# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
is_android || is_robolectric,
"current_toolchain=$current_toolchain default_toolchain=$default_toolchain")
_sanitizer_runtimes = []
if (use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan || is_ubsan_security || is_ubsan_vptr) {
_sanitizer_runtimes += [ "$clang_base_path/lib/clang/$clang_version/lib/linux/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-$sanitizer_arch-android.so" ]
if (is_asan) {
_sanitizer_runtimes += [ "$clang_base_path/lib/clang/$clang_version/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan-$sanitizer_arch-android.so" ]
# Creates a dist directory for a native executable.
# Running a native executable on a device requires all the shared library
# dependencies of that executable. To make it easier to install and run such an
# executable, this will create a directory containing the native exe and all
# it's library dependencies.
# Note: It's usually better to package things as an APK than as a native
# executable.
# Variables
# dist_dir: Directory for the exe and libraries. Everything in this directory
# will be deleted before copying in the exe and libraries.
# binary: Path to (stripped) executable.
# extra_files: List of extra files to copy in (optional).
# Example
# create_native_executable_dist("foo_dist") {
# dist_dir = "$root_build_dir/foo_dist"
# binary = "$root_build_dir/foo"
# deps = [ ":the_thing_that_makes_foo" ]
# }
template("create_native_executable_dist") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_libraries_list = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}_library_dependencies.list"
_sanitizer_runtimes_target_name = "${target_name}__sanitizer_runtimes"
group(_sanitizer_runtimes_target_name) {
metadata = {
shared_libraries = _sanitizer_runtimes
generated_file("${target_name}__library_list") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":${_sanitizer_runtimes_target_name}" ]
output_conversion = "json"
outputs = [ _libraries_list ]
data_keys = [ "shared_libraries" ]
walk_keys = [ "shared_libraries_barrier" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
copy_ex(target_name) {
inputs = [
dest = invoker.dist_dir
data = [ "${invoker.dist_dir}/" ]
_rebased_libraries_list = rebase_path(_libraries_list, root_build_dir)
_rebased_binaries_list = rebase_path([ invoker.binary ], root_build_dir)
args = [
if (defined(invoker.extra_files)) {
_rebased_extra_files = rebase_path(invoker.extra_files, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--files=$_rebased_extra_files" ]
_depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
_stamp_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.stamp"
outputs = [ _stamp_file ]
args += [
rebase_path(_depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_stamp_file, root_build_dir),
deps = [ ":${target_name}__library_list" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
if (!is_robolectric && enable_java_templates) {
# Declare a target for c-preprocessor-generated java files
# NOTE: For generating Java conterparts to enums prefer using the java_cpp_enum
# rule instead.
# This target generates java files using the host C pre-processor. Each file in
# sources will be compiled using the C pre-processor. If include_path is
# specified, it will be passed (with --I) to the pre-processor.
# This target will create a single .srcjar. Adding this target to an
# android_library target's srcjar_deps will make the generated java files be
# included in that library's final outputs.
# Variables
# sources: list of files to be processed by the C pre-processor. For each
# file in sources, there will be one .java file in the final .srcjar. For a
# file named FooBar.template, a java file will be created with name
# FooBar.java.
# inputs: additional compile-time dependencies. Any files
# `#include`-ed in the templates should be listed here.
# defines: List of -D arguments for the preprocessor.
# Example
# java_cpp_template("foo_generated_enum") {
# sources = [
# "android/java/templates/Foo.template",
# ]
# inputs = [
# "android/java/templates/native_foo_header.h",
# ]
# }
template("java_cpp_template") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/gcc_preprocess.py"
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar" ]
_include_dirs = [
_rebased_include_dirs = rebase_path(_include_dirs, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.defines)) {
foreach(_define, invoker.defines) {
args += [
args += rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
# Declare a target for generating Java classes from C++ enums.
# This target generates Java files from C++ enums using a script.
# This target will create a single .srcjar. Adding this target to an
# android_library target's srcjar_deps will make the generated java files be
# included in that library's final outputs.
# Variables
# sources: list of files to be processed by the script. For each annotated
# enum contained in the sources files the script will generate a .java
# file with the same name as the name of the enum.
# Example
# java_cpp_enum("foo_generated_enum") {
# sources = [
# "src/native_foo_header.h",
# ]
# }
template("java_cpp_enum") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "sources" ])
# The sources aren't compiled so don't check their dependencies.
check_includes = false
script = "//build/android/gyp/java_cpp_enum.py"
_srcjar_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.srcjar"
_rebased_srcjar_path = rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_sources = rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
args = [ "--srcjar=$_rebased_srcjar_path" ] + _rebased_sources
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
# Declare a target for generating Java classes with string constants matching
# those found in C++ files using a python script.
# This target will create a single .srcjar. Adding this target to an
# android_library target's srcjar_deps will make the generated java files be
# included in that library's final outputs.
# Variables
# sources: list of files to be processed by the script. For each string
# constant in the source files, the script will add a corresponding
# Java string to the specified template file.
# Example
# java_cpp_strings("foo_switches") {
# sources = [
# "src/foo_switches.cc",
# ]
# template = "src/templates/FooSwitches.java.tmpl
# }
# foo_switches.cc:
# // A switch.
# const char kASwitch = "a-switch";
# FooSwitches.java.tmpl
# // Copyright {YEAR} The Chromium Authors
# // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# // found in the LICENSE file.
# // This file is autogenerated by
# // From
# // {SOURCE_PATH}, and
# package my.java.package;
# public abstract class FooSwitches {{
# // ...snip...
# // ...snip...
# }}
# result:
# A FooSwitches.java file, defining a class named FooSwitches in the package
# my.java.package.
template("java_cpp_strings") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "sources" ])
# The sources aren't compiled so don't check their dependencies.
check_includes = false
script = "//build/android/gyp/java_cpp_strings.py"
_srcjar_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.srcjar"
_rebased_srcjar_path = rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_sources = rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
_rebased_template = rebase_path(invoker.template, root_build_dir)
args = [
args += _rebased_sources
sources += [ invoker.template ]
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
# Declare a target for generating Java classes with string constants matching
# those found in C++ base::Feature declarations, using a python script.
# This target will create a single .srcjar. Adding this target to an
# android_library target's srcjar_deps will make the generated java files be
# included in that library's final outputs.
# Variables
# sources: list of files to be processed by the script. For each
# base::Feature in the source files, the script will add a
# corresponding Java string for that feature's name to the
# specified template file.
# Example
# java_cpp_features("foo_features") {
# sources = [
# "src/foo_features.cc",
# ]
# template = "src/templates/FooFeatures.java.tmpl
# }
# foo_features.cc:
# // A feature.
# BASE_FEATURE(kSomeFeature, "SomeFeature",
# FooFeatures.java.tmpl
# // Copyright $YEAR The Chromium Authors
# // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# // found in the LICENSE file.
# package my.java.package;
# public final class FooFeatures {{
# // ...snip...
# // ...snip...
# // Do not instantiate this class.
# private FooFeatures() {{}}
# }}
# result:
# A FooFeatures.java file, defining a class named FooFeatures in the package
# my.java.package.
template("java_cpp_features") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
# The sources aren't compiled so don't check their dependencies.
check_includes = false
script = "//build/android/gyp/java_cpp_features.py"
_srcjar_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.srcjar"
_rebased_srcjar_path = rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_sources = rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
_rebased_template = rebase_path(invoker.template, root_build_dir)
args = [
args += _rebased_sources
sources += [ invoker.template ]
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
# Declare a target for processing a Jinja template.
# Variables
# input: The template file to be processed.
# includes: List of files {% include %}'ed by input.
# output: Where to save the result.
# variables: (Optional) A list of variables to make available to the template
# processing environment, e.g. ["name=foo", "color=red"].
# Example
# jinja_template("chrome_public_manifest") {
# input = "java/AndroidManifest.xml"
# output = "$target_gen_dir/AndroidManifest.xml"
# }
template("jinja_template") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
inputs = [ invoker.input ]
if (defined(invoker.includes)) {
inputs += invoker.includes
script = "//build/android/gyp/jinja_template.py"
outputs = [ invoker.output ]
args = [
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.input, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.includes)) {
_rebased_includes = rebase_path(invoker.includes, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--includes=$_rebased_includes" ]
if (defined(invoker.variables)) {
args += [ "--variables=${invoker.variables}" ]
# Writes native libraries to a NativeLibaries.java file.
# This target will create a single .srcjar. Adding this target to an
# android_library target's srcjar_deps will make the generated java files be
# included in that library's final outputs.
# Variables:
# native_libraries_list_file: (Optional) Path to file listing all native
# libraries to write.
# version_number: (Optional) String of expected version of 'main' native
# library.
# enable_chromium_linker: (Optional) Whether to use the Chromium linker.
# use_final_fields: True to use final fields. When false, all other
# variables must not be set.
template("write_native_libraries_java") {
_native_libraries_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
_cpu_family = "CPU_FAMILY_ARM"
} else if (current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64") {
_cpu_family = "CPU_FAMILY_X86"
} else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el") {
_cpu_family = "CPU_FAMILY_MIPS"
} else if (current_cpu == "riscv64") {
_cpu_family = "CPU_FAMILY_RISCV"
} else {
assert(false, "Unsupported CPU family")
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/write_native_libraries_java.py"
outputs = [ _native_libraries_file ]
args = [
rebase_path(_native_libraries_file, root_build_dir),
if (invoker.use_final_fields) {
# Write native_libraries_list_file via depfile rather than specifyin it
# as a dep in order allow R8 to run in parallel with native compilation.
args += [ "--final" ]
if (defined(invoker.native_libraries_list_file)) {
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.native_libraries_list_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.enable_chromium_linker) &&
invoker.enable_chromium_linker) {
args += [ "--enable-chromium-linker" ]
if (defined(invoker.native_lib_32_bit) && invoker.native_lib_32_bit) {
args += [ "--native-lib-32-bit" ]
if (defined(invoker.native_lib_64_bit) && invoker.native_lib_64_bit) {
args += [ "--native-lib-64-bit" ]
# Declare a target for a set of Android resources generated at build
# time and stored in a single zip archive. The content of the archive
# should match the layout of a regular Android res/ folder (but the
# archive should not include a top-level res/ directory).
# Note that there is no associated .srcjar, R.txt or package name
# associated with this target.
# Variables:
# generated_resources_zip: Generated zip archive path.
# generating_target: Name of the target generating
# generated_resources_zip. This rule will check that it is part
# of its outputs.
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target. Any Android resources
# listed here will be also be included *after* this one when compiling
# all resources for a final apk or junit binary. This is useful to
# ensure that the resources of the current target override those of the
# dependency as well (and would not work if you have these deps to the
# generating target's dependencies).
# Example
# _zip_archive = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.resources_zip"
# action("my_resources__create_zip") {
# _depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.d"
# script = "//build/path/to/create_my_resources_zip.py"
# args = [
# "--depfile", rebase_path(_depfile, root_build_dir),
# "--output-zip", rebase_path(_zip_archive, root_build_dir),
# ]
# inputs = []
# outputs = _zip_archive
# depfile = _depfile
# }
# android_generated_resources("my_resources") {
# generated_resources_zip = _zip_archive
# generating_target = ":my_resources__create_zip"
# }
template("android_generated_resources") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.build_config.json"
_rtxt_out_path = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.R.txt"
write_build_config("$target_name$build_config_target_suffix") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "resource_overlay" ])
build_config = _build_config
resources_zip = invoker.generated_resources_zip
type = "android_resources"
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
possible_config_deps = invoker.deps
r_text = _rtxt_out_path
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
public_deps = [
inputs = [ invoker.generated_resources_zip ]
outputs = [ _rtxt_out_path ]
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_r_txt.py"
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.generated_resources_zip, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_rtxt_out_path, root_build_dir),
# Declare a target for processing Android resources as Jinja templates.
# This takes an Android resource directory where each resource is a Jinja
# template, processes each template, then packages the results in a zip file
# which can be consumed by an android resources, library, or apk target.
# If this target is included in the deps of an android resources/library/apk,
# the resources will be included with that target.
# Variables
# resources: The list of resources files to process.
# res_dir: The resource directory containing the resources.
# variables: (Optional) A list of variables to make available to the template
# processing environment, e.g. ["name=foo", "color=red"].
# Example
# jinja_template_resources("chrome_public_template_resources") {
# res_dir = "res_template"
# resources = ["res_template/xml/syncable.xml"]
# variables = ["color=red"]
# }
template("jinja_template_resources") {
_resources_zip = "$target_out_dir/${target_name}.resources.zip"
_generating_target_name = "${target_name}__template"
action_with_pydeps(_generating_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
inputs = invoker.resources
script = "//build/android/gyp/jinja_template.py"
outputs = [ _resources_zip ]
_rebased_resources = rebase_path(invoker.resources, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.res_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_resources_zip, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.variables)) {
variables = invoker.variables
args += [ "--variables=${variables}" ]
android_generated_resources(target_name) {
generating_target = ":$_generating_target_name"
generated_resources_zip = _resources_zip
# Declare a prebuilt android native library.
# This takes a base directory and library name and then looks for the library
# in <base dir>/$android_app_abi/<library name>.
# If you depend on this target, the library is stripped and output to the
# same locations non-prebuilt libraries are output.
# Variables
# base_dir: Directory where all ABIs of the library live.
# library_name: Name of the library .so file.
# Example
# android_native_prebuilt("elements_native") {
# base_dir = "//third_party/elements"
# lib_name = "elements.so"
# }
template("android_native_prebuilt") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/process_native_prebuilt.py"
_lib_path = "${invoker.base_dir}/$android_app_abi/${invoker.lib_name}"
_stripped_output_path = "$root_out_dir/${invoker.lib_name}"
_unstripped_output_path =
inputs = [ _lib_path ]
outputs = [
# Add unstripped output to runtime deps for use by bots during stacktrace
# symbolization.
data = [ _unstripped_output_path ]
_rebased_lib_path = rebase_path(_lib_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_stripped_ouput_path =
rebase_path(_stripped_output_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_unstripped_ouput_path =
rebase_path(_unstripped_output_path, root_build_dir)
_strip_tool_path =
args = [
# Declare an Android resources target
# This creates a resources zip file that will be used when building an Android
# library or apk and included into a final apk.
# To include these resources in a library/apk, this target should be listed in
# the library's deps. A library/apk will also include any resources used by its
# own dependencies.
# Variables
# sources: List of resource files for this target.
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target. Any Android resources
