// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <utility>
#import "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/affiliated_group.h"
#import "components/password_manager/core/browser/ui/credential_ui_entry.h"
@protocol ReauthenticationProtocol;
@protocol SuccessfulReauthTimeAccessor;
namespace password_manager {
// Returns the title and the message for the password alert from an array of
// `origins`. `first`: title and `second`: message.
std::pair<NSString*, NSString*> GetPasswordAlertTitleAndMessageForOrigins(
NSArray<NSString*>* origins);
// Creates the module containing the reauthentication mechanism for interactions
// with passwords.
id<ReauthenticationProtocol> BuildReauthenticationModule(
id<SuccessfulReauthTimeAccessor> successfulReauthTimeAccessor = nullptr);
// Returns whether any of the affiliated domains of the given credential
// contains the given search term. Expects search term to be in lowercase.
bool MatchCredentialForTerm(const CredentialUIEntry& credential,
const std::string& search_term);
// Returns whether branding info or any of the credential groups of the given
// affiliated group matches the given search term. Expects search term to be in
// lowercase.
bool MatchAffiliatedGroupsForTerm(const AffiliatedGroup& affiliated_group,
const std::string& search_term);
} // namespace password_manager