
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# Creates a stub .apk suitable for use with compressed system APKs.
# Variables:
#   package_name: Package name to use for the stub.
#   version_code: Version code for the stub.
#   version_name: Version name for the stub.
#   package_info_from_target: Use the package name and version_code from this
#       apk/bundle target.
#   static_library_name: For static library apks, name for the <static-library>.
#   static_library_version: For static library apks, version for the
#       <static-library> tag (for TrichromeLibrary, we set this to be the same
#       as the package's version_code)
#   stub_output: Path to output stub apk (default: do not create a stub).
# package_name and package_info_from_target are mutually exclusive.
template("system_image_stub_apk") {
  # Android requires stubs end with -Stub.apk.
  assert(filter_exclude([ invoker.stub_output ], [ "*-Stub.apk" ]) == [],
         "stub_output \"${invoker.stub_output}\" must end with \"-Stub.apk\"")

  _resource_apk_path = "${target_out_dir}/$target_name.ap_"
  _resource_apk_target_name = "${target_name}__compile_resources"

  _manifest_target_name = "${target_name}__manifest"
  _manifest_path = "$target_gen_dir/$_manifest_target_name.xml"
  action("$_manifest_target_name") {
    outputs = [ _manifest_path ]
    script = "//build/android/gyp/"
    args = [
      rebase_path(_manifest_path, root_build_dir),
    if (defined(invoker.static_library_name)) {
      args += [

      # TODO( Make static_library_version mandatory.
      if (defined(invoker.static_library_version)) {
        args += [
      } else {
        args += [ "--static-library-version=1" ]

  _target_sdk_version = default_android_sdk_version
  if (defined(invoker.override_target_sdk)) {
    _target_sdk_version = invoker.override_target_sdk

  action_with_pydeps(_resource_apk_target_name) {
    script = "//build/android/gyp/"
    inputs = [

      # TODO(b/315080809#comment4): remove these files after fixing
      # build/
    outputs = [ _resource_apk_path ]
    args = [
      rebase_path(android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2, root_build_dir),
      rebase_path(_manifest_path, root_build_dir),
      rebase_path(_resource_apk_path, root_build_dir),
    deps = [ ":$_manifest_target_name" ]
    if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
      _package_name = invoker.package_name
      _version_code = invoker.version_code
      _version_name = invoker.version_name

      # TODO( Make static_library_version mandatory.
      if (defined(invoker.static_library_version)) {
        assert(invoker.static_library_version == _version_code,
               "$invoker.static_library_version must equal $_version_code.")
    } else {
      _target = invoker.package_info_from_target
      deps += [ "${_target}$build_config_target_suffix" ]
      _build_config = get_label_info(_target, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
                      get_label_info(_target, "name") + ".build_config.json"
      inputs += [ _build_config ]
      _rebased_build_config = rebase_path(_build_config, root_build_dir)
      _package_name = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:package_name)"
      _version_code = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:version_code)"
      _version_name = "@FileArg($_rebased_build_config:deps_info:version_name)"

      # TODO( Make static_library_version mandatory.
      # Pass this through to ensure that the version code in the build config is
      # the same as the static library version.
      if (defined(invoker.static_library_version)) {
        args += [

    args += [
      rebase_path(android_sdk_jar, root_build_dir),

  package_apk(target_name) {
    min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
    deps = [ ":$_resource_apk_target_name" ]

    packaged_resources_path = _resource_apk_path
    output_apk_path = invoker.stub_output

# Generates artifacts for system APKs.
# Variables:
#   apk_or_bundle_target: Target that creates input bundle or apk.
#   input_apk_or_bundle: Path to input .apk or .aab.
#   static_library_name: For static library apks, name for the <static-library>.
#   static_library_version: For static library apks, version for the
#       <static-library> tag (for TrichromeLibrary, we set this to be the same
#       as the package's version_code)
#   output: Path to the output system .apk or .zip.
#   fuse_apk: Fuse all apk splits into a single .apk (default: false).
#   stub_output: Path to output stub apk (default: do not create a stub).
template("system_image_apks") {
  if (defined(invoker.stub_output)) {
    _stub_apk_target_name = "${target_name}__stub"
    system_image_stub_apk(_stub_apk_target_name) {
      package_info_from_target = invoker.apk_or_bundle_target
      stub_output = invoker.stub_output

  action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
    script = "//build/android/gyp/"
    deps = [ invoker.apk_or_bundle_target ]
    inputs = [ invoker.input_apk_or_bundle ]
    if (defined(invoker.stub_output)) {
      public_deps = [ ":$_stub_apk_target_name" ]
    outputs = [ invoker.output ]
    args = [
      rebase_path(invoker.input_apk_or_bundle, root_out_dir),
      rebase_path(invoker.output, root_out_dir),

    _is_bundle =
        filter_exclude([ invoker.input_apk_or_bundle ], [ "*.aab" ]) == []

    if (_is_bundle) {
      _wrapper_path = "$root_out_dir/bin/" +
                      get_label_info(invoker.apk_or_bundle_target, "name")
      args += [
        rebase_path(_wrapper_path, root_out_dir),
      inputs += [ _wrapper_path ]
      deps += [ "//build/android:apk_operations_py" ]
      if (defined(invoker.fuse_apk) && invoker.fuse_apk) {
        args += [ "--fuse-apk" ]