# listed in deps will be included by libraries/apks that depend on this
# target.
# alternative_android_sdk_dep: Optional. Alternative Android system
# android java target to use.
# android_manifest: AndroidManifest.xml for this target (optional). Will be
# merged into apks that directly or indirectly depend on this target.
# android_manifest_dep: Target that generates AndroidManifest (if applicable)
# custom_package: java package for generated .java files.
# allow_missing_resources: Do not fail if a resource exists in a directory
# but is not listed in sources.
# shared_resources: If true make a resource package that can be loaded by a
# different application at runtime to access the package's resources.
# resource_overlay: Whether the resources in 'sources' should override
# resources with the same name. Does not affect the behaviour of any
# android_resources() deps of this target. If a target with
# resource_overlay=true depends on another target with
# resource_overlay=true the target with the dependency overrides the
# other.
# r_text_file: (optional) path to pre-generated R.txt to be used when
# generating R.java instead of resource-based aapt-generated one.
# recursive_resource_deps: (optional) whether deps should be walked
# recursively to find resource deps.
# Example:
# android_resources("foo_resources") {
# deps = [":foo_strings_grd"]
# sources = [
# "res/drawable/foo1.xml",
# "res/drawable/foo2.xml",
# ]
# custom_package = "org.chromium.foo"
# }
# android_resources("foo_resources_overrides") {
# deps = [":foo_resources"]
# sources = [
# "res_overrides/drawable/foo1.xml",
# "res_overrides/drawable/foo2.xml",
# ]
# }
template("android_resources") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
_base_path = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name"
if (defined(invoker.v14_skip)) {
not_needed(invoker, [ "v14_skip" ])
_res_sources_path = "$target_gen_dir/${invoker.target_name}.res.sources"
_resources_zip = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.resources.zip"
_r_text_out_path = _base_path + "_R.txt"
_build_config = _base_path + ".build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.alternative_android_sdk_dep)) {
_android_sdk_dep = invoker.alternative_android_sdk_dep
} else {
_android_sdk_dep = default_android_sdk_dep
_resource_files = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
_resource_files += invoker.sources
_rebased_resource_files = rebase_path(_resource_files, root_build_dir)
write_file(_res_sources_path, _rebased_resource_files)
# This is necessary so we only lint chromium resources.
if (defined(invoker.chromium_code)) {
_chromium_code = invoker.chromium_code
} else {
# Default based on whether target is in third_party.
_chromium_code =
filter_exclude([ get_label_info(":$target_name", "dir") ],
[ "*\bthird_party\b*" ]) != []
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
type = "android_resources"
build_config = _build_config
resources_zip = _resources_zip
res_sources_path = _res_sources_path
chromium_code = _chromium_code
r_text = _r_text_out_path
possible_config_deps = _deps + [ _android_sdk_dep ]
# Always merge manifests from resources.
# * Might want to change this at some point for consistency and clarity,
# but keeping for backwards-compatibility.
if (!defined(mergeable_android_manifests) && defined(android_manifest)) {
mergeable_android_manifests = [ android_manifest ]
prepare_resources(target_name) {
_lib_deps = filter_exclude(filter_include(_deps, java_library_patterns),
if (defined(public_deps)) {
# Since java library targets depend directly on sub-targets rather than
# top-level targets, public_deps are not properly propagated, at least
# in terms of the "did you depend on the target that generates your
# inputs" GN check.
assert(filter_include(public_deps, java_target_patterns) == [],
"Java targets should use deps, not public_deps. " +
"target=${target_name}, public_deps=${public_deps}")
# Depend on non-library deps and on __assetres subtargets of library deps.
deps = filter_exclude(_deps, _lib_deps) + [ _android_sdk_dep ]
foreach(_lib_dep, _lib_deps) {
# Expand //foo/java -> //foo/java:java
_lib_dep = get_label_info(_lib_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__assetres" ]
res_sources_path = _res_sources_path
sources = _resource_files
resources_zip = _resources_zip
r_text_out_path = _r_text_out_path
if (defined(invoker.r_text_file)) {
r_text_in_path = invoker.r_text_file
# Declare an Android assets target.
# Defines a set of files to include as assets in a dependent apk.
# To include these assets in an apk, this target should be listed in
# the apk's deps, or in the deps of a library target used by an apk.
# Variables
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target. Any Android assets
# listed in deps will be included by libraries/apks that depend on this
# target.
# sources: List of files to include as assets.
# renaming_sources: List of files to include as assets and be renamed.
# renaming_destinations: List of asset paths for files in renaming_sources.
# disable_compression: Whether to disable compression for files that are
# known to be compressable (default: false).
# treat_as_locale_paks: Causes base's BuildConfig.java to consider these
# assets to be locale paks.
# Example:
# android_assets("content_shell_assets") {
# deps = [
# ":generates_foo",
# ":other_assets",
# ]
# sources = [
# "//path/asset1.png",
# "//path/asset2.png",
# "$target_gen_dir/foo.dat",
# ]
# }
# android_assets("overriding_content_shell_assets") {
# deps = [ ":content_shell_assets" ]
# # Override foo.dat from content_shell_assets.
# sources = [ "//custom/foo.dat" ]
# renaming_sources = [ "//path/asset2.png" ]
# renaming_destinations = [ "renamed/asset2.png" ]
# }
template("android_assets") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
_sources = invoker.sources
_renaming_sources = []
if (defined(invoker.renaming_sources)) {
_renaming_sources = invoker.renaming_sources
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
type = "android_assets"
build_config = _build_config
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
possible_config_deps = invoker.deps
if (_sources != []) {
asset_sources = _sources
if (_renaming_sources != []) {
_source_count = 0
foreach(_, _renaming_sources) {
_source_count += 1
_dest_count = 0
foreach(_, invoker.renaming_destinations) {
_dest_count += 1
_source_count == _dest_count,
"android_assets() renaming_sources.length != renaming_destinations.length")
asset_renaming_sources = _renaming_sources
asset_renaming_destinations = invoker.renaming_destinations
# Use an action in order to mark sources as "inputs" to a GN target so that
# GN will fail if the appropriate deps do not exist, and so that "gn refs"
# will know about the sources. We do not add these inputs & deps to the
# __build_config target because we want building .build_config.json files
# to be fast (and because write_build_config.py does not need the files to
# exist).
_all_sources = _sources + _renaming_sources
if (_all_sources != []) {
action(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
public_deps = [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
script = "//build/android/gyp/validate_inputs.py"
inputs = _all_sources
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.stamp" ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(_all_sources, root_build_dir)
} else {
group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
public_deps = [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
# Declare a group() that supports forwarding java dependency information.
# Example
# java_group("conditional_deps") {
# if (enable_foo) {
# deps = [":foo_java"]
# }
# }
template("java_group") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_build_config_vars = [
_invoker_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_invoker_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
_invoker_deps += invoker.public_deps
write_build_config("$target_name$build_config_target_suffix") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _build_config_vars)
type = "group"
build_config = "$target_gen_dir/${invoker.target_name}.build_config.json"
supports_android = true
possible_config_deps = _invoker_deps
_assetres_deps = filter_include(_invoker_deps, java_resource_patterns)
_invoker_deps_minus_assetres = filter_exclude(_invoker_deps, _assetres_deps)
_lib_deps =
filter_include(_invoker_deps_minus_assetres, java_library_patterns)
_other_deps = _invoker_deps_minus_assetres - _lib_deps
_expanded_lib_deps = []
foreach(_lib_dep, _lib_deps) {
_expanded_lib_deps += [ get_label_info(_lib_dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
]) {
group("${target_name}__$_group_name") {
deps = []
foreach(_lib_dep, _expanded_lib_deps) {
deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__${_group_name}" ]
if (_group_name == "assetres") {
# _other_deps are necessary when generating mergeable_android_manifests.
deps += _assetres_deps + _other_deps
} else if (_group_name == "header" && defined(invoker.jar_deps)) {
deps += invoker.jar_deps
group(target_name) {
_build_config_vars + TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$target_name$build_config_target_suffix" ]
if (is_cronet_build) {
_abs_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.deps) {
_abs_deps += [ get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") ]
metadata = {
all_deps = _abs_deps
target_type = [ "java_library" ]
# Declare a Java executable target
# Same as java_library, but also creates a wrapper script within
# $root_out_dir/bin.
# Supports all variables of java_library(), plus:
# main_class: When specified, a wrapper script is created within
# $root_build_dir/bin to launch the binary with the given class as the
# entrypoint.
# wrapper_script_name: Filename for the wrapper script (default=target_name)
# wrapper_script_args: List of additional arguments for the wrapper script.
# Example
# java_binary("foo") {
# sources = [ "org/chromium/foo/FooMain.java" ]
# deps = [ ":bar_java" ]
# main_class = "org.chromium.foo.FooMain"
# }
# java_binary("foo") {
# jar_path = "lib/prebuilt.jar"
# deps = [ ":bar_java" ]
# main_class = "org.chromium.foo.FooMain"
# }
template("java_binary") {
java_library_impl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
type = "java_binary"
# Declare a Java Annotation Processor.
# Supports all variables of java_library(), plus:
# jar_path: Path to a prebuilt jar. Mutually exclusive with sources &
# srcjar_deps.
# main_class: The fully-quallified class name of the processor's entry
# point.
# Example
# java_annotation_processor("foo_processor") {
# sources = [ "org/chromium/foo/FooProcessor.java" ]
# deps = [ ":bar_java" ]
# main_class = "org.chromium.foo.FooProcessor"
# }
# java_annotation_processor("foo_processor") {
# jar_path = "lib/prebuilt.jar"
# main_class = "org.chromium.foo.FooMain"
# }
# java_library("...") {
# annotation_processor_deps = [":foo_processor"]
# }
template("java_annotation_processor") {
java_library_impl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
type = "java_annotation_processor"
# Declare a Robolectric host side test binary.
# This target creates an executable from java code for running as a
# Robolectric test suite. The executable will be in the output folder's /bin/
# directory.
# Supports all variables of java_binary().
# Example
# robolectric_binary("foo") {
# sources = [ "org/chromium/foo/FooTest.java" ]
# deps = [ ":bar_java" ]
# }
template("robolectric_binary") {
testonly = true
_main_class = "org.chromium.testing.local.JunitTestMain"
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
_java_binary_target_name = "${target_name}__java_binary"
_invoker_deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_invoker_deps += invoker.deps
_non_java_deps = filter_exclude(_invoker_deps, java_target_patterns)
_java_assetres_deps = [ ":${_java_binary_target_name}__assetres" ]
# A package name or a manifest is required to have resources. This is
# added so that junit tests that do not care about the package name can
# still use resources without having to explicitly set one.
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
_package_name = invoker.package_name
} else if (!defined(invoker.android_manifest)) {
_package_name = "no.manifest.configured"
_merge_manifest_target_name = "${target_name}__merge_manifests"
_android_manifest =
merge_manifests(_merge_manifest_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest)) {
input_manifest = invoker.android_manifest
} else {
input_manifest = "//build/android/AndroidManifest.xml"
if (defined(_package_name)) {
manifest_package = _package_name
output_manifest = _android_manifest
build_config = _build_config
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
target_sdk_version = android_sdk_version
deps = _non_java_deps + _java_assetres_deps +
[ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest_dep)) {
deps += [ invoker.android_manifest_dep ]
_resource_arsc_output = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.ap_"
_compile_resources_target_name = "${target_name}__compile_resources"
compile_resources(_compile_resources_target_name) {
deps = _non_java_deps + _java_assetres_deps +
[ ":$_merge_manifest_target_name" ]
build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target_name"
build_config = _build_config
if (defined(_package_name)) {
rename_manifest_package = _package_name
android_manifest = _android_manifest
arsc_output = _resource_arsc_output
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
target_sdk_version = android_sdk_version
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "override_target_sdk" ])
# apkbuilder step needed only to add android assets to the .ap_ file.
_apkbuilder_output = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.robo.ap_"
_apkbuilder_target_name = "${target_name}__apkbuilder"
package_apk("$_apkbuilder_target_name") {
build_config = _build_config
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
deps = _java_assetres_deps + [
is_robolectric_apk = true
packaged_resources_path = _resource_arsc_output
output_apk_path = _apkbuilder_output
# Some may want to disable this to remove dependency on //base
# (JNI generator is in //base).
_generate_final_jni =
!defined(invoker.generate_final_jni) || invoker.generate_final_jni
if (_generate_final_jni) {
_jni_srcjar_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.shared_libraries)) {
foreach(_dep, invoker.shared_libraries) {
_dep_no_toolchain = get_label_info(_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
_dep_toolchain = get_label_info(_dep, "toolchain")
_dep_toolchain == robolectric_toolchain,
"$target_name has shared_libraries with incorrect toolchain. " +
"Should contain (\$robolectric_toolchain) suffix: $_dep")
_jni_srcjar_deps +=
[ "${_dep_no_toolchain}__jni_registration($default_toolchain)" ]
# Write shared library output files of all dependencies to a file. Those
# will be the shared libraries packaged into the APK.
_shared_library_list_file = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.native_libs"
generated_file("${target_name}__shared_library_list") {
deps = invoker.shared_libraries
outputs = [ _shared_library_list_file ]
data_keys = [ "shared_libraries" ]
walk_keys = [ "shared_libraries_barrier" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
} else {
# Needed for generate_jni_registration. Keeping this import guarded so
# that projects who import //build but not //third_party/jni_zero don't
# have issues.
_jni_srcjar_target_name = "${target_name}__final_jni"
generate_jni_registration(_jni_srcjar_target_name) {
enable_native_mocks = true
require_native_mocks = true
java_targets = [ ":$_java_binary_target_name" ]
add_stubs_for_missing_jni = true
_jni_srcjar_deps = [ ":$_jni_srcjar_target_name" ]
_native_libraries_target_name = "${target_name}__native_libraries"
write_native_libraries_java(_native_libraries_target_name) {
enable_chromium_linker = false
use_final_fields = true
if (defined(_shared_library_list_file)) {
native_libraries_list_file = _shared_library_list_file
java_library_impl(_java_binary_target_name) {
type = "robolectric_binary"
main_target_name = invoker.target_name
deps = _invoker_deps
testonly = true
main_class = _main_class
wrapper_script_name = "helper/$main_target_name"
# As of April 2021, adding -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 does not affect the
# wall time of a single robolectric shard, but does reduce the CPU time by
# 66%, which makes sharding more effective.
tiered_stop_at_level_one = true
is_robolectric = true
include_android_sdk = true
alternative_android_sdk_dep =
if (!defined(srcjar_deps)) {
srcjar_deps = []
srcjar_deps += [
if (_generate_final_jni) {
srcjar_deps += [ ":$_native_libraries_target_name" ] + _jni_srcjar_deps
test_runner_script(target_name) {
test_name = invoker.target_name
test_suite = invoker.target_name
test_type = "junit"
ignore_all_data_deps = true
resource_apk = _apkbuilder_output
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.shared_libraries)) {
data_deps = invoker.shared_libraries
# Add non-libary deps, since the __host target does not depend on them.
deps += filter_exclude(_invoker_deps, java_library_patterns)
metadata = {
# Allows metadata collection via apk targets that traverse only java deps.
java_walk_keys = [ ":${_java_binary_target_name}__host" ]
# Declare a java library target
# Variables
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target. Java targets in this list
