
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/table_view/cells/table_view_link_header_footer_item.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/table_view/legacy_chrome_table_view_controller.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/settings/settings_root_view_controlling.h"

// SettingsRootTableViewController is a base class for integrating UITableViews
// into the Settings UI. This class is made to be subclassed and contains the
// logic to handle the most common user interactions (edit, delete...).
@interface SettingsRootTableViewController
    : LegacyChromeTableViewController <SettingsRootViewControlling,

// Delete button for the toolbar.
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIBarButtonItem* deleteButton;

// Custom left button for the toolbar.
// Return a non nil value to provide a custom button displayed on the left
// side of the toolbar. Default is nil.
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIBarButtonItem* customLeftToolbarButton;

// Custom right button for the toolbar.
// Return a non nil value to provide a custom button displayed on the right
// side of the toolbar. Default is nil.
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly)
    UIBarButtonItem* customRightToolbarButton;

// Back button on navigation panel. This is used to store back button while it
// is replaced with Cancel during editing.
@property(nonatomic, strong) UIBarButtonItem* backButtonItem;

// Whether this table view controller should hide the "Done" button (the right
// navigation bar button). Default is NO.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldHideDoneButton;

// Whether this table view controller should hide the "Done" button (the right
// navigation bar button) on edit. Default is NO.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldDisableDoneButtonOnEdit;

// Whether this table view controller should show the "Delete" button in the
// toolbar(bottom left) in edit mode. Default is YES. Set in `viewDidLoad`.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldShowDeleteButtonInToolbar;

// Updates the edit or done button to reflect editing state.  If the
// tableView is not in edit mode (and thus showing the 'Done' button) it is
// using shouldHideDoneButton to know if it should display the edit button.
// TODO( This method should probably be called from the
// setEditing:animated: method instead of being manually triggered.
- (void)updateUIForEditState;

// Updates the buttons in the toolbar to reflect its editing state.
// If `customLeftToolbarButton` or `customRightToolbarButton` are non nil, they
// are displayed on the toolbar. In the absence of custom buttons and in edit
// state, the left end shows the Delete button and the right end shows Done. In
// no edit state and no custom buttons, the edit button is displayed on the
// right end.
- (void)updatedToolbarForEditState;

// Reloads the table view model with `loadModel` and then reloads the
// table view data.
- (void)reloadData;

// Configures the handlers on another root table view controller, copying them
// from the receiver.
- (void)configureHandlersForRootViewController:


// Subclasses of SettingsRootTableViewController should implement the
// following methods to customize the behavior.
@interface SettingsRootTableViewController (Subclassing)

// Returns YES. Subclasses should overload this if a toolbar is required.
- (BOOL)shouldHideToolbar;

// Returns NO.  Subclasses should overload this if an edit button is required.
- (BOOL)shouldShowEditButton;

// Returns NO.  Subclasses should overload this if the edit button should be
// enabled.
- (BOOL)editButtonEnabled;

// Returns YES by default. Subclasses should overload this if the edit done
// button should be shown.
- (BOOL)shouldShowEditDoneButton;

// Notifies the view controller that the edit button has been tapped. If you
// override this method, you must call -[super editButtonPressed] at some point
// in your implementation.
// Note that this method calls -[self setEditing:] in order to change the
// editing mode of this controller.
- (void)editButtonPressed;

// Returns NO. Subclasses should overload this if the cancel button should be
// shown during editing.
- (BOOL)showCancelDuringEditing;

// Called when this ViewController toolbar's delete item has been tapped.
// `indexPaths` is the index paths of the currently selected item to be deleted.
// Default implementation removes the items.
- (void)deleteItems:(NSArray<NSIndexPath*>*)indexPaths;

// Prevents user interaction until `-allowUserInteraction` is called by doing
// the following:
// * Disables user interaction with the navigation bar.
// * Replaces the done button with an activity indicator.
// * Covers the TableView with a transparent veil.
- (void)preventUserInteraction;

// Allows user interaction:
// * Enables user interaction with the navigation bar.
// * Restores the done button.
// * Removes the transparent veil.
- (void)allowUserInteraction;

// Called when the add button in the toolbar is pressed. Subclasses must
// override this method if `shouldShowAddButtonInToolbar` is set to YES.
- (void)addButtonCallback;
