// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The tab strip has two types of items: tabs and groups.
// This should only be used in Objective-C, as Swift code can use enum
// `TabStripItemIdentifier.Item` instead.
@objc enum TabStripItemType: Int {
case tab
case group
// Represents tab strip items in a diffable data source. TabStripItemIdentifier
// equality is based on the type and the potential item's properties. This means
// that two different TabStripItemIdentifier-s can be equal (via -isEqual:) and
// share the same -hash. Different items though won't be equal and will likely
// have different hashes (the hashing for tabs is based on NSNumber's hashing,
// which prevents consecutive identifiers to have consecutive hash values, while
// the hashing for groups is based on NSValue's hashing of the TabGroup
// pointer).
@objc class TabStripItemIdentifier: NSObject, NSCopying {
// Item this identifier is referring to.
// Since a tab strip item can either be a tab (represented by `TabSwitcherItem`)
// or a group (represented by `TabGroupItem`), a tab strip item is represented
// by the sum of these two types i.e. Item = TabSwitcherItem + TabGroupItem.
// In Swift, sum types are enumerations with associated values, which are not
// visible from Objective-C code, hence the need for `TabStripItemType`.
enum Item: Hashable {
case tab(TabSwitcherItem)
case group(TabGroupItem)
// Item this identifier is referring to, either a `.tab(_)` or a `.group(_)`.
public let item: Item
// Hash of the item.
private let itemHash: Int
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(_ tabSwitcherItem: TabSwitcherItem) {
self.item = .tab(tabSwitcherItem)
self.itemHash = Int(GetHashForTabSwitcherItem(tabSwitcherItem))
public init(_ tabGroupItem: TabGroupItem) {
self.item = .group(tabGroupItem)
self.itemHash = Int(GetHashForTabGroupItem(tabGroupItem))
public convenience init?(_ tabSwitcherItem: TabSwitcherItem?) {
guard let tabSwitcherItem = tabSwitcherItem else { return nil }
public convenience init?(_ tabGroupItem: TabGroupItem?) {
guard let tabGroupItem = tabGroupItem else { return nil }
// MARK: - NSObject
// TODO(crbug.com/329073651): Refactor -hash and -isEqual.
public override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let object = object as? TabStripItemIdentifier else {
return false
switch (item, object.item) {
case (.tab(let lhs), .tab(let rhs)):
return CompareTabSwitcherItems(lhs, rhs)
case (.group(let lhs), .group(let rhs)):
return CompareTabGroupItems(lhs, rhs)
return false
// TODO(crbug.com/329073651): Refactor -hash and -isEqual.
public override var hash: Int {
return itemHash
public override var description: String {
switch item {
case .tab(let tabSwitcherItem):
return tabSwitcherItem.description
case .group(let tabGroupItem):
return tabGroupItem.description
// MARK: - NSCopying
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
switch item {
case .tab(let tabSwitcherItem):
return TabStripItemIdentifier(tabSwitcherItem)
case .group(let tabGroupItem):
return TabStripItemIdentifier(tabGroupItem)
// MARK: - Objective-C interface
// Factory method to create an identifier for a `TabSwitcherItem`.
@objc public static func tabIdentifier(_ tabSwitcherItem: TabSwitcherItem?)
-> TabStripItemIdentifier?
return TabStripItemIdentifier(tabSwitcherItem)
// Factory method to create an identifier for a `TabGroupItem`.
@objc public static func groupIdentifier(_ tabGroupItem: TabGroupItem?) -> TabStripItemIdentifier?
return TabStripItemIdentifier(tabGroupItem)
// Only valid when `itemType`` is `TabStripItemTypeTab`.
@objc public var tabSwitcherItem: TabSwitcherItem? {
switch item {
case .tab(let tabSwitcherItem):
return tabSwitcherItem
case .group(_):
return nil
// Only valid when `itemType`` is `TabStripItemTypeGroup`.
@objc public var tabGroupItem: TabGroupItem? {
switch item {
case .tab(_):
return nil
case .group(let tabGroupItem):
return tabGroupItem
// The type of tab strip item this identifier is referring to.
@objc public var itemType: TabStripItemType {
switch item {
case .tab(_):
return .tab
case .group(_):
return .group