# will be added to the javac classpath.
# public_deps: Dependencies that this target exposes as part of its public API.
# public_deps do not need to be listed in both the 'deps' and 'public_deps' lists.
# annotation_processor_deps: List of java_annotation_processor targets to
# use when compiling.
# jar_path: Path to a prebuilt jar. Mutually exclusive with sources &
# srcjar_deps.
# sources: List of .java files included in this library.
# srcjar_deps: List of srcjar dependencies. The .java files in the srcjars
# will be added to sources and be included in this library.
# input_jars_paths: A list of paths to the jars that should be included
# in the compile-time classpath. These are in addition to library .jars
# that appear in deps.
# chromium_code: If true, extra analysis warning/errors will be enabled.
# enable_errorprone: If true, enables the errorprone compiler.
# skip_build_server: If true, avoids sending tasks to the build server.
# jar_excluded_patterns: List of patterns of .class files to exclude.
# jar_included_patterns: List of patterns of .class files to include.
# When omitted, all classes not matched by jar_excluded_patterns are
# included. When specified, all non-matching .class files are stripped.
# low_classpath_priority: Indicates that the library should be placed at the
# end of the classpath. The default classpath order has libraries ordered
# before the libraries that they depend on. 'low_classpath_priority' is
# useful when one java_library() overrides another via
# 'jar_excluded_patterns' and the overriding library does not depend on
# the overridee.
# output_name: File name for the output .jar (not including extension).
# Defaults to the input .jar file name.
# proguard_configs: List of proguard configs to use in final apk step for
# any apk that depends on this library.
# supports_android: If true, Android targets (android_library, android_apk)
# may depend on this target. Note: if true, this target must only use the
# subset of Java available on Android.
# bypass_platform_checks: Disables checks about cross-platform (Java/Android)
# dependencies for this target. This will allow depending on an
# android_library target, for example.
# enable_desugar: If false, disables desugaring of lambdas, etc. Use this
# only when you are sure the library does not require desugaring. E.g.
# to hide warnings shown from desugaring.
# additional_jar_files: Use to package additional files (Java resources)
# into the output jar. Pass a list of length-2 lists with format:
# [ [ path_to_file, path_to_put_in_jar ] ]
# javac_args: Additional arguments to pass to javac.
# errorprone_args: Additional arguments to pass to errorprone.
# data_deps, testonly
# Example
# java_library("foo_java") {
# sources = [
# "org/chromium/foo/Foo.java",
# "org/chromium/foo/FooInterface.java",
# "org/chromium/foo/FooService.java",
# ]
# deps = [
# ":bar_java"
# ]
# srcjar_deps = [
# ":foo_generated_enum"
# ]
# jar_excluded_patterns = [
# "*/FooService.class", "org/chromium/FooService\$*.class"
# ]
# }
template("java_library") {
java_library_impl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
type = "java_library"
# Declare a java library target for a prebuilt jar
# Supports all variables of java_library().
# Example
# java_prebuilt("foo_java") {
# jar_path = "foo.jar"
# deps = [
# ":foo_resources",
# ":bar_java"
# ]
# }
template("java_prebuilt") {
java_library_impl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
type = "java_library"
# Combines all dependent .jar files into a single .jar file.
# Variables:
# output: Path to the output jar.
# use_interface_jars: Use all dependent interface .jars rather than
# implementation .jars.
# use_unprocessed_jars: Use unprocessed / undesugared .jars.
# direct_deps_only: Do not recurse on deps.
# jar_excluded_patterns (optional)
# List of globs for paths to exclude.
# Example
# dist_jar("lib_fatjar") {
# deps = [ ":my_java_lib" ]
# output = "$root_build_dir/MyLibrary.jar"
# }
template("dist_jar") {
# TODO(crbug.com/40114668): Remove.
not_needed(invoker, [ "no_build_hooks" ])
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_use_interface_jars =
defined(invoker.use_interface_jars) && invoker.use_interface_jars
_use_unprocessed_jars =
defined(invoker.use_unprocessed_jars) && invoker.use_unprocessed_jars
_direct_deps_only =
defined(invoker.direct_deps_only) && invoker.direct_deps_only
assert(!(_use_unprocessed_jars && _use_interface_jars),
"Cannot set both use_interface_jars and use_unprocessed_jars")
_jar_target_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.build_config)) {
_build_config = invoker.build_config
_build_config_dep = invoker.build_config_dep
} else {
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
_build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target_name"
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
type = "dist_jar"
supports_android =
!defined(invoker.supports_android) || invoker.supports_android
requires_android =
defined(invoker.requires_android) && invoker.requires_android
possible_config_deps = invoker.deps
build_config = _build_config
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
action_with_pydeps(_jar_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "data" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/zip.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
deps = [ _build_config_dep ]
if (_use_interface_jars) {
_lib_deps =
filter_exclude(filter_include(invoker.deps, java_library_patterns),
_other_deps = filter_exclude(invoker.deps, _lib_deps)
foreach(_lib_dep, _lib_deps) {
# Expand //foo/java -> //foo/java:java
_lib_dep = get_label_info(_lib_dep, "label_no_toolchain")
deps += [ "${_lib_dep}__header" ]
deps += _other_deps
} else {
deps += invoker.deps
inputs = [ _build_config ]
outputs = [ invoker.output ]
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
if (_direct_deps_only) {
if (_use_interface_jars) {
args += [ "--input-zips=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:javac:interface_classpath)" ]
} else if (_use_unprocessed_jars) {
args += [
} else {
"direct_deps_only does not work without use_interface_jars or use_unprocessed_jars")
} else {
if (_use_interface_jars) {
args += [ "--input-zips=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:dist_jar:all_interface_jars)" ]
} else if (_use_unprocessed_jars) {
args += [ "--input-zips=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:javac_full_classpath)" ]
} else {
args += [ "--input-zips=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:device_classpath)" ]
_excludes = []
if (defined(invoker.jar_excluded_patterns)) {
_excludes += invoker.jar_excluded_patterns
if (_use_interface_jars) {
# Turbine adds files like: META-INF/TRANSITIVE/.../Foo.class
# These confuse proguard: https://crbug.com/1081443
_excludes += [ "META-INF/*" ]
} else {
# Manifest files will never be correct when merging jars.
_excludes += [ "META-INF/*.MF" ]
if (_excludes != []) {
args += [ "--input-zips-excluded-globs=$_excludes" ]
# Combines all dependent .jar files into a single proguarded .dex file.
# Variables:
# output: Path to the output .dex or .dex.jar.
# proguard_enabled: Whether to enable R8.
# proguard_configs: List of proguard configs.
# proguard_enable_obfuscation: Whether to enable obfuscation (default=true).
# package_name: Used in the Proguard map ID.
# version_code: Used in the Proguard map ID.
# Example
# dist_dex("lib_fatjar") {
# deps = [ ":my_java_lib" ]
# output = "$root_build_dir/MyLibrary.jar"
# }
template("dist_dex") {
_deps = [ default_android_sdk_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_deps += invoker.deps
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
type = "dist_jar"
supports_android = true
requires_android = true
possible_config_deps = _deps
build_config = _build_config
dex(target_name) {
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ] + _deps
build_config = _build_config
output = invoker.output
if (defined(proguard_enabled) && proguard_enabled) {
# The individual dependencies would have caught real missing deps in
# their respective dex steps. False positives that were suppressed at
# per-target dex steps are emitted here since this is using jar files
# rather than dex files.
ignore_desugar_missing_deps = true
} else {
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
input_dex_filearg =
# Creates an Android .aar library.
# Currently supports:
# * AndroidManifest.xml
# * classes.jar
# * jni/
# * res/
# * R.txt
# * proguard.txt
# Does not yet support:
# * public.txt
# * annotations.zip
# * assets/
# See: https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library.html#aar-contents
# Variables:
# output: Path to the output .aar.
# proguard_configs: List of proguard configs (optional).
# android_manifest: Path to AndroidManifest.xml (optional).
# native_libraries: list of native libraries (optional).
# direct_deps_only: Do not recurse on deps (optional, defaults false).
# jar_excluded_patterns: List of globs for paths to exclude (optional).
# jar_included_patterns: List of globs for paths to include (optional).
# Example
# dist_aar("my_aar") {
# deps = [ ":my_java_lib" ]
# output = "$root_build_dir/MyLibrary.aar"
# }
template("dist_aar") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_direct_deps_only =
defined(invoker.direct_deps_only) && invoker.direct_deps_only
_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_deps += invoker.deps
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target_name = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
write_build_config(_build_config_target_name) {
type = "dist_aar"
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "proguard_configs" ])
possible_config_deps = _deps
supports_android = true
requires_android = true
build_config = _build_config
_deps += [ ":$_build_config_target_name" ]
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
deps = _deps
script = "//build/android/gyp/dist_aar.py"
inputs = [ _build_config ]
# Although these will be listed as deps in the depfile, they must also
# appear here so that "gn analyze" knows about them.
# https://crbug.com/827197
if (defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
inputs += invoker.proguard_configs
outputs = [ invoker.output ]
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
if (_direct_deps_only) {
args += [ "--jars=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:javac:classpath)" ]
} else {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.android_manifest, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.native_libraries) && invoker.native_libraries != []) {
inputs += invoker.native_libraries
_rebased_native_libraries =
rebase_path(invoker.native_libraries, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (defined(invoker.jar_excluded_patterns)) {
args += [ "--jar-excluded-globs=${invoker.jar_excluded_patterns}" ]
if (defined(invoker.jar_included_patterns)) {
args += [ "--jar-included-globs=${invoker.jar_included_patterns}" ]
if (defined(invoker.resource_included_patterns)) {
args += [
# Declare an Android library target
# This target creates an Android library containing java code and Android
# resources.
# Supports all variables of java_library(), plus:
# deps: In addition to defining java deps, this can also include
# android_assets() and android_resources() targets.
# alternative_android_sdk_dep: android_system_java_prebuilt target to use
# in place of the default android.jar.
# Example
# android_library("foo_java") {
# sources = [
# "android/org/chromium/foo/Foo.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooInterface.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooService.java",
# ]
# deps = [
# ":bar_java"
# ]
# srcjar_deps = [
# ":foo_generated_enum"
# ]
# jar_excluded_patterns = [
# "*/FooService.class", "org/chromium/FooService\$*.class"
# ]
# }
template("android_library") {
java_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
supports_android = true
requires_android = true
if (!defined(jar_excluded_patterns)) {
jar_excluded_patterns = []
jar_excluded_patterns += [
# Declare an Android robolectric library target
# This target creates an Android library containing java code and Android
# resources.
# Supports all variables of java_library(), plus:
# deps: In addition to defining java deps, this can also include
# android_assets() and android_resources() targets.
# Example
# robolectric_library("foo_junit") {
# sources = [
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooTest.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooTestUtils.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooMock.java",
# ]
# deps = [
# "//base:base_junit_test_support"
# ]
# srcjar_deps = [
# ":foo_generated_enum"
# ]
# jar_excluded_patterns = [
# "*/FooService.class", "org/chromium/FooService\$*.class"
# ]
# }
template("robolectric_library") {
java_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
testonly = true
is_robolectric = true
include_android_sdk = true
alternative_android_sdk_dep =
if (!defined(jar_excluded_patterns)) {
jar_excluded_patterns = []
jar_excluded_patterns += [
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ "//third_party/android_deps:robolectric_all_java" ]
# Declare an Android library target for a prebuilt jar
# This target creates an Android library containing java code and Android
# resources.
# Supports all variables of android_library().
# Example
# android_java_prebuilt("foo_java") {
# jar_path = "foo.jar"
# deps = [
# ":foo_resources",
# ":bar_java"
# ]
# }
template("android_java_prebuilt") {
android_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
template("android_system_java_prebuilt") {
java_library_impl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
supports_android = true
type = "system_java_library"
# Creates org/chromium/build/BuildConfig.java
# This doesn't really belong in //build since it genates a file for //base.
# However, we don't currently have a better way to include this file in all
# apks that depend on //base:base_java.
# Variables:
# use_final_fields: True to use final fields. When false, all other
# variables must not be set.
# min_sdk_version: Value for MIN_SDK_VERSION.
# version_code: Value for VERSION_CODE.
# bundles_supported: Whether or not this target can be treated as a bundle.
# resources_version_variable:
# is_incremental_install:
# isolated_splits_enabled: Value for ISOLATED_SPLITS_ENABLED.
template("generate_build_config_srcjar") {
java_cpp_template(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
sources = [ "//build/android/java/templates/BuildConfig.template" ]
defines = []
# Set these even when !use_final_fields so that they have correct default
# values within robolectric_binary(), which ignores jar_excluded_patterns.
if ((defined(invoker.assertions_implicitly_enabled) &&
invoker.assertions_implicitly_enabled) || enable_java_asserts) {
defines += [ "_ENABLE_ASSERTS" ]
if (use_cfi_diag || is_ubsan || is_ubsan_security || is_ubsan_vptr) {
defines += [ "_IS_UBSAN" ]
if (is_chrome_branded) {
defines += [ "_IS_CHROME_BRANDED" ]
if (defined(invoker.bundles_supported) && invoker.bundles_supported) {
defines += [ "_BUNDLES_SUPPORTED" ]
if (defined(invoker.isolated_splits_enabled) &&
invoker.isolated_splits_enabled) {
if (defined(invoker.is_incremental_install) &&
invoker.is_incremental_install) {
defines += [ "_IS_INCREMENTAL_INSTALL" ]
if (invoker.use_final_fields) {
defines += [ "USE_FINAL" ]
defines += [ "_MIN_SDK_VERSION=${invoker.min_sdk_version}" ]
defines += [ "_VERSION_CODE=${invoker.version_code}" ]
if (defined(invoker.resources_version_variable)) {
defines += [
if (defined(invoker.apk_assets_suffixed_list)) {
defines += [
} else if (is_cronet_build && !is_java_debug) {
# Cronet never uses use_final_fields=true, so make this a reasonable default.
defines += [ "_DISABLE_DEBUG_LOGS" ]
_test_only = defined(testonly) && testonly
if (_test_only) {
defines += [ "_IS_FOR_TEST" ]
if (!is_java_debug && !_test_only) {
defines += [ "_DISABLE_DEBUG_LOGS" ]
if (is_cronet_build) {
defines += [ "_IS_CRONET_BUILD" ]
if (defined(invoker.write_clang_profiling_data) &&
invoker.write_clang_profiling_data) {
if (is_desktop_android) {
defines += [ "_IS_DESKTOP_ANDROID" ]
# Creates ProductConfig.java, a file containing product-specific configuration.
# Currently, this includes the list of locales, both in their compressed and
# uncompressed format, as well as library loading
# Variables:
# build_config: Path to build_config used for locale lists.
# is_bundle_module: Whether or not this target is part of a bundle build.
# java_package: Java package for the generated class.
# use_chromium_linker:
template("generate_product_config_srcjar") {
java_cpp_template(target_name) {
defines = []
_use_final =
defined(invoker.build_config) ||
defined(invoker.use_chromium_linker) || defined(invoker.is_bundle)
if (_use_final) {
defines += [ "USE_FINAL" ]
sources = [ "//build/android/java/templates/ProductConfig.template" ]
defines += [ "PACKAGE=${invoker.java_package}" ]
_use_chromium_linker =
defined(invoker.use_chromium_linker) && invoker.use_chromium_linker
_is_bundle = defined(invoker.is_bundle_module) && invoker.is_bundle_module
defines += [
if (defined(invoker.build_config)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
_rebased_build_config =
rebase_path(invoker.build_config, root_build_dir)
defines += [ "LOCALE_LIST=@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:locales_java_list)" ]
