration file.
# Variables:
# module_zip_path: Output module path.
# build_config: Path to build_config of the android_apk_or_module() target.
# dex_path: If module is proguarded separately from the base module, dex_path
# is the path to its dex file and is passed directly to the creation script.
# Otherwise, dex_path is undefined and we retrieve the module's dex file
# using its build_config.
# expected_libs_and_assets: Verify the list of included native libraries
# and assets is consistent with the given expectation file.
# expected_libs_and_assets_base: Treat expected_libs_and_assets as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# is_multi_abi: If true will add a library placeholder for the missing ABI if
# either the primary or the secondary ABI has no native libraries set.
# module_name: The module's name.
# native_libraries_config: Path to file listing native libraries to be
# packaged into each module.
# proguard_enabled: Optional. True if proguarding is enabled for this
# bundle. Default is to enable this only for release builds. Note that
# this will always perform synchronized proguarding.
template("create_android_app_bundle_module") {
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_deps = invoker.deps
_script = "//build/android/gyp/apkbuilder.py"
# NOTE: Compared to the inputs of the "package_apk" template action,
# this list is much smaller, since finalize_apk is never called
# by apkbuild.py --format=bundle-module. This means not using
# apksigner and zipalign as well, nor the keystore. Other
# dependencies like extra native libraries are all pulled from the
# .build_config.json through @FileArg() references (see below) and
# will be listed in the generated depfile instead.
_inputs = [ invoker.build_config ]
_outputs = [ invoker.module_zip_path ]
_args = [
rebase_path(invoker.module_zip_path, root_build_dir),
"--resource-apk=@FileArg(" +
"--uncompressed-assets=@FileArg(" +
"--native-lib-placeholders=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config" +
"--secondary-native-lib-placeholders=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config" +
if (defined(android_app_secondary_abi)) {
_args += [
"--secondary-native-libs=@FileArg(" +
"--secondary-native-libs=@FileArg(" +
if (defined(invoker.is_multi_abi) && invoker.is_multi_abi) {
_args += [ "--is-multi-abi" ]
if (defined(invoker.uncompress_dex) && invoker.uncompress_dex) {
_args += [ "--uncompress-dex" ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_assets)) {
_args += [ "--assets=${invoker.extra_assets}" ]
# Use either provided dex path or build config path based on type of module.
if (defined(invoker.dex_path)) {
_inputs += [ invoker.dex_path ]
_rebased_dex_path = rebase_path(invoker.dex_path, root_build_dir)
_args += [ "--dex-file=$_rebased_dex_path" ]
} else {
_args += [ "--dex-file=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:final_dex:path)" ]
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
_args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (defined(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets)) {
_expectations_target = "${invoker.top_target_name}_validate_libs_and_assets"
action_with_pydeps(_expectations_target) {
_actual_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.libs_and_assets"
_failure_file = "$expectations_failure_dir/" +
string_replace(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets, "/", "_")
inputs = [
deps = [ invoker.build_config_target ]
outputs = [
script = _script
args = _args + [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_actual_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_failure_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base)) {
inputs += [ invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base ]
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets_base, root_build_dir),
if (fail_on_android_expectations) {
args += [ "--fail-on-expectations" ]
_deps += [ ":$_expectations_target" ]
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
deps = _deps
inputs = _inputs
outputs = _outputs
script = _script
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
args = _args + [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),