# Declare an Android app module target, which is used as the basis for an
# Android APK or an Android app bundle module.
# Supports all variables of android_library(), plus:
# android_manifest: Path to AndroidManifest.xml. NOTE: This manifest must
# not contain a <uses-sdk> element. Use [min|target|max]_sdk_version
# instead.
# android_manifest_dep: Target that generates AndroidManifest (if applicable)
# png_to_webp: If true, pngs (with the exception of 9-patch) are
# converted to webp during resource packaging.
# loadable_modules: List of paths to native libraries to include. Different
# from |shared_libraries| in that:
# * dependencies of this .so are not automatically included
# * they are not side-loaded when incremental_install=true.
# * they are not included in NativeLibraries.java
# Use this instead of shared_libraries when you are going to load the library
# conditionally, and only when shared_libraries doesn't work for you.
# secondary_abi_loadable_modules: This is the loadable_modules analog to
# secondary_abi_shared_libraries.
# shared_libraries: List shared_library targets to bundle. If these
# libraries depend on other shared_library targets, those dependencies will
# also be included in the apk (e.g. for is_component_build).
# secondary_abi_shared_libraries: secondary abi shared_library targets to
# bundle. If these libraries depend on other shared_library targets, those
# dependencies will also be included in the apk (e.g. for is_component_build).
# native_lib_placeholders: List of placeholder filenames to add to the apk
# (optional).
# secondary_native_lib_placeholders: List of placeholder filenames to add to
# the apk for the secondary ABI (optional).
# generate_buildconfig_java: If defined and false, skip generating the
# BuildConfig java class describing the build configuration. The default
# is true when building with Chromium for non-test APKs.
# generate_native_libraries_java: If defined, whether NativeLibraries.java is
# generated is solely controlled by this flag. Otherwise, the default behavior
# is NativeLibraries.java will only be generated for the base module/apk when
# its `shared_libraries` is not empty.
# aapt_locale_allowlist: If set, all locales not in this list will be
# stripped from resources.arsc.
# resource_exclusion_regex: Causes all drawable images matching the regex to
# be excluded (mipmaps are still included).
# resource_exclusion_exceptions: A list of globs used when
# resource_exclusion_regex is set. Files that match this list will
# still be included.
# resource_values_filter_rules: List of "source_path:name_regex" used to
# filter out unwanted values/ resources.
# shared_resources: True if this is a runtime shared library APK, like
# the system_webview_apk target. Ensures that its resources can be
# used by the loading application process.
# app_as_shared_lib: True if this is a regular application apk that can
# also serve as a runtime shared library, like the monochrome_public_apk
# target. Ensures that the resources are usable both by the APK running
# as an application, or by another process that loads it at runtime.
# shared_resources_allowlist_target: Optional name of a target specifying
# an input R.txt file that lists the resources that can be exported
# by the APK when shared_resources or app_as_shared_lib is defined.
# uncompress_dex: Store final .dex files uncompressed in the apk.
# omit_dex: If true, do not build or include classes.dex.
# strip_resource_names: True if resource names should be stripped from the
# resources.arsc file in the apk or module.
# strip_unused_resources: True if unused resources should be stripped from
# the apk or module.
# short_resource_paths: True if resource paths should be shortened in the
# apk or module.
# resources_config_paths: List of paths to the aapt2 optimize config files
# that tags resources with acceptable/non-acceptable optimizations.
# expected_android_manifest: Enables verification of expected merged
# manifest based on a golden file.
# resource_ids_provider_dep: If passed, this target will use the resource
# IDs generated by {resource_ids_provider_dep}__compile_res during
# resource compilation.
# enforce_resource_overlays_in_tests: Enables check for testonly targets that
# dependent resource targets which override another target set
# overlay_resources=true. This check is on for non-test targets and
# cannot be disabled.
# static_library_provider: Specifies a single target that this target will
# use as a static library APK.
# min_sdk_version: The minimum Android SDK version this target supports.
# Optional, default $default_min_sdk_version.
# target_sdk_version: The target Android SDK version for this target.
# Optional, default to android_sdk_version.
# max_sdk_version: The maximum Android SDK version this target supports.
# Optional, default not set.
# require_native_mocks: Enforce that any native calls using
# org.chromium.base.annotations.NativeMethods must have a mock set
# (optional).
# product_config_java_packages: Optional list of java packages. If given, a
# ProductConfig.java file will be generated for each package.
# enable_proguard_checks: Turns on -checkdiscard directives and missing
# symbols check in the proguard step (default=true).
# annotation_processor_deps: List of java_annotation_processor targets to
# use when compiling the sources given to this target (optional).
# processor_args_javac: List of args to pass to annotation processors when
# compiling sources given to this target (optional).
# bundles_supported: Enable Java code to treat this target as a bundle
# whether (by default determined by the target type).
# expected_libs_and_assets: Verify the list of included native libraries
# and assets is consistent with the given expectation file.
# expected_libs_and_assets_base: Treat expected_libs_and_assets as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# expected_proguard_config: Checks that the merged set of proguard flags
# matches the given config.
# expected_proguard_config_base: Treat expected_proguard_config as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# suffix_apk_assets_used_by: Prefixes android assets used by the given apk
# with $package_name. Adds the list of renamed packages to
# BuildConfig.java.
template("android_apk_or_module") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_template_name = target_name
_base_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name/$target_name"
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.build_config.json"
_build_config_target = "$target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
_java_target_name = "${_template_name}__java"
_min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
_target_sdk_version = android_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.min_sdk_version)) {
_min_sdk_version = invoker.min_sdk_version
if (is_asan && _min_sdk_version < min_supported_sdk_version) {
_min_sdk_version = min_supported_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.target_sdk_version)) {
_target_sdk_version = invoker.target_sdk_version
_is_bundle_module =
defined(invoker.is_bundle_module) && invoker.is_bundle_module
_is_base_module = !_is_bundle_module || (defined(invoker.is_base_module) &&
_omit_dex = defined(invoker.omit_dex) && invoker.omit_dex
if (!_is_bundle_module) {
_final_apk_path = invoker.final_apk_path
_final_rtxt_path = "${_final_apk_path}.R.txt"
_res_size_info_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.ap_.info"
if (!_is_bundle_module) {
_final_apk_path_no_ext_list =
process_file_template([ _final_apk_path ],
_final_apk_path_no_ext = _final_apk_path_no_ext_list[0]
not_needed([ "_final_apk_path_no_ext" ])
# Non-base bundle modules create only proto resources.
if (_is_base_module) {
_arsc_resources_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.ap_"
if (_is_bundle_module) {
# Path to the intermediate proto-format resources zip file.
_proto_resources_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.proto.ap_"
} else {
# resource_sizes.py needs to be able to find the unpacked resources.arsc
# file based on apk name to compute normatlized size.
_resource_sizes_arsc_path =
"$root_out_dir/arsc/" +
rebase_path(_final_apk_path_no_ext, root_build_dir) + ".ap_"
if (defined(invoker.version_code)) {
_version_code = invoker.version_code
} else {
_version_code = android_default_version_code
if (android_override_version_code != "") {
_version_code = android_override_version_code
if (defined(invoker.version_name)) {
_version_name = invoker.version_name
} else {
_version_name = android_default_version_name
if (android_override_version_name != "") {
_version_name = android_override_version_name
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_invoker_deps = invoker.deps
} else {
_invoker_deps = []
_non_java_deps = filter_exclude(_invoker_deps, java_target_patterns)
_java_assetres_deps = [ ":${_java_target_name}__assetres" ]
_srcjar_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.srcjar_deps)) {
_srcjar_deps = invoker.srcjar_deps
_use_chromium_linker =
defined(invoker.use_chromium_linker) && invoker.use_chromium_linker
not_needed([ "_use_chromium_linker" ])
# The dependency that makes the chromium linker, if any is needed.
_native_libs_deps = []
_shared_libraries_is_valid =
defined(invoker.shared_libraries) && invoker.shared_libraries != []
if (_shared_libraries_is_valid) {
_native_libs_deps += invoker.shared_libraries
# Write shared library output files of all dependencies to a file. Those
# will be the shared libraries packaged into the APK.
_shared_library_list_file =
generated_file("${_template_name}__shared_library_list") {
deps = _native_libs_deps
outputs = [ _shared_library_list_file ]
data_keys = [ "shared_libraries" ]
walk_keys = [ "shared_libraries_barrier" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
} else {
# Must exist for instrumentation_test_apk() to depend on.
group("${_template_name}__shared_library_list") {
_secondary_abi_native_libs_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.secondary_abi_shared_libraries) &&
invoker.secondary_abi_shared_libraries != []) {
_secondary_abi_native_libs_deps = invoker.secondary_abi_shared_libraries
# Write shared library output files of all dependencies to a file. Those
# will be the shared libraries packaged into the APK.
_secondary_abi_shared_library_list_file =
generated_file("${_template_name}__secondary_abi_shared_library_list") {
deps = _secondary_abi_native_libs_deps
outputs = [ _secondary_abi_shared_library_list_file ]
data_keys = [ "shared_libraries" ]
walk_keys = [ "shared_libraries_barrier" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
} else {
# Must exist for instrumentation_test_apk() to depend on.
group("${_template_name}__secondary_abi_shared_library_list") {
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
assert(_rebased_build_config != "") # Mark as used.
_generate_productconfig_java =
defined(invoker.product_config_java_packages) && !_omit_dex
_proguard_enabled =
defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled
if (!_is_bundle_module && _proguard_enabled) {
_proguard_mapping_path = "$_final_apk_path.mapping"
if (defined(invoker.resource_ids_provider_dep)) {
_resource_ids_provider_dep = invoker.resource_ids_provider_dep
if (defined(invoker.shared_resources_allowlist_target)) {
_shared_resources_allowlist_target =
_uses_static_library = defined(invoker.static_library_provider)
# TODO(crbug.com/40585188): Allow incremental installs of bundle modules.
_incremental_apk =
!_is_bundle_module &&
!(defined(invoker.never_incremental) && invoker.never_incremental) &&
incremental_install && _min_sdk_version >= default_min_sdk_version
if (_incremental_apk) {
_target_dir_name = get_label_info(target_name, "dir")
_incremental_install_json_path = "$root_out_dir/gen.runtime/$_target_dir_name/$target_name.incremental.json"
_incremental_apk_path = "${_final_apk_path_no_ext}_incremental.apk"
if (!_incremental_apk && !_omit_dex) {
# Bundle modules don't build the dex here, but need to write this path
# to their .build_config.json file only when proguarding.
if (_proguard_enabled) {
_final_dex_path = "$_base_path.r8dex.jar"
} else if (!_is_bundle_module) {
_final_dex_path = "$_base_path.mergeddex.jar"
_android_manifest =
_merge_manifest_target = "${_template_name}__merge_manifests"
merge_manifests(_merge_manifest_target) {
input_manifest = invoker.android_manifest
output_manifest = _android_manifest
build_config = _build_config
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
target_sdk_version = _target_sdk_version
# Depend on android_resources() targets that use generated files
# in mergeable_android_manifests (such as android_aar_prebuilt).
deps = _java_assetres_deps + [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest_dep)) {
deps += [ invoker.android_manifest_dep ]
_final_deps = [ ":$_java_target_name" ]
_generated_proguard_config = "$_base_path.resources.proguard.txt"
if (defined(_shared_resources_allowlist_target)) {
_allowlist_gen_dir =
get_label_info(_shared_resources_allowlist_target, "target_gen_dir")
_allowlist_target_name =
get_label_info(_shared_resources_allowlist_target, "name")
_allowlist_r_txt_path =
"${_allowlist_gen_dir}/${_allowlist_target_name}" +
_allowlist_deps =
if (_incremental_apk) {
_incremental_android_manifest =
_incremental_manifest_target_name = "${target_name}__incremental_manifest"
action_with_pydeps(_incremental_manifest_target_name) {
deps = [ ":$_merge_manifest_target" ]
script =
inputs = [ _android_manifest ]
outputs = [ _incremental_android_manifest ]
args = [
rebase_path(_android_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_incremental_android_manifest, root_build_dir),
_compile_resources_target = "${_template_name}__compile_resources"
_compile_resources_rtxt_out =
_compile_resources_emit_ids_out =
compile_resources(_compile_resources_target) {
android_manifest = _android_manifest
android_manifest_dep = ":$_merge_manifest_target"
version_code = _version_code
version_name = _version_name
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
target_sdk_version = _target_sdk_version
if (defined(expected_android_manifest)) {
top_target_name = _template_name
if (defined(_resource_ids_provider_dep)) {
resource_ids_provider_dep = _resource_ids_provider_dep
if (defined(invoker.module_name)) {
package_name = invoker.module_name
if (defined(invoker.post_process_package_resources_script)) {
post_process_script = invoker.post_process_package_resources_script
r_text_out_path = _compile_resources_rtxt_out
emit_ids_out_path = _compile_resources_emit_ids_out
size_info_path = _res_size_info_path
proguard_file = _generated_proguard_config
build_config = _build_config
build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target"
deps = _java_assetres_deps + _non_java_deps
if (_incremental_apk) {
android_manifest = _incremental_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep = ":$_incremental_manifest_target_name"
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
# Set the arsc package name to match the apk_under_test package name
# So that test resources can references under_test resources via
# @type/name syntax.
r_java_root_package_name = "test"
arsc_package_name =
# Passing in the --emit-ids mapping will cause aapt2 to assign resources
# IDs that do not conflict with those from apk_under_test.
resource_ids_provider_dep = invoker.apk_under_test
_link_against = invoker.apk_under_test
if (_is_bundle_module) {
is_bundle_module = true
proto_output = _proto_resources_path
if (defined(invoker.base_module_target)) {
_link_against = invoker.base_module_target
if (defined(_link_against)) {
deps += [ "${_link_against}__compile_resources" ]
include_resource = get_label_info(_link_against, "target_out_dir") +
"/" + get_label_info(_link_against, "name") + ".ap_"
# Bundle modules have to reference resources from the base module.
if (_is_base_module) {
arsc_output = _arsc_resources_path
if (defined(_shared_resources_allowlist_target)) {
# Used to ensure that the WebView resources are properly shared
# (i.e. are non-final and with package ID 0).
shared_resources_allowlist = _allowlist_r_txt_path
deps += [ _allowlist_deps ]
_srcjar_deps += [ ":$_compile_resources_target" ]
# We don't ship apks anymore, only optimize bundle builds
if (_is_bundle_module) {
_short_resource_paths =
defined(invoker.short_resource_paths) &&
invoker.short_resource_paths && enable_arsc_obfuscation
_strip_resource_names =
defined(invoker.strip_resource_names) &&
invoker.strip_resource_names && enable_arsc_obfuscation
_strip_unused_resources =
defined(invoker.strip_unused_resources) &&
invoker.strip_unused_resources && enable_unused_resource_stripping
_optimize_resources = _strip_resource_names || _short_resource_paths ||
if (_is_bundle_module && _optimize_resources) {
_optimized_proto_resources_path =
if (_short_resource_paths) {
_resources_path_map_out_path =
_optimize_resources_target = "${_template_name}__optimize_resources"
optimize_resources(_optimize_resources_target) {
deps = _non_java_deps + [ ":$_compile_resources_target" ]
short_resource_paths = _short_resource_paths
strip_resource_names = _strip_resource_names
if (_short_resource_paths) {
resources_path_map_out_path = _resources_path_map_out_path
r_text_path = _compile_resources_rtxt_out
proto_input_path = _proto_resources_path
optimized_proto_output = _optimized_proto_resources_path
if (_strip_unused_resources) {
# These need to be kept in sync with the target names + output paths
# in the android_app_bundle template.
_unused_resources_target = "${_template_name}__unused_resources"
_unused_resources_config_path =
resources_config_paths = [ _unused_resources_config_path ]
deps += [ ":$_unused_resources_target" ]
} else {
resources_config_paths = []
if (defined(invoker.resources_config_paths)) {
resources_config_paths += invoker.resources_config_paths
if (_strip_unused_resources) {
# Copy the unused resources config to the final bundle output dir.
_copy_unused_resources_target =
_final_deps += [ ":$_copy_unused_resources_target" ]
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "resources_config_paths" ])
if (!_is_bundle_module) {
# Output the R.txt file to a more easily discoverable location for
# archiving. This is necessary when stripping resource names so that we
# have an archive of resource names to ids for shipped apks (for
# debugging purposes). We copy the file rather than change the location
# of the original because other targets rely on the location of the R.txt
# file.
_copy_rtxt_target = "${_template_name}__copy_rtxt"
copy(_copy_rtxt_target) {
deps = [ ":$_compile_resources_target" ]
sources = [ _compile_resources_rtxt_out ]
outputs = [ _final_rtxt_path ]
_final_deps += [ ":$_copy_rtxt_target" ]
if (defined(_resource_sizes_arsc_path)) {
_copy_arsc_target = "${_template_name}__copy_arsc"
copy(_copy_arsc_target) {
deps = [ ":$_compile_resources_target" ]
# resource_sizes.py doesn't care if it gets the optimized .arsc.
sources = [ _arsc_resources_path ]
outputs = [ _resource_sizes_arsc_path ]
_final_deps += [ ":$_copy_arsc_target" ]
if (defined(invoker.generate_native_libraries_java)) {
_generate_native_libraries_java = invoker.generate_native_libraries_java
} else {
_generate_native_libraries_java =
_is_base_module && !_omit_dex && !defined(invoker.apk_under_test)
if (_generate_native_libraries_java) {
write_native_libraries_java("${_template_name}__native_libraries") {
# Do not add a dep on the generated_file target in order to avoid having
# to build the native libraries before this target. The dependency is
# instead captured via a depfile.
if (_uses_static_library) {
_prefix = get_label_info(invoker.static_library_provider,
"target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(invoker.static_library_provider, "name")
if (defined(invoker.static_library_provider_use_secondary_abi) &&
invoker.static_library_provider_use_secondary_abi) {
native_libraries_list_file = "${_prefix}.secondary_abi_native_libs"
_use_secondary_abi = true
} else {
native_libraries_list_file = "${_prefix}.native_libs"
_use_secondary_abi = false
} else if (_native_libs_deps != []) {
native_libraries_list_file = _shared_library_list_file
_use_secondary_abi = false
} else if (_secondary_abi_native_libs_deps != []) {
native_libraries_list_file = _secondary_abi_shared_library_list_file
_use_secondary_abi = true
if (defined(_use_secondary_abi)) {
if (_use_secondary_abi || !android_64bit_target_cpu) {
native_lib_32_bit = true
} else {
native_lib_64_bit = true
enable_chromium_linker = _use_chromium_linker
use_final_fields = true
_srcjar_deps += [ ":${_template_name}__native_libraries" ]
_loadable_modules = []
if (defined(invoker.loadable_modules)) {
_loadable_modules = invoker.loadable_modules
_sanitizer_loadable_modules = []
_sanitizer_deps = []
if (_is_base_module && _native_libs_deps != [] && !_uses_static_library) {
_sanitizer_loadable_modules += _sanitizer_runtimes
if (is_asan && _is_base_module &&
(_uses_static_library || _native_libs_deps != [])) {
_sanitizer_loadable_modules +=
[ "$root_gen_dir/build/android/generate_wrap_sh/wrap.sh" ]
_sanitizer_deps += [ "//build/android:generate_wrap_sh" ]
_assertions_implicitly_enabled = defined(invoker.custom_assertion_handler)
# Many possible paths where we wouldn't use this variable.
not_needed([ "_assertions_implicitly_enabled" ])
_generate_buildconfig_java = !defined(invoker.apk_under_test) && !_omit_dex
if (defined(invoker.generate_buildconfig_java)) {
_generate_buildconfig_java = invoker.generate_buildconfig_java
if (_generate_buildconfig_java) {
generate_build_config_srcjar("${_template_name}__build_config_srcjar") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "isolated_splits_enabled" ])
_bundles_supported = _is_bundle_module
if (defined(invoker.bundles_supported)) {
_bundles_supported = invoker.bundles_supported
bundles_supported = _bundles_supported
use_final_fields = true
assertions_implicitly_enabled = _assertions_implicitly_enabled
is_incremental_install = _incremental_apk
version_code = _version_code
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
write_clang_profiling_data =
use_clang_coverage && _generate_native_libraries_java
if (defined(invoker.build_config_include_product_version_resource) &&
invoker.build_config_include_product_version_resource) {
resources_version_variable =
if (defined(invoker.suffix_apk_assets_used_by)) {
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
inputs = [ _build_config ]
apk_assets_suffixed_list =
apk_assets_suffix =
_srcjar_deps += [ ":${_template_name}__build_config_srcjar" ]
if (_generate_productconfig_java) {
foreach(_package, invoker.product_config_java_packages) {
_locale_target_name =
generate_product_config_srcjar("$_locale_target_name") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "is_bundle_module" ])
build_config = _build_config
java_package = _package
use_chromium_linker = _use_chromium_linker
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
_srcjar_deps += [ ":$_locale_target_name" ]
if (_is_bundle_module) {
_add_view_trace_events =
defined(invoker.add_view_trace_events) &&
invoker.add_view_trace_events && enable_trace_event_bytecode_rewriting
# We cannot skip this target when omit_dex = true because it writes the
# build_config.json.
java_library_impl(_java_target_name) {
version_code = _version_code
version_name = _version_name
if (_is_bundle_module) {
type = "android_app_bundle_module"
res_size_info_path = _res_size_info_path
if (defined(invoker.module_name)) {
module_name = invoker.module_name
} else {
module_name = "base"
add_view_trace_events = _add_view_trace_events
} else {
type = "android_apk"
r_text_path = _compile_resources_rtxt_out
main_target_name = _template_name
supports_android = true
requires_android = true
srcjar_deps = _srcjar_deps
merged_android_manifest = _android_manifest
if (defined(_final_dex_path)) {
final_dex_path = _final_dex_path
if (defined(invoker.assert_no_native_deps)) {
assert_no_deps = invoker.assert_no_native_deps
if (_is_bundle_module) {
proto_resources_path = _proto_resources_path
if (_optimize_resources) {
proto_resources_path = _optimized_proto_resources_path
if (_short_resource_paths) {
module_pathmap_path = _resources_path_map_out_path
} else {
apk_path = _final_apk_path
if (_incremental_apk) {
incremental_apk_path = _incremental_apk_path
incremental_install_json_path = _incremental_install_json_path
proguard_enabled = _proguard_enabled
if (_proguard_enabled) {
proguard_configs = [ _generated_proguard_config ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
proguard_configs += invoker.proguard_configs
if (!_is_bundle_module) {
proguard_mapping_path = _proguard_mapping_path
# Do not add a dep on the generated_file target in order to avoid having
# to build the native libraries before this target. The dependency is
# instead captured via a depfile.
if (_native_libs_deps != []) {
shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file = _shared_library_list_file
if (defined(_secondary_abi_shared_library_list_file)) {
secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps_file =
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += _sanitizer_deps
loadable_modules = _loadable_modules + _sanitizer_loadable_modules
if (defined(_allowlist_r_txt_path) && _is_bundle_module) {
# Used to write the file path to the target's .build_config.json only.
base_allowlist_rtxt_path = _allowlist_r_txt_path
# Old name for variable, mark as not_needed while it is being renamed
# downstream. Remove after all references to baseline_profile_path have been
# changed.
not_needed(invoker, [ "baseline_profile_path" ])
_enable_art_profile_optimizations =
defined(invoker.art_profile_path) && _proguard_enabled
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations) {
_include_baseline_profile = enable_baseline_profiles
_enable_startup_profile = enable_startup_profiles
if (_include_baseline_profile) {
_obfuscated_art_profile =
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "art_profile_path" ])
if (_is_bundle_module || _omit_dex) {
# Dex generation for app bundle modules take place in the
# android_app_bundle template.
not_needed(invoker, [ "custom_assertion_handler" ])
} else if (_incremental_apk) {
} else {
_final_dex_target_name = "${_template_name}__final_dex"
dex(_final_dex_target_name) {
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
proguard_enabled = _proguard_enabled
build_config = _build_config
output = _final_dex_path
deps = [
if (_proguard_enabled) {
# Generates proguard configs
deps += [ ":$_compile_resources_target" ]
proguard_mapping_path = _proguard_mapping_path
has_apk_under_test = defined(invoker.apk_under_test)
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations) {
input_art_profile = invoker.art_profile_path
if (_include_baseline_profile) {
output_art_profile = _obfuscated_art_profile
enable_startup_profile = _enable_startup_profile
# Must not be set via write_build_config, because that will cause it
# to be picked up by test apks that use apk_under_test.
if (!_assertions_implicitly_enabled && !enable_java_asserts &&
(!defined(testonly) || !testonly) &&
# Injected JaCoCo code causes -checkdiscards to fail.
!use_jacoco_coverage) {
proguard_configs = [
} else {
if (_min_sdk_version >= default_min_sdk_version) {
# Enable dex merging only when min_sdk_version is >= what the library
# .dex files were created with.
input_dex_filearg =
# Pure dex-merge.
enable_desugar = false
} else {
input_classes_filearg =
# The individual dependencies would have caught real missing deps in
# their respective dex steps. False positives that were suppressed at
# per-target dex steps are emitted here since this may use jar files
# rather than dex files.
if (!defined(enable_desugar)) {
ignore_desugar_missing_deps = true
_final_dex_target_dep = ":$_final_dex_target_name"
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations && _include_baseline_profile) {
_binary_profile_target = "${_template_name}__binary_baseline_profile"
_binary_baseline_profile_path =
_binary_baseline_profile_metadata_path =
_binary_baseline_profile_path + "m"
create_binary_profile(_binary_profile_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
binary_baseline_profile_path = _binary_baseline_profile_path
binary_baseline_profile_metadata_path =
build_config = _build_config
input_profile_path = _obfuscated_art_profile
deps = [
_all_native_libs_deps = _native_libs_deps + _secondary_abi_native_libs_deps
if (_all_native_libs_deps != []) {
_native_libs_filearg_dep = ":$_build_config_target"
_all_native_libs_deps += [ _native_libs_filearg_dep ]
if (!_is_bundle_module) {
_native_libs_filearg =
if (_is_bundle_module) {
_final_deps += [
] + _all_native_libs_deps
if (defined(invoker.asset_deps)) {
_final_deps += invoker.asset_deps
if (_optimize_resources) {
_final_deps += [ ":$_optimize_resources_target" ]
if (defined(_final_dex_target_dep)) {
not_needed([ "_final_dex_target_dep" ])
} else {
# Generate size-info/*.jar.info files.
if (defined(invoker.name)) {
# Create size info files for targets that care about size
# (have proguard enabled).
_include_size_info =
defined(invoker.include_size_info) && invoker.include_size_info
if (_include_size_info || _proguard_enabled) {
_size_info_target = "${target_name}__size_info"
create_size_info_files(_size_info_target) {
name = "${invoker.name}.apk"
build_config = _build_config
res_size_info_path = _res_size_info_path
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.asset_deps)) {
deps += invoker.asset_deps
_final_deps += [ ":$_size_info_target" ]
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "name" ])
_create_apk_target = "${_template_name}__create"
_final_deps += [ ":$_create_apk_target" ]
package_apk("$_create_apk_target") {
if (defined(expected_libs_and_assets)) {
build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target"
top_target_name = _template_name
build_config = _build_config
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
packaged_resources_path = _arsc_resources_path
# Need full deps rather than _non_java_deps, because loadable_modules
# may include .so files extracted by __unpack_aar targets.
deps = _invoker_deps + _sanitizer_deps + [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
if (defined(invoker.asset_deps)) {
deps += invoker.asset_deps
if (_incremental_apk) {
_dex_target = "//build/android/incremental_install:apk_dex"
deps += [
dex_path = get_label_info(_dex_target, "target_out_dir") + "/apk.dex"
# Incremental APKs cannot be installed via `adb install` as such they
# should be clearly named/labeled "incremental".
output_apk_path = _incremental_apk_path
loadable_modules = _sanitizer_loadable_modules
# All native libraries are side-loaded, so use a placeholder to force
# the proper bitness for the app.
_has_native_libs =
defined(_native_libs_filearg) || _loadable_modules != [] ||
_sanitizer_loadable_modules != []
if (_has_native_libs && loadable_modules == [] &&
!defined(native_lib_placeholders)) {
native_lib_placeholders = [ "libfix.crbug.384638.so" ]
} else {
loadable_modules = _loadable_modules + _sanitizer_loadable_modules
deps += _all_native_libs_deps + [
if (defined(_final_dex_path)) {
dex_path = _final_dex_path
deps += [ _final_dex_target_dep ]
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations &&
_include_baseline_profile) {
# extra_assets is a list of ["{src_path}:{dst_path}"]
extra_assets = [
rebase_path(_binary_baseline_profile_path, root_build_dir) +
root_build_dir) + ":dexopt/baseline.profm",
deps += [ ":$_binary_profile_target" ]
output_apk_path = _final_apk_path
if (defined(_native_libs_filearg)) {
native_libs_filearg = _native_libs_filearg
secondary_abi_native_libs_filearg = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:native:secondary_abi_libraries)"
if (_incremental_apk) {
_write_installer_json_rule_name = "${_template_name}__incremental_json"
action_with_pydeps(_write_installer_json_rule_name) {
script = "//build/android/incremental_install/write_installer_json.py"
deps = [ ":$_build_config_target" ] + _all_native_libs_deps
data = [ _incremental_install_json_path ]
inputs = [ _build_config ]
outputs = [ _incremental_install_json_path ]
_rebased_incremental_apk_path =
rebase_path(_incremental_apk_path, root_build_dir)
_rebased_incremental_install_json_path =
rebase_path(_incremental_install_json_path, root_build_dir)
args = [
if (_proguard_enabled) {
args += [ "--show-proguard-warning" ]
if (defined(_native_libs_filearg)) {
args += [ "--native-libs=$_native_libs_filearg" ]
deps += [ _native_libs_filearg_dep ]
if (_loadable_modules != []) {
_rebased_loadable_modules =
rebase_path(_loadable_modules, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--native-libs=$_rebased_loadable_modules" ]
_final_deps += [ ":$_write_installer_json_rule_name" ]
# Generate apk operation related script.
if (!_is_bundle_module &&
(!defined(invoker.create_apk_script) || invoker.create_apk_script)) {
if (_uses_static_library) {
_install_artifacts_target = "${target_name}__install_artifacts"
_install_artifacts_json =
generated_file(_install_artifacts_target) {
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ invoker.static_library_provider ]
outputs = [ _install_artifacts_json ]
data_keys = [ "install_artifacts" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
_apk_operations_target_name = "${target_name}__apk_operations"
action_with_pydeps(_apk_operations_target_name) {
_generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/${invoker.target_name}"
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_apk_operations_script.py"
outputs = [ _generated_script ]
args = [
rebase_path(_generated_script, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.command_line_flags_file)) {
args += [
if (_incremental_apk) {
args += [
rebase_path(_incremental_install_json_path, root_build_dir),
} else {
args += [
rebase_path(_final_apk_path, root_build_dir),
if (_uses_static_library) {
deps = [ ":$_install_artifacts_target" ]
_rebased_install_artifacts_json =
rebase_path(_install_artifacts_json, root_build_dir)
_static_library_apk_path =
args += [
data = []
data_deps = [
if (_proguard_enabled && !_incremental_apk) {
# Required by logcat command.
data_deps += [ "//build/android/stacktrace:java_deobfuscate" ]
data += [ "$_final_apk_path.mapping" ]
args += [
rebase_path("$_final_apk_path.mapping", root_build_dir),
_final_deps += [ ":$_apk_operations_target_name" ]
_enable_lint = defined(invoker.enable_lint) && invoker.enable_lint &&
if (_enable_lint) {
android_lint("${target_name}__lint") {
build_config = _build_config
build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target"
# This will use library subtargets under-the-hood
deps = [ ":$_java_target_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.lint_suppressions_dep)) {
deps += [ invoker.lint_suppressions_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.asset_deps)) {
deps += invoker.asset_deps
if (defined(invoker.lint_min_sdk_version)) {
min_sdk_version = invoker.lint_min_sdk_version
} else {
group(target_name) {
metadata = {
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")
# Allows metadata collection via apk targets that traverse only java deps.
java_walk_keys = [ ":$_java_target_name" ]
# Generate apk related operations at runtime.
public_deps = _final_deps
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
# Include unstripped native libraries so tests can symbolize stacks.
data_deps += _all_native_libs_deps + [ ":${_java_target_name}__validate" ]
if (_enable_lint) {
data_deps += [ ":${target_name}__lint" ]
if (_uses_static_library) {
data_deps += [ invoker.static_library_provider ]
# Declare an Android APK target
# This target creates an Android APK containing java code, resources, assets,
# and (possibly) native libraries.
# Supports all variables of android_apk_or_module(), plus:
# apk_name: Name for final apk.
# final_apk_path: (Optional) path to output APK.
# Example
# android_apk("foo_apk") {
# android_manifest = "AndroidManifest.xml"
# sources = [
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooApplication.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooActivity.java",
# ]
# deps = [
# ":foo_support_java"
# ":foo_resources"
# ]
# srcjar_deps = [
# ":foo_generated_enum"
# ]
# shared_libraries = [
# ":my_shared_lib",
# ]
# }
template("android_apk") {
# TODO(crbug.com/40114668): Remove.
not_needed(invoker, [ "no_build_hooks" ])
android_apk_or_module(target_name) {
is_bundle_module = false
name = invoker.apk_name
if (defined(invoker.final_apk_path)) {
final_apk_path = invoker.final_apk_path
} else {
final_apk_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/${invoker.apk_name}.apk"
metadata = {
install_artifacts = [ final_apk_path ]
if (defined(invoker.static_library_provider)) {
install_artifacts_barrier = []
# TODO(smaier) - there were some remaining usages of this in angle. Once
# they are removed, remove this line.
not_needed(invoker, [ "generate_final_jni" ])
# Declare an Android app bundle module target.
# The module can be used for an android_apk_or_module().
# Supports all variables of android_library(), plus:
# module_name: Name of the module.
# is_base_module: If defined and true, indicates that this is the bundle's
# base module (optional).
# base_module_target: Base module target of the bundle this module will be
# added to (optional). Can only be specified for non-base modules.
template("android_app_bundle_module") {
_is_base_module = defined(invoker.is_base_module) && invoker.is_base_module
if (_is_base_module) {
} else {
# android_app_bundle's write_build_config expects module targets to be named
# according to java_target_patterns otherwise it ignores them when listed in
# possible_config_deps. See https://crbug.com/1418398.
if (filter_exclude([ target_name ], [ "*_bundle_module" ]) != []) {
"Invalid android_app_bundle_module target name ($target_name), " +
"must end in _bundle_module.")
# TODO(tiborg): We have several flags that are necessary for workarounds
# that come from the fact that the resources get compiled in the bundle
# module target, but bundle modules have to have certain flags in
# common or bundle modules have to know information about the base module.
# Those flags include version_code, version_name, and base_module_target.
# It would be better to move the resource compile target into the bundle
# target. Doing so would keep the bundle modules independent from the bundle
# and potentially reuse the same bundle modules for multiple bundles.
android_apk_or_module(target_name) {
is_bundle_module = true
generate_buildconfig_java = _is_base_module
if (defined(uses_split)) {
"Must set parent_module_target when uses_split is set")
# Declare an Android instrumentation test runner.
# This target creates a wrapper script to run Android instrumentation tests.
# Arguments:
# android_test_apk: The target containing the tests.
# The following args are optional:
# apk_under_test: The target being tested.
# additional_apks: Additional targets to install on device.
# data: List of runtime data file dependencies.
# data_deps: List of non-linked dependencies.
# deps: List of private dependencies.
# extra_args: Extra arguments set for test runner.
# ignore_all_data_deps: Don't build data_deps and additional_apks.
# modules: Extra dynamic feature modules to install for test target. Can
# only be used if |apk_under_test| is an Android app bundle.
# fake_modules: Similar to |modules| but fake installed instead.
# never_incremental: Disable incremental builds.
# proguard_enabled: Enable proguard
# public_deps: List of public dependencies
# Example
# instrumentation_test_runner("foo_test_for_bar") {
# android_test_apk: ":foo"
# apk_under_test: ":bar"
# }
template("instrumentation_test_runner") {
_incremental_apk = !(defined(invoker.never_incremental) &&
invoker.never_incremental) && incremental_install
_apk_operations_target_name = "${target_name}__apk_operations"
_apk_target = invoker.android_test_apk
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test) && !_incremental_apk) {
# The actual target is defined in the test_runner_script template.
_install_artifacts_json =
_install_artifacts_target_name = "${target_name}__install_artifacts"
action_with_pydeps(_apk_operations_target_name) {
testonly = true
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_test_apk_wrapper_script.py"
deps = []
_generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/${invoker.target_name}"
outputs = [ _generated_script ]
_apk_build_config =
get_label_info(_apk_target, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(_apk_target, "name") + ".build_config.json"
_rebased_apk_build_config = rebase_path(_apk_build_config, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(_generated_script, root_build_dir),
deps += [ "${_apk_target}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
if (_incremental_apk) {
args += [
} else {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.proguard_mapping_path) && !_incremental_apk) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
if (_incremental_apk) {
deps += [ "${invoker.apk_under_test}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_apk_under_test_build_config =
get_label_info(invoker.apk_under_test, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(invoker.apk_under_test, "name") +
_rebased_apk_under_test_build_config =
rebase_path(_apk_under_test_build_config, root_build_dir)
_apk_under_test = "@FileArg($_rebased_apk_under_test_build_config:deps_info:incremental_apk_path)"
} else {
deps += [ ":${_install_artifacts_target_name}" ]
_rebased_install_artifacts_json =
rebase_path(_install_artifacts_json, root_build_dir)
_apk_under_test = "@FileArg($_rebased_install_artifacts_json[])"
args += [
if (defined(invoker.additional_apks)) {
foreach(additional_apk, invoker.additional_apks) {
deps += [ "$additional_apk$build_config_target_suffix" ]
_build_config =
get_label_info(additional_apk, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(additional_apk, "name") + ".build_config.json"
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
deps += invoker.additional_apks
test_runner_script(target_name) {
test_name = invoker.target_name
test_type = "instrumentation"
apk_target = invoker.android_test_apk
incremental_apk = _incremental_apk
public_deps = [
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
public_deps += [ invoker.apk_under_test ]
if (defined(invoker.additional_apks)) {
public_deps += invoker.additional_apks
# Declare an Android instrumentation test apk
# This target creates an Android instrumentation test apk.
# Supports all variables of android_apk(), plus:
# apk_under_test: The apk being tested (optional).
# Example
# android_test_apk("foo_test_apk") {
# android_manifest = "AndroidManifest.xml"
# apk_name = "FooTest"
# apk_under_test = "Foo"
# sources = [
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooTestCase.java",
# "android/org/chromium/foo/FooExampleTest.java",
# ]
# deps = [
# ":foo_test_support_java"
# ]
# }
template("android_test_apk") {
android_apk(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
testonly = true
_use_default_launcher =
!defined(invoker.use_default_launcher) || invoker.use_default_launcher
# The size info enables the test_runner to find the source file location
# of a test after it is ran.
include_size_info = true
data = [ "$root_build_dir/size-info/${invoker.apk_name}.apk.jar.info" ]
if (defined(invoker.data)) {
data += invoker.data
if (_use_default_launcher) {
deps = [ "//testing/android/instrumentation:test_runner_java" ]
} else {
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
data_deps = [
# Ensure unstripped libraries are included in runtime deps so that
# symbolization can be done.
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps += invoker.data_deps
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
data_deps += [ invoker.apk_under_test ]
if (defined(invoker.apk_under_test)) {
_under_test_label =
get_label_info(invoker.apk_under_test, "label_no_toolchain")
data_deps += [
if (defined(invoker.additional_apks)) {
data_deps += invoker.additional_apks
if (defined(invoker.use_webview_provider)) {
data_deps += [ invoker.use_webview_provider ]
if (defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled &&
!incremental_install) {
# When ProGuard is on, we use ProGuard to combine the under test java
# code and the test java code. This is to allow us to apply all ProGuard
# optimizations that we ship with, but not have them break tests. The
# apk under test will still have the same resources, assets, and
# manifest, all of which are the ones used in the tests.
proguard_configs = [
if (defined(invoker.proguard_configs)) {
proguard_configs += invoker.proguard_configs
enable_proguard_checks = false
if (defined(invoker.final_apk_path)) {
_final_apk_path = invoker.final_apk_path
} else {
_final_apk_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/${invoker.apk_name}.apk"
data += [ "$_final_apk_path.mapping" ]
create_apk_script = false
# Declare an Android instrumentation test apk with wrapper script.
# This target creates an Android instrumentation test apk with wrapper script
# to run the test.
# Supports all variables of android_test_apk.
template("instrumentation_test_apk") {
_apk_target_name = "${target_name}__test_apk"
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
android_test_apk(_apk_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
instrumentation_test_runner(target_name) {
android_test_apk = ":${_apk_target_name}"
if (defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled) {
proguard_mapping_path =
# Declare an Android gtest apk
# This target creates an Android apk for running gtest-based unittests.
# Variables
# deps: Specifies the dependencies of this target. These will be passed to
# the underlying android_apk invocation and should include the java and
# resource dependencies of the apk.
# shared_library: shared_library target that contains the unit tests.
# apk_name: The name of the produced apk. If unspecified, it uses the name
# of the shared_library target suffixed with "_apk".
# use_default_launcher: Whether the default activity (NativeUnitTestActivity)
# should be used for launching tests.
# allow_cleartext_traffic: (Optional) Whether to allow cleartext network
# requests during the test.
# use_native_activity: Test implements ANativeActivity_onCreate().
# Example
# unittest_apk("foo_unittests_apk") {
# deps = [ ":foo_java", ":foo_resources" ]
# shared_library = ":foo_unittests"
# }
template("unittest_apk") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_use_native_activity =
defined(invoker.use_native_activity) && invoker.use_native_activity
_android_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name/AndroidManifest.xml"
assert(invoker.shared_library != "")
# This trivial assert is needed in case android_manifest is defined,
# as otherwise _use_native_activity and _android_manifest would not be used.
assert(_use_native_activity != "" && _android_manifest != "")
if (!defined(invoker.android_manifest)) {
_allow_cleartext_traffic = defined(invoker.allow_cleartext_traffic) &&
jinja_template("${target_name}_manifest") {
_native_library_name = get_label_info(invoker.shared_library, "name")
if (defined(invoker.android_manifest_template)) {
input = invoker.android_manifest_template
} else {
input =
output = _android_manifest
variables = [
android_test_apk(target_name) {
data_deps = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
create_apk_script = false
if (!defined(apk_name)) {
apk_name = get_label_info(invoker.shared_library, "name")
if (!defined(android_manifest)) {
android_manifest_dep = ":${target_name}_manifest"
android_manifest = _android_manifest
final_apk_path = "$root_build_dir/${apk_name}_apk/${apk_name}-debug.apk"
if (!defined(use_default_launcher) || use_default_launcher) {
deps += [
shared_libraries = [ invoker.shared_library ]
deps += [
# Generate .java files from .aidl files.
# This target will store the .java files in a srcjar and should be included in
# an android_library or android_apk's srcjar_deps.
# Variables
# sources: Paths to .aidl files to compile.
# import_include: Path to directory containing .java files imported by the
# .aidl files.
# interface_file: Preprocessed aidl file to import.
# Example
# android_aidl("foo_aidl") {
# import_include = "java/src"
# sources = [
# "java/src/com/foo/bar/FooBarService.aidl",
# "java/src/com/foo/bar/FooBarServiceCallback.aidl",
# ]
# }
template("android_aidl") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
script = "//build/android/gyp/aidl.py"
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
sources = invoker.sources
_srcjar_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}.srcjar"
_aidl_path = "${android_sdk_build_tools}/aidl"
_framework_aidl = "$android_sdk/framework.aidl"
_imports = [ _framework_aidl ]
if (defined(invoker.interface_file)) {
assert(invoker.interface_file != "")
_imports += [ invoker.interface_file ]
inputs = [ _aidl_path ] + _imports
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
_rebased_imports = rebase_path(_imports, root_build_dir)
args = [
rebase_path(_aidl_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.import_include) && invoker.import_include != []) {
_rebased_import_paths = []
foreach(_import_path, invoker.import_include) {
_rebased_import_path = []
_rebased_import_path = [ rebase_path(_import_path, root_build_dir) ]
_rebased_import_paths += _rebased_import_path
args += [ "--includes=$_rebased_import_paths" ]
args += rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
# Compile a protocol buffer to java.
# This generates java files from protocol buffers and creates an Android library
# containing the classes.
# Variables
# sources (required)
# Paths to .proto files to compile.
# proto_path (required)
# Root directory of .proto files.
# deps (optional)
# Additional dependencies. Passed through to both the action and the
# android_library targets.
# import_dirs (optional)
# A list of extra import directories to be passed to protoc compiler.
# WARNING: This circumvents proto checkdeps, and should only be used
# when needed, typically when proto files cannot cleanly import through
# absolute paths, such as for third_party or generated .proto files.
# http://crbug.com/691451 tracks fixing this.
# generator_plugin_label (optional)
# GN label for plugin executable which generates custom cc stubs.
# Don't specify a toolchain, host toolchain is assumed.
# Example:
# proto_java_library("foo_proto_java") {
# proto_path = "src/foo"
# sources = [ "$proto_path/foo.proto" ]
# }
template("proto_java_library") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_template_name = target_name
action_with_pydeps("${_template_name}__protoc_java") {
# The suffix "__protoc_java.srcjar" is used by SuperSize to identify
# protobuf symbols.
_srcjar_path = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
script = "//build/protoc_java.py"
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
# Need to care only about targets that might generate .proto files.
# No need to depend on java_library or android_resource targets.
deps = filter_exclude(invoker.deps, java_target_patterns)
sources = invoker.sources
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_protoc_bin, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.proto_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.generator_plugin_label)) {
if (host_os == "win") {
_host_executable_suffix = ".exe"
} else {
_host_executable_suffix = ""
_plugin_host_label =
invoker.generator_plugin_label + "($host_toolchain)"
_plugin_path =
get_label_info(_plugin_host_label, "root_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(_plugin_host_label, "name") + _host_executable_suffix
args += [
rebase_path(_plugin_path, root_build_dir),
deps += [ _plugin_host_label ]
inputs = [ _plugin_path ]
args += rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
if (defined(invoker.import_dirs)) {
foreach(_import_dir, invoker.import_dirs) {
args += [
rebase_path(_import_dir, root_build_dir),
android_library(target_name) {
chromium_code = false
sources = []
srcjar_deps = [ ":${_template_name}__protoc_java" ]
deps = [ "//third_party/android_deps:protobuf_lite_runtime_java" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Compile a flatbuffer to java.
# This generates java files from flat buffers and creates an Android library
# containing the classes.
# Variables
# sources (required)
# Paths to .fbs files to compile.
# root_dir (required)
# Root directory of .fbs files.
# deps (optional)
# Additional dependencies. Passed through to both the action and the
# android_library targets.
# flatc_include_dirs (optional)
# A list of extra import directories to be passed to flatc compiler.
# Example:
# flatbuffer_java_library("foo_flatbuffer_java") {
# root_dir = "src/foo"
# sources = [ "$proto_path/foo.fbs" ]
# }
template("flatbuffer_java_library") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
_template_name = target_name
_flatc_dep = "//third_party/flatbuffers:flatc($host_toolchain)"
_flatc_out_dir = get_label_info(_flatc_dep, "root_out_dir")
_flatc_bin = "$_flatc_out_dir/flatc"
action_with_pydeps("${_template_name}__flatc_java") {
_srcjar_path = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.srcjar"
script = "//build/android/gyp/flatc_java.py"
deps = [ _flatc_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
inputs = [ _flatc_bin ]
sources = invoker.sources
outputs = [ _srcjar_path ]
args = [
rebase_path(_flatc_bin, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.root_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_srcjar_path, root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
if (defined(invoker.flatc_include_dirs)) {
foreach(_include_dir, invoker.flatc_include_dirs) {
args += [
rebase_path(_include_dir, root_build_dir),
android_library(target_name) {
chromium_code = false
sources = []
srcjar_deps = [ ":${_template_name}__flatc_java" ]
deps = [ "//third_party/flatbuffers:flatbuffers_java" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Declare an Android library target for a prebuilt AAR.
# This target creates an Android library containing java code and Android
# resources. For libraries without resources, it will not generate
# corresponding android_resources targets.
# To avoid slowing down "gn gen", an associated .info file must be committed
# along with the .aar file. In order to create this file, define the target
# and then run once with the gn arg "update_android_aar_prebuilts = true".
# Variables
# aar_path: Path to the AAR.
# info_path: Path to the .aar.info file (generated via
# update_android_aar_prebuilts GN arg).
# proguard_configs: List of proguard configs to use in final apk step for
# any apk that depends on this library.
# ignore_aidl: Whether to ignore .aidl files found with the .aar.
# ignore_assets: Whether to ignore assets found in the .aar.
# ignore_manifest: Whether to ignore creating manifest.
# ignore_native_libraries: Whether to ignore .so files found in the .aar.
# See also extract_native_libraries.
# ignore_proguard_configs: Whether to ignore proguard configs.
# strip_resources: Whether to ignore android resources found in the .aar.
# custom_package: Java package for generated R.java files.
# extract_native_libraries: Whether to extract .so files found in the .aar.
# If the file contains .so, either extract_native_libraries or
# ignore_native_libraries must be set.
# TODO(jbudorick@): remove this arguments after crbug.com/522043 is fixed.
# requires_android: Whether this target can only be used for compiling
# Android related targets.
# Example
# android_aar_prebuilt("foo_java") {
# aar_path = "foo.aar"
# }
template("android_aar_prebuilt") {
_info_path = "$target_name.info"
if (defined(invoker.info_path)) {
_info_path = invoker.info_path
_output_path = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}"
# Some targets only differ by _java with other targets so _java and _junit
# need to be replaced by non-empty strings to avoid duplicate targets. (e.g.
# androidx_window_window_java vs androidx_window_window_java_java).
_target_name_without_java_or_junit =
string_replace(string_replace(target_name, "_java", "_J"),
# This unpack target is a python action, not a valid java target. Since the
# java targets below depend on it, its name must not match the java patterns
# in internal_rules.gni.
_unpack_target_name = "${_target_name_without_java_or_junit}__unpack_aar"
_ignore_aidl = defined(invoker.ignore_aidl) && invoker.ignore_aidl
_ignore_assets = defined(invoker.ignore_assets) && invoker.ignore_assets
_ignore_manifest =
defined(invoker.ignore_manifest) && invoker.ignore_manifest
_ignore_native_libraries = defined(invoker.ignore_native_libraries) &&
_ignore_proguard_configs = defined(invoker.ignore_proguard_configs) &&
_extract_native_libraries = defined(invoker.extract_native_libraries) &&
_strip_resources =
defined(invoker.strip_resources) && invoker.strip_resources
# Allow 'resource_overlay' parameter even if there are no resources in order
# to keep the logic for generated 'android_aar_prebuilt' rules simple.
not_needed(invoker, [ "resource_overlay" ])
_aar_common_args = [ rebase_path(invoker.aar_path, root_build_dir) ]
if (_strip_resources) {
_aar_common_args += [ "--ignore-resources" ]
if (defined(invoker.resource_exclusion_globs)) {
_aar_common_args +=
[ "--resource-exclusion-globs=${invoker.resource_exclusion_globs}" ]
# Scan the AAR file and determine the resources and jar files.
# Some libraries might not have resources; others might have two jars.
if (update_android_aar_prebuilts) {
print("Writing " + rebase_path(_info_path, "//"))
rebase_path(_info_path, root_build_dir),
] + _aar_common_args)
# If "gn gen" is failing on the following line, you need to generate an
# .info file for your new target by running:
# gn gen --args='target_os="android" update_android_aar_prebuilts=true' out/tmp
# rm -r out/tmp
_scanned_files = read_file(_info_path, "scope")
_use_scanned_assets = !_ignore_assets && _scanned_files.assets != []
_has_resources = _scanned_files.resources != []
_common_deps = [ ":$_unpack_target_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_common_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
_common_deps += invoker.public_deps
assert(_ignore_aidl || _scanned_files.aidl == [],
"android_aar_prebuilt() aidl not yet supported." +
" Implement or use ignore_aidl = true." +
" http://crbug.com/644439")
!_scanned_files.has_native_libraries ||
(_ignore_native_libraries || _extract_native_libraries),
"android_aar_prebuilt() contains .so files." +
" Please set ignore_native_libraries or extract_native_libraries.")
!(_ignore_native_libraries && _extract_native_libraries),
"ignore_native_libraries and extract_native_libraries cannot both be set.")
assert(!_scanned_files.has_native_libraries ||
_scanned_files.native_libraries != [])
assert(_scanned_files.has_classes_jar || _scanned_files.subjars == [])
action_with_pydeps(_unpack_target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/aar.py" # Unzips the AAR
args = [
rebase_path(_output_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_info_path, root_build_dir),
] + _aar_common_args
inputs = [ invoker.aar_path ]
outputs = [ "${_output_path}/AndroidManifest.xml" ]
outputs +=
get_path_info(rebase_path(_scanned_files.resources, "", _output_path),
if (_scanned_files.has_r_text_file) {
# Certain packages, in particular Play Services have no R.txt even
# though its presence is mandated by AAR spec. Such packages cause
# spurious rebuilds if this output is specified unconditionally.
outputs += [ "${_output_path}/R.txt" ]
if (_scanned_files.has_classes_jar) {
outputs += [ "${_output_path}/classes.jar" ]
outputs +=
get_path_info(rebase_path(_scanned_files.subjars, "", _output_path),
if (!_ignore_proguard_configs) {
if (_scanned_files.has_proguard_flags) {
outputs += [ "${_output_path}/proguard.txt" ]
if (_extract_native_libraries && _scanned_files.has_native_libraries) {
outputs += get_path_info(
rebase_path(_scanned_files.native_libraries, "", _output_path),
if (_use_scanned_assets) {
outputs +=
get_path_info(rebase_path(_scanned_files.assets, "", _output_path),
_should_process_manifest =
!_ignore_manifest && !_scanned_files.is_manifest_empty
# Create the android_resources target for resources.
if (_has_resources || _should_process_manifest) {
_res_target_name = "${target_name}__resources"
android_resources(_res_target_name) {
deps = _common_deps
if (_should_process_manifest) {
android_manifest_dep = ":$_unpack_target_name"
android_manifest = "${_output_path}/AndroidManifest.xml"
} else if (defined(_scanned_files.manifest_package) &&
!defined(custom_package)) {
custom_package = _scanned_files.manifest_package
sources = rebase_path(_scanned_files.resources, "", _output_path)
if (_scanned_files.has_r_text_file) {
r_text_file = "${_output_path}/R.txt"
} else if (defined(invoker.strip_drawables)) {
not_needed(invoker, [ "strip_drawables" ])
if (_ignore_manifest) {
# Having this available can be useful for DFMs that depend on AARs. It
# provides a way to have manifest entries go into the base split while
# the code goes into a DFM.
java_group("${target_name}__ignored_manifest") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
deps = [ ":$_unpack_target_name" ]
mergeable_android_manifests = [ "${_output_path}/AndroidManifest.xml" ]
# Create the android_assets target for assets
if (_use_scanned_assets) {
_assets_target_name = "${target_name}__assets"
android_assets(_assets_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
deps = [ ":$_unpack_target_name" ]
renaming_sources = []
renaming_destinations = []
foreach(_asset_file, _scanned_files.assets) {
_original_path =
get_path_info(rebase_path(_asset_file, "", _output_path),
_updated_path = string_replace(_asset_file, "assets/", "", 1)
renaming_sources += [ _original_path ]
renaming_destinations += [ _updated_path ]
_target_label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_no_toolchain")
# Create android_java_prebuilt target for classes.jar.
if (_scanned_files.has_classes_jar) {
_java_library_vars = [
# Create android_java_prebuilt target for extra jars within jars/.
_subjar_targets = []
foreach(_tuple, _scanned_files.subjar_tuples) {
_current_target = "${target_name}__subjar_${_tuple[0]}"
_subjar_targets += [ ":$_current_target" ]
java_prebuilt(_current_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _java_library_vars)
deps = _common_deps
if (!defined(requires_android)) {
requires_android = true
supports_android = true
jar_path = "$_output_path/${_tuple[1]}"
_base_output_name = get_path_info(jar_path, "name")
output_name = "${invoker.target_name}-$_base_output_name"
public_target_label = _target_label
_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__classes"
java_prebuilt(_jar_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, _java_library_vars)
deps = _common_deps + _subjar_targets
if (defined(_res_target_name)) {
deps += [ ":$_res_target_name" ]
if (!defined(requires_android)) {
requires_android = true
include_java_resources = !defined(invoker.include_java_resources) ||
supports_android = true
jar_path = "$_output_path/classes.jar"
aar_path = invoker.aar_path
output_name = invoker.target_name
if (!_ignore_proguard_configs) {
if (!defined(proguard_configs)) {
proguard_configs = []
if (_scanned_files.has_proguard_flags) {
proguard_configs += [ "$_output_path/proguard.txt" ]
public_target_label = _target_label
java_group(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
public_deps = [ ":$_unpack_target_name" ]
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
public_deps += invoker.public_deps
deps = []
if (defined(_jar_target_name)) {
deps += [ ":$_jar_target_name" ]
# Although subjars are meant to be private, we add them as deps here
# because in practice they seem to contain classes required to be in the
# classpath.
deps += _subjar_targets
if (defined(_res_target_name)) {
deps += [ ":$_res_target_name" ]
if (defined(_assets_target_name)) {
deps += [ ":$_assets_target_name" ]
# Create an Android application bundle from one base android_apk target,
# and zero or more associated android_apk.
# Variables:
# base_module_target: Name of the android_app_bundle_module target
# corresponding to the base module for this application bundle. The
# bundle file will include the same content in its base module, though in
# a slightly different format.
# bundle_base_path: Optional. If set, the bundle will be output to this
# directory. Defaults to "$root_build_dir/apks".
# bundle_name: Optional. If set, the bundle will be output to the
# filename "${bundle_name}.aab".
# extra_modules: Optional list of scopes, one per extra module used by
# this bundle. Each scope must have a 'name' field that specifies the
# module name (which cannot be 'base', since this is reserved for the
# base module), and an 'apk_target' field that specified the
# corresponding android_apk target name the module is modeled on.
# enable_language_splits: Optional. If true, enable APK splits based
# on languages.
# keystore_path: optional keystore path, used only when generating APKs.
# keystore_name: optional keystore name, used only when generating APKs.
# keystore_password: optional keystore password, used only when
# generating APKs.
# rotation_config: optional .textproto to enable key rotation.
# command_line_flags_file: Optional. If provided, named of the on-device
# file that will be used to store command-line arguments. The default
# is 'command_line_flags_file', but this is typically redefined to
# something more specific for certain bundles (e.g. the Chromium based
# APKs use 'chrome-command-line', the WebView one uses
# 'webview-command-line').
# proguard_enabled: Optional. True if proguarding is enabled for this
# bundle. Default is to enable this only for release builds. Note that
# this will always perform synchronized proguarding.
# proguard_enable_obfuscation: Whether to enable obfuscation (default=true)
# proguard_android_sdk_dep: Optional. android_system_java_prebuilt() target
# used as a library jar for synchronized proguarding.
# system_image_locale_allowlist: List of locales that should be included
# on system APKs generated from this bundle.
# static_library_provider: Specifies a single target that this target will
# use as a static library APK.
# expected_libs_and_assets: Verify the list of included native libraries
# and assets is consistent with the given expectation file.
# expected_libs_and_assets_base: Treat expected_libs_and_assets as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# expected_proguard_config: Checks that the merged set of proguard flags
# matches the given config.
# expected_proguard_config_base: Treat expected_proguard_config as a diff
# with this file as the base.
# version_code: Optional. Version code of the target.
# is_multi_abi: If true will add a library placeholder for the missing ABI
# if either the primary or the secondary ABI has no native libraries set.
# default_modules_for_testing: (optional): A list of DFM that the wrapper
# script should install. This is for local testing only, and does not
# affect the actual DFM in production.
# add_view_trace_events: (optional): If true will add an additional step to
# add trace events to all Android views contained in the bundle. It also
# requires build argument enable_trace_event_bytecode_rewriting = true.
# Example:
# android_app_bundle("chrome_public_bundle") {
# base_module_target = "//chrome/android:chrome_public_apk"
# extra_modules = [
# { # NOTE: Scopes require one field per line, and no comma separators.
# name = "my_module"
# module_target = ":my_module"
# },
# ]
# }
template("android_app_bundle") {
_target_name = target_name
_uses_static_library = defined(invoker.static_library_provider)
_proguard_enabled =
defined(invoker.proguard_enabled) && invoker.proguard_enabled
_min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
if (defined(invoker.min_sdk_version)) {
_min_sdk_version = invoker.min_sdk_version
if (is_asan && _min_sdk_version < min_supported_sdk_version) {
_min_sdk_version = min_supported_sdk_version
_bundle_base_path = "$root_build_dir/apks"
if (defined(invoker.bundle_base_path)) {
_bundle_base_path = invoker.bundle_base_path
_bundle_name = _target_name
if (defined(invoker.bundle_name)) {
_bundle_name = invoker.bundle_name
_bundle_path = "$_bundle_base_path/${_bundle_name}.aab"
_rebased_bundle_path = rebase_path(_bundle_path, root_build_dir)
_base_target_name = get_label_info(invoker.base_module_target, "name")
_base_target_gen_dir =
get_label_info(invoker.base_module_target, "target_gen_dir")
_base_module_build_config =
_base_module_build_config_target =
_rebased_base_module_build_config =
rebase_path(_base_module_build_config, root_build_dir)
_modules = [
name = "base"
module_target = invoker.base_module_target
build_config = _base_module_build_config
build_config_target = _base_module_build_config_target
if (_uses_static_library) {
parent = "lib"
if (_proguard_enabled) {
_dex_target = "${_target_name}__dex"
_proguard_mapping_path = "${_bundle_path}.mapping"
if (defined(invoker.extra_modules)) {
_module_count = 0
not_needed([ "_module_count" ])
foreach(_module, invoker.extra_modules) {
_module_count += 1
"Missing 'name' field for extra module #${_module_count}.")
assert(_module.name != "base",
"Module name 'base' is reserved for the main bundle module")
"Missing 'module_target' field for extra module ${_module.name}.")
_module_target = _module.module_target
_module_target_name = get_label_info(_module_target, "name")
_module_target_gen_dir =
get_label_info(_module_target, "target_gen_dir")
_module.build_config =
_module.build_config_target =
_module.parent = "base"
_modules += [ _module ]
# Make build config, which is required for synchronized proguarding.
_module_java_targets = []
_module_build_configs = []
_module_targets = []
foreach(_module, _modules) {
_module_targets += [ _module.module_target ]
_module_java_targets += [ "${_module.module_target}__java" ]
_module_build_configs += [ _module.build_config ]
# Used to expose the module Java targets of the bundle.
group("${_target_name}__java") {
deps = _module_java_targets
group("${_target_name}__compile_resources") {
deps = [ "${invoker.base_module_target}__compile_resources" ]
_build_config = "$target_gen_dir/${_target_name}.build_config.json"
_rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
_build_config_target = "$_target_name$build_config_target_suffix"
if (defined(invoker.proguard_android_sdk_dep)) {
_android_sdk_dep = invoker.proguard_android_sdk_dep
} else {
_android_sdk_dep = default_android_sdk_dep
if (_proguard_enabled) {
_proguard_mapping_path = "${_bundle_path}.mapping"
_add_view_trace_events =
defined(invoker.add_view_trace_events) &&
invoker.add_view_trace_events && enable_trace_event_bytecode_rewriting
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "add_view_trace_events" ])
write_build_config(_build_config_target) {
type = "android_app_bundle"
possible_config_deps = _module_targets + [ _android_sdk_dep ]
build_config = _build_config
proguard_enabled = _proguard_enabled
module_build_configs = _module_build_configs
modules = _modules
if (_proguard_enabled) {
add_view_trace_events = _add_view_trace_events
proguard_mapping_path = _proguard_mapping_path
# Old name for variable, mark as not_needed while it is being renamed
# downstream. Remove after all references to baseline_profile_path have been
# changed.
not_needed(invoker, [ "baseline_profile_path" ])
_enable_art_profile_optimizations =
defined(invoker.art_profile_path) && _proguard_enabled
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations) {
_include_baseline_profile = enable_baseline_profiles
_enable_startup_profile = enable_startup_profiles
if (_include_baseline_profile) {
_obfuscated_art_profile =
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "art_profile_path" ])
if (_proguard_enabled) {
if (_add_view_trace_events) {
_trace_event_rewriter_target =
_rewritten_jar_target_name = "${target_name}__trace_event_rewritten"
_rewriter_path = root_build_dir + "/bin/helper/trace_event_adder"
_stamp = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.trace_event_rewrite.stamp"
action_with_pydeps(_rewritten_jar_target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/trace_event_bytecode_rewriter.py"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [ _stamp ]
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$_rewritten_jar_target_name.d"
args = [
rebase_path(_stamp, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_rewriter_path, root_build_dir),
deps = [
] + _module_java_targets
dex(_dex_target) {
if (defined(expected_proguard_config)) {
top_target_name = _target_name
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
add_view_trace_events = _add_view_trace_events
proguard_enabled = true
proguard_mapping_path = _proguard_mapping_path
build_config = _build_config
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations) {
input_art_profile = invoker.art_profile_path
if (_include_baseline_profile) {
output_art_profile = _obfuscated_art_profile
enable_startup_profile = _enable_startup_profile
deps = _module_java_targets + [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
if (_add_view_trace_events) {
deps += [ ":${_rewritten_jar_target_name}" ]
modules = _modules
# Must not be set via write_build_config, because that will cause it
# to be picked up by test apks that use apk_under_test.
_assertions_implicitly_enabled =
if (!_assertions_implicitly_enabled && !enable_java_asserts &&
(!defined(testonly) || !testonly) &&
# Injected JaCoCo code causes -checkdiscards to fail.
!use_jacoco_coverage) {
proguard_configs = [
_all_create_module_targets = []
_all_module_zip_paths = []
_all_module_build_configs = []
_all_module_unused_resources_deps = []
foreach(_module, _modules) {
_module_target = _module.module_target
_module_build_config = _module.build_config
_module_build_config_target = _module.build_config_target
if (!_proguard_enabled) {
_module_target_name = get_label_info(_module_target, "name")
_dex_target = "${_module_target_name}__final_dex"
_dex_path = "$target_out_dir/$_module_target_name/$_module_target_name.mergeddex.jar"
dex(_dex_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "custom_assertion_handler" ])
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
output = _dex_path
build_config = _build_config
# This will be a pure dex-merge.
input_dex_filearg = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:modules:${_module.name}:all_dex_files)"
enable_desugar = false
deps = [
_dex_target_for_module = ":$_dex_target"
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations && _include_baseline_profile) {
_module_target_name = get_label_info(_module_target, "name")
_binary_profile_target =
_binary_baseline_profile_path = "$target_out_dir/$_module_target_name/$_module_target_name.baseline.prof"
_binary_baseline_profile_metadata_path =
_binary_baseline_profile_path + "m"
create_binary_profile(_binary_profile_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)
binary_baseline_profile_path = _binary_baseline_profile_path
binary_baseline_profile_metadata_path =
build_config = _module_build_config
input_profile_path = _obfuscated_art_profile
deps = [
# Generate one module .zip file per bundle module.
# Important: the bundle tool uses the module's zip filename as
# the internal module name inside the final bundle, in other words,
# this file *must* be named ${_module.name}.zip
_create_module_target = "${_target_name}__${_module.name}__create"
_module_zip_path = "$target_out_dir/$target_name/${_module.name}.zip"
create_android_app_bundle_module(_create_module_target) {
module_name = _module.name
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
build_config = _module_build_config
module_zip_path = _module_zip_path
if (!_proguard_enabled) {
dex_path = _dex_path
# dex_path is read from the build_config in the proguard case.
if (module_name == "base" &&
defined(invoker.expected_libs_and_assets)) {
top_target_name = _target_name
build_config_target = _module_build_config_target
deps = [
if (_enable_art_profile_optimizations && _include_baseline_profile) {
# extra_assets is a list of ["{src_path}:{dst_path}"]
extra_assets = [
rebase_path(_binary_baseline_profile_path, root_build_dir) +
root_build_dir) + ":dexopt/baseline.profm",
deps += [ ":$_binary_profile_target" ]
_all_create_module_targets += [
_all_module_zip_paths += [ _module_zip_path ]
_all_module_build_configs += [ _module_build_config ]
_all_module_unused_resources_deps += [
_strip_unused_resources = defined(invoker.strip_unused_resources) &&
if (_strip_unused_resources) {
# Resources only live in the base module so we define the unused resources
# target only on the base module target.
_unused_resources_target = "${_base_target_name}__unused_resources"
_unused_resources_config =
_unused_resources_r_txt_out =
unused_resources(_unused_resources_target) {
deps = _all_module_unused_resources_deps
all_module_build_configs = _all_module_build_configs
build_config = _base_module_build_config
if (_proguard_enabled) {
proguard_mapping_path = _proguard_mapping_path
output_config = _unused_resources_config
output_r_txt = _unused_resources_r_txt_out
_unused_resources_final_path = "${_bundle_path}.unused_resources"
_copy_unused_resources_target =
copy(_copy_unused_resources_target) {
deps = [ ":$_unused_resources_target" ]
sources = [ _unused_resources_config ]
outputs = [ _unused_resources_final_path ]
_all_rebased_module_zip_paths =
rebase_path(_all_module_zip_paths, root_build_dir)
_enable_language_splits = defined(invoker.enable_language_splits) &&
_split_dimensions = []
if (_enable_language_splits) {
_split_dimensions += [ "language" ]
_keystore_path = android_keystore_path
_keystore_password = android_keystore_password
_keystore_name = android_keystore_name
if (defined(invoker.keystore_path)) {
_keystore_path = invoker.keystore_path
_keystore_password = invoker.keystore_password
_keystore_name = invoker.keystore_name
_rebased_keystore_path = rebase_path(_keystore_path, root_build_dir)
_bundle_target_name = "${_target_name}__bundle"
action_with_pydeps(_bundle_target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_app_bundle.py"
inputs = _all_module_zip_paths + _all_module_build_configs +
[ _BUNDLETOOL_JAR_PATH ] + java_paths_for_inputs
outputs = [ _bundle_path ]
deps = _all_create_module_targets + [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
args = [
if (_split_dimensions != []) {
args += [ "--split-dimensions=$_split_dimensions" ]
# Android P+ support loading from stored dex.
if (_min_sdk_version < 27) {
args += [ "--compress-dex" ]
if (defined(invoker.rotation_config)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.rotation_config, root_build_dir),
if (treat_warnings_as_errors) {
args += [ "--warnings-as-errors" ]
if (_enable_language_splits) {
args += [ "--base-allowlist-rtxt-path=@FileArg($_rebased_base_module_build_config:deps_info:base_allowlist_rtxt_path)" ]
if (_strip_unused_resources) {
# Use the stripped out rtxt file to set resources that are pinned to
# the default language split.
_rebased_unused_resources_r_txt_out =
rebase_path(_unused_resources_r_txt_out, root_build_dir)
inputs += [ _unused_resources_r_txt_out ]
deps += [ ":$_unused_resources_target" ]
args +=
[ "--base-module-rtxt-path=$_rebased_unused_resources_r_txt_out" ]
} else {
args += [ "--base-module-rtxt-path=@FileArg($_rebased_base_module_build_config:deps_info:r_text_path)" ]
if (defined(invoker.validate_services) && invoker.validate_services) {
args += [ "--validate-services" ]
foreach(_module, _modules) {
_rebased_build_config =
rebase_path(_module.build_config, root_build_dir)
args += [
"--uncompressed-assets=@FileArg(" +
"--rtxt-in-paths=@FileArg(" +
"--pathmap-in-paths=@FileArg(" +
"--module-name=" + _module.name,
# http://crbug.com/725224. Fix for bots running out of memory.
if (defined(java_cmd_pool_size)) {
pool = "//build/config/android:java_cmd_pool($default_toolchain)"
} else {
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
# Create size info files for targets that care about size
# (have proguard enabled).
if (_proguard_enabled) {
# Merge all module targets to obtain size info files for all targets.
_all_module_targets = _module_targets
_size_info_target = "${_target_name}__size_info"
create_size_info_files(_size_info_target) {
name = "$_bundle_name.aab"
deps = _all_module_targets + [ ":$_build_config_target" ]
module_build_configs = _all_module_build_configs
if (_uses_static_library) {
_install_artifacts_target = "${target_name}__install_artifacts"
_install_artifacts_json =
generated_file(_install_artifacts_target) {
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ invoker.static_library_provider ]
outputs = [ _install_artifacts_json ]
data_keys = [ "install_artifacts" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
# Generate a wrapper script for the bundle.
_android_aapt2_path = android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2
_bundle_apks_path = "$_bundle_base_path/$_bundle_name.apks"
_bundle_wrapper_script_dir = "$root_build_dir/bin"
_bundle_wrapper_script_path = "$_bundle_wrapper_script_dir/$_target_name"
action_with_pydeps("${_target_name}__wrapper_script") {
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_bundle_wrapper_script.py"
inputs = [ _base_module_build_config ]
outputs = [ _bundle_wrapper_script_path ]
# Telemetry for bundles uses the wrapper script for installation.
data = [
data_deps = [
deps = [ _base_module_build_config_target ]
args = [
rebase_path(_bundle_wrapper_script_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_android_aapt2_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_bundle_apks_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.default_modules_for_testing)) {
args += [ "--default-modules" ] + invoker.default_modules_for_testing
if (defined(invoker.system_image_locale_allowlist)) {
args += [
if (defined(invoker.command_line_flags_file)) {
args += [
if (_uses_static_library) {
deps += [ ":$_install_artifacts_target" ]
_rebased_install_artifacts_json =
rebase_path(_install_artifacts_json, root_build_dir)
_static_library_apk_path =
args += [
if (_proguard_enabled) {
args += [
rebase_path(_proguard_mapping_path, root_build_dir),
# Required by logcat command.
data_deps += [ "//build/android/stacktrace:java_deobfuscate" ]
data += [ _proguard_mapping_path ]
if (is_official_build) {
args += [ "--is-official-build" ]
_enable_lint = defined(invoker.enable_lint) && invoker.enable_lint &&
if (_enable_lint) {
android_lint("${target_name}__lint") {
build_config = _build_config
build_config_dep = ":$_build_config_target"
deps = _module_java_targets
if (defined(invoker.lint_suppressions_dep)) {
deps += [ invoker.lint_suppressions_dep ]
if (defined(invoker.lint_min_sdk_version)) {
min_sdk_version = invoker.lint_min_sdk_version
} else {
min_sdk_version = _min_sdk_version
} else {
group(_target_name) {
public_deps = [
if (defined(_size_info_target)) {
public_deps += [ ":$_size_info_target" ]
if (_enable_lint) {
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = []
data_deps += [ ":${target_name}__lint" ]
_apks_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/$_bundle_name.apks"
action_with_pydeps("${_target_name}_apks") {
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_app_bundle_apks.py"
inputs = java_paths_for_inputs + [
outputs = [ _apks_path ]
data = [ _apks_path ]
args = [
rebase_path(_apks_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_keystore_path, root_build_dir),
if (debuggable_apks) {
args += [ "--local-testing" ]
deps = [ ":$_bundle_target_name" ]
metadata = {
install_artifacts = [ _apks_path ]
if (defined(invoker.static_library_provider)) {
install_artifacts_barrier = []
# http://crbug.com/725224. Fix for bots running out of memory.
if (defined(java_cmd_pool_size)) {
pool = "//build/config/android:java_cmd_pool($default_toolchain)"
} else {
pool = "//build/toolchain:link_pool($default_toolchain)"
# Create an .apks file from an .aab file. The .apks file will contain the
# minimal set of .apk files needed for tracking binary size.
# The file will be created at "$bundle_path_without_extension.minimal.apks".
# Variables:
# bundle_path: Path to the input .aab file.
# Example:
# create_app_bundle_minimal_apks("minimal_apks") {
# deps = [
# ":bundle_target",
# ]
# bundle_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/Bundle.aab"
# }
template("create_app_bundle_minimal_apks") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "deps" ])
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_app_bundle_apks.py"
_dir = get_path_info(invoker.bundle_path, "dir")
_name = get_path_info(invoker.bundle_path, "name")
_output_path = "$_dir/$_name.minimal.apks"
outputs = [ _output_path ]
inputs = [ invoker.bundle_path ] + java_paths_for_inputs
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.bundle_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_output_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_keystore_path, root_build_dir),
template("alias_with_wrapper_script") {
copy(target_name) {
_aliased_wrapper_script_name =
get_label_info(invoker.alias_target, "name")
_aliased_wrapper_script =
sources = [ _aliased_wrapper_script ]
deps = [ invoker.alias_target ]
_output_path = "$root_build_dir/bin/$target_name"
outputs = [ _output_path ]
# Generate an Android resources target that contains localized strings
# describing the current locale used by the Android framework to display
# UI strings. These are used by
# org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeLocalizationUtils.
# Variables:
# ui_locales: List of Chromium locale names to generate resources for.
template("generate_ui_locale_resources") {
_generating_target_name = "${target_name}__generate"
_rebased_output_zip_path = rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_gen_dir)
_output_zip = "${root_out_dir}/resource_zips/${_rebased_output_zip_path}/" +
action_with_pydeps(_generating_target_name) {
script = "//build/android/gyp/create_ui_locale_resources.py"
outputs = [ _output_zip ]
args = [
rebase_path(_output_zip, root_build_dir),
android_generated_resources(target_name) {
generating_target = ":$_generating_target_name"
generated_resources_zip = _output